Friday, June 24, 2011

Shad Adhwa Shodhan(Meditation)


(One must do correct chanting of all the Varnas/syllables for getting exact location of different petals;Knowledge of Ujjai and Ashwini mudra helpful.)

     There is no WORD without a meaning and no MEANING without a word. Nature has two outcomes, A. Experience of WORD, B. Experience of MEANING. These two are called forms of Shiva and Shakti. Knowers have represented WORD by three different states of Gross, Subtle and Para, as shown below:

Whatever can be heard by our ears is called Gross.

Whatever we can think of is called Subtle.

Whatever is beyond our capacity of thinking is called Para

     This alone is Shiv tattva based form of Shakti. It is also called as Kundlini. This is also known as Vishudh Adhwa Para Maya. Though it is beyond division, yet it has been divided into six divisions for understanding. Out of these, 3 come under WORD and 3 come under MEANING.

A.WORD form: Mantradwa1, Padadhwa2, Varnadhwa3.

B.MEANING: Bhuvnadnwa4, Tattvadhwa5, Kaladhwa6.

     All mantras are made of Pada since they are in the form of sentences. All padas are made of Varnas(letters). Varnas exist in Bhuvnas, which in turn come out of tattvas. Out of various bhuvnas some have been mentioned in Puranas(18 scriptures) and while some have been explained in Shaivagams(scriptures of Shiv). All tattvas are made of kalas. Para prakriti at its earliest state of manifestation was in the form of 5 kalas which down the line generated five elements(tattva) out of it. Shakti to EARTH element all the things developed from Shiv. Whatever is received from Shad Adhwa, is Shiv dhram. By purification of five tattva one reaches Vyapika and Avyapika shakti forms. With Nivritti kala, purification is achieved upto Rudraloka through Cosmic creation(Brahmand). Purification of Pratishtha kala leads one to the boundary of unsaid(avayakt) realm. Vidya kala cleans the space upto the realm of Vidyehwars. Shanti kala purifies space beyond Vidyeshwar while Shantyateet kala purifies upto Mahashunya or Paramvyom.
     Though Shiv and Shakti are generally seen as cause and effect but in  reality there is no difference between the two. Shiv ALONE is established in both the forms.


     Sit in a meditative posture or lie down in a comfortable position and REMEMBER( one’s guru etc.). Breath in through nose and exhale through mouth five times, thus sending out all the tiredness and breathing in freshness. Observe your breath for some time and relax all the body parts from feet to your head in the following sequence:

     Relax all joints and all muscles. Relax breathing system, Digestive system, Excretory system, Circulatory system and Nervous system. Adjust your body in most comfortable position.

     Relax left foot, right foot; left Ankle, rt.Ankle; left Shin, rt.shin; left calf muscle,rt. calf muscle;left knee, right knee; left Thigh, rt.Thigh; left Groin, rt.Groin; left Hip, Rt.Hip; Anus; organs of urination and procreation; Intestines; lower abdomen; lower Back; navel and waist, middle back; left side of the chest, right side of the chest; upper Back with left shoulder blade and right shoulder blade; Complete rib cage; left shoulder, right shoulder; left upper arm, right upper arm; left elbow, right elbow; left forearm, right forearm; left wrist, right wrist; left palm, right palm; left thumb, rt. thumb; left fore finger, right fore finger; left middle finger, right middle finger; left Ring finger, right ring finger; left small finger, right small finger; back of the left hand, back of the right hand; complete left hand, complete right hand, left wrist, right wrist;Left forearm, right forearm; left elbow, right elbow; left upper arm, right upper arm; left shoulder, right shoulder; left collar, right collar; neck- skin around the neck, muscles and fibers in the neck, veins and arteries in the neck, vertebral column in the neck, spine in the neck; back of the head, top of the head, forehead; left ear, right ear; Lower jaw;lower lip, upper lip; lower gums, upper gums; hard palat, soft palat; Uvula; throat, Trachea, left lung, right lung. left nasal passage, right nasal passage, partition between the two, complete nose; left cheek, right sheek; lower eye lids, upper eye lids; eyebrows, space between the brows; complete forehead; Scalp; skull;brain-left half, right half, front half, rear half, upper half, lower half, circumference, middle of the brain. Medulla, Pons(upper part of spine below medulla), spine. Whole of the vertebral column from Cervical, to Dorsal to Lumber spine, Sacrum and Coccyx.

     Whole physical body relaxed, Observe your breath. Both left and right nasal passages will be flowing equally now, meaning we are in shunya nadi or Madhya Nadi. This is an indication of opening of Sushumana.

PART II – Neutralizing of 5 senses of perception and 5 sense of action.


     Chant LAM beej ten times and locate the MOOLADHAR chakra(fig.1/P.117). Five times breath in and out of it for its purification. Chanting VAM, SHAM, SHHAM, SAM varnas ten times each & locate the petals of the lotus. Move inwards to the central square of EARTH element which is yellow in colour. In the middle of it locate downward pointing red triangle, at the corners of which are the three beejas AIM, HRIM and SHRIM representing Maha Saraswati, Maha Kali and Maha Luxmi. In the cerntral bindu of this triangle is the SWAYAMBHU lingam around which is coiled KUNDLINI shakti in the form of a baby snake in three and a half coils, where three coils represent Satva, Rajas and Tamas while the fourth half coil represents Turiya state.

     Chanting LAM beej, raise the coiled energy with UJJAI so that it leaves its coil and starts turning in to a straight line. When it converts into a straight line, it is called SHAKTI. Rotating this energy in CLOCKWISE direction over the petals, the inherent energy of the petals is sucked up by it and it becomes more powerful to continue its upward ascent. Lotus becomes empty. Thus Kundlini leaves the first realm of BHU lok, its mantras, its pada and the element and moves through Sushumana, to pierce the second lotus of Swadhishthan from below.


     Chant VAM beej ten times and locate the Swadhishthan chakra(fig.2/P.117). Breath in and out through it five times. Chant BAM, BHAM, MAM,YAM,RAM and LAM, ten times each and locate the petals of the above lotus(chakra).  Move inwards in to the space of WATER element, an ocean with reflection of moon in it. Chanting VAM beej, rotate the energy coming from below over the six petals in clockwise direction assimilating their energy also, raise with it UJAAI. Thus Kundlini becomes more powerful to ascend in to the upper realm. Thus all the petals become empty as the kundlini leaves BHUVAR lok, its mantras, its pada and the element, to pierce the lotus above traveling through Sushumana. 


     It pierces the MANIPUR chakra from below(fig.3/P.117). Chant RAM beej ten times, thus locate the chakra position. Breath in and out of the chakra five times. Chant DDAM, DDHAM,ANAM, TAM, THAM, DAM, DHAM, NAM, PAM, FAM, ten times each. Thus locate all the petals of the chakra. Rotate the energy in clockwise direction over the petals and gather all of their energies and making the kundlini more powerful to continue her upward ascent with UJJAI. In turn, lotus gets empty and kundlini leaves the realm of SWAH lok, its mantras, its pada and the element, to pierce the lotus above traveling through Sushumana. Thus entering the 4th chakra of  ANAHAT below.


     Chant YAM beej ten times and locate ANAHAT chakra(fig.4/P.117). Breath five times in and out of it. Chant KAM, KHAM, GAM, GHAM, ANG, CHAM, CHHAM, JAM, JHAM, ANN, TAM,TTHAM, ten times each and locate the position of the petals of above chakra in our body. With VAM beej rotate the kundlini shakti over all the petals and gather them in her fold to become more powerful to continue its further ascent with UJJAI. Thus petals become empty of the shaktis and kundlini leaves the realm of MAHA lok, its mantras, its pada and the element, to pierce the lotus above traveling through Sushumana. Thus pierce the VISHUDHI from below. 


     Chant HAM beej ten times and locate position of VISHUDHI chakra(fig.5/P.117). Breath five times through it. Chant AM, AAM, IM, EEM, UM, OOM, RIM, REEM, LRIM, LREEM, AIM, AIIM, ON, AUN, AN, AAH, ten times each and locate all the petals of the chakra in the body. Move the energy in clockwise direction over the petals and thus gather all of them in to its fold to continue its upward journey with UJJAI. Kundlini moves up, thus chakra petals become empty and so does JANA lok, its mantras, its pada and the element, to pierce the lotus above traveling through Sushumana.  Thus pierce the AGYA chakra from below.


     Chant OM beej ten times and locate AGYA chakra/lotus in our body(fig.6/P.117). Breath five times through it. Chant HAM and KSHAM ten times each and locate the position of the petals in it. Rotate the energy with OM beej clockwise over the petals and suck them up in to its fold to gain more power and continue upward ascent with more resolve with the help of UJJAI. Thus the lotus becomes empty and kundlini leaves the realm of TAPA lok, its mantras, its pada and the element, to pierce the BINDU above traveling through Sushumana.


     Bindu is the gate way to the inner realm. Below it is THIS world and beyond it is THAT world. This is the final point of an ASHTANG practioner as Kaivalya or Samadhi is achieved here. But for a YOGI this is the first step as his sadhana starts from here, where sadhana of all others finish. Here, matra of mind is ONE. More the matra more the instability of mind, lesser the matra more the stability of the mind. The moment we pierce it matra of mind becomes HALF(1/2).

     The practitioner who transcended the five elements earlier below, faces them once again in the form of more subtle tattvas. These five elements encircle the bindu so as to thwart the upward movement of the soul to enter the inner realm. As purpose of the PRAKRITI is to create but his opposite journey is towards NIRVAN, hence MAYA creates obstructions on this reverse path till one is qualified for it. Through the circle of EARTH, to WATER, to FIRE, to AIR and to SPACE, one land at the BINDU. This movement is extremely difficult and no ordinary soul can ever enter it. Only yogis enter this gateway and cross it. Below it is the field of karma because one can move up through ones effort but from here on, effect of karma keeps on decreasing while the effect of KRAIPA or GRACE keeps on increasing, as one travels upwards.

     After this one reaches FIRST SHUNYA. One should wait for a moment in this level of consciousness before starting further upward journey.


     After piercing the BINDU and passing through first shunya one reaches ARDH CHANDRA, also called HALF MOON. Here one perceives LIGHT. This light is just reflection of effulgence of higher shaktis sitting in Sahasrar. Matra of the mind becomes 1/4 here. Raise the energy higher into the upper realm of NIRODHIKA by piercing it from below.


     One enters in to the triangular form of NIRODHIKA. As kundlini comes up, GURU PADUKA are presented to the soul in its upward journey. Here time and space both become one. Pran and mind are not felt much. Here matra of the mind becomes still less in value to 1/8. Do the poojan of guru here and seeking his blessings one should continue ones upward ascent.
Thus one reaches another state of SECOND SHUNYA. Stay for some moments in it and then move up.


     After this comes NAAD. Till this point a sadhak can not hear anything from within. But now he starts listening to various sounds. Idea here is to listen to a sound and not get attached to it but try to listen to the one more subtle to it. This way a sadhak moves from one NAAD to another and thus transcends all the NINE NAADS. Before this stage, when one was not able to hear any inner sound, one was in ignorant stage. But when he starts hearing the sounds, it means he is awake to the Naad. Here matra of mind is 1/16. Subtle SMASHTI ends here.


     After the cacophony of NINE NAADs, they disappear once again and sadhak can not hear anything. But this state is not like earlier state of ignorance but of is knowing. It means one has transcended all the sounds and did not get attached to any.  Here matra of mind is 1/32. Raise the energy higher.
     After NAADANT one enters THIRD SHUNYA. Stay for a moment here before commencing the upward journey.


     Here all the MATRIKA shaktis/mantra devtas are sitting circling the RASESHWAR SHIV in twenty circles of 50 shaktis each making it 20x50=1000 petals of this lotus. Thus kundlini with the help of all the matrika shaktis of lower chakras enters in to this lotus and approaches eight armed RASESHWAR Shiv in the middle, where he is sitting in cross legged position, wearing rudraksh malas, loin cloth, jata joot, snakes around his neck on a white eight petaled lotus floating in a white pool of NECTAR. He is holding four golden pots, filling them up from the pond and overturning them over his own head. Thus he is doing his own ABHISHEK with nectar. Shakti embraces the LORD and also drinks THAT nectar. Get satiated with it and distributes it to all the matrikas which accompanied her and to all the mantra devtas present around the Raseshwar. Bow down to the lotus feet of the LORD and seeking their blessing, continue the upward journey.

PART IV- Realm of Shakti.


     Raise the energy up through Sahasrar and enter the realm of Shhakti. It is an ANASHRIT BHUV i.e it is not based upon anything else. Here Matra of the mind is 1 / 64. This realm is guarded by four different shaktis, namely Ananta, Anatha, Vyapini, Vyomatmika. Without grace, one can not enter this realm. Ones karmas alone can not get one in to this realm. One gets embued with Shakti tattva in this Bhuvan of Shakti.


     Vyapini is actually center of the Shakti bhuvan. Sakaar and Nirakaar both finish here. Though it is present as a kala in the center of the Shakti tattva only but still both are different. Here matra of mind gets further reduced to 1/128. It is experienced in TVAKSHESH i.e Scalp. It is also experienced as Shunya.

Raise consciousness higher from here and arrive at the 4th SHUNYA.


     Leaving the space of 4th Shunya and rising higher one enters the realm of SAMANA. In physical body it is experienced in TVAK SHEHS i.e at the point of Shikha. Here mind gets more subtle and is represented by 1/256 matra. It is also called KRISHAN CHATURDASHI and is represented by symbol “ : “.


     Rising up through SAMANA enter the realm of UNMANI. As per Yogis matra of mind becomes 1/512 and is considered negligible. Though mind is not felt here but still we can not say that it has become totally eliminated. Thus though it is a state of NO MIND but still MIND is there. Its location is in the Shikha. This is also known as AMAVASYA. Here a yogi has to wait to go to the other side as his karmas get completely exhausted here and he has to wait for the Mahakripa to descend and take him to the other side. It is like sitting at one bank of the river and waiting for the boat to come to take one across. It is represented by a vertical line on a bindu.After this one enters 5th SHUNYA. Wait for some moments here and then again proceed on upward ascent.


     Thus one enters in to Mahabindu realm. Here Shiva and shakti coexist in ONENESS. Shiv is called Parmeshwar and Shakti is called Parmeshwari. Parmeshwar is known as the 16th kala
or Amakala while Parmeshwari is known as Panchdashi.


     Between Mahabindu and Mahashunya is the Mahakaran Sharir of Srishti. Here five kalas are experienced in the form of five faced Shiva.Shantyateet kala is ISHAN(white in colour like a crystal), who represents subtlest tattva of Ether(space); Shanti kala is TATPURUSH(yellow in colour), who represents subtlest form of Air element; Vidya kala is SADYOJAAT(White steel colour), who represents subtlest form of Earth element; Nivritti kala is AGHOR(Black in colour),  who represents Fire element in its subtlest form; Pratishtha kala is VAMDEV( Red in colour), who represents Water element in its subtlest form. Within these five faces of Shiva is the subtle triangle of Vishva Yoni( womb of creation) where mahabindu is located surrounded by subtle shaktis in the form of Raudri, Jyeshtha, Vama and Ambika which issue from the Prakash ansh while Kriya, Gyan, Iccha and shanta issue from the Vimarsh ansh of the Mahashunya. As one goes deeper, then five kala are neutralized or transcended and then one also transcends the Prakash and Vimarsh also to land in to the exclusive state of Mahashunya. Prakash is the great intelligence and Vimarsh is the shakti to feel(anubhav) it or experience it. It is totally meaning less to even talk of ONENESS in this realm, what to say of duality in the form of Shiva and Shakti, as one reaches PARAM MAUN. Stay in this state of Param maun or complete silence for some time.

     Now the return journey starts. From the state of Param maun in Mahashunya feel the spandan(vibration) of Prakash and Vimarsh. Each of the two issue four-four shaktis in the form of Ambika, Vama, Jyeshtha, Raudri(from Prakash) and Shanta, Iccha, Gyan and Kriya(from Vimarsh). These two pairs of 4 shaktis each interact with each other to form a downward pointing triangle of VISHV YONI (Cosmic womb). This vishwa yoni has got three apexes and one center. All the varnas of matrika are located in subtle form in this cosmic womb. This womb is guarded from all sides by five kalaas of Shiv namely Nivritti, Pratishtha, Vidya, Shanti/Shakti and Shantyateet respectively. All these comprise five faces of Panch Vaktra Shiv.

     Center of the Vishwa yoni is called Mahabindu. Descend from the Mahabindu into flow of BRAHM or creation. One reaches in to the folds of UNMANI where the matra of mind is 1/512. Then UNMANI takes the yogi back downwards across the ocean of world and leaves him in the lap of SAMANA, where mind starts expanding and reaches a state of 1/256. From Samana descend further into the state of grosser mind into VYAPINI where matra of mind becomes 1/128. Now one has reaches in to the middle of Shakti place. Slowly come out of the PALACE of SHAKTI following one of its gates and where mind develops further and its grossness is shown by 1/64 matra.

     Descend further on to the Sahasrar, leaving behind the realm of Shakti and come at the lotus yugal feet of Shiva and Shakti in perfect union. Mind matra becomes 1/32. See the nectar flowing from their union overflowing the white lotus. Both Shiv and Shakti are intoxicated with it and even the snakes around his neck are fully satisfied. As the pond starts overflowing with it, Kundlini shakti disassociates itself from Shiv and guides the nectar to all the matrika devtas present in the lotus of Sahasrar and they who take their share of Nectar and get satisfied. The nectar over flows and cascades down on to the AGYA chakra in the middle of which is the Baan lingam and Ardhnarishwar. 

     Kundlini descending down with all the matrika shaktis of various lotuses which helped her to transcend to Sahasrar on her upward movement, now relocates HAM and KSHAM matrika in the lotus and distributes the nectar to the presiding deity and its shakti. The lotus fills up and overflows, cascading down on to the lower chakra of Vishudhi.

     Kundlini descends along with it and relocates all the 16 swara from A to AAH in their respective places and distributes the nectar to its presiding deity and its shakti, thus making the whole lotus of Vishudhi completely satisfied. Once all the shaktis drink the nectar, the lotus over flows again and nectar cascades down on to the lower chakra of Anahat with 12 empty petals.

     Kundlini relocates all the 12 shaktis (from Kam to Tham)accompanying her in their respective places and gives the nectar to all the presiding deities and thus completely satiating the lotus of Anahat. Once all had their fill of the nectar, Anahat chakra over flows and nectar cascades down further on to the Manipur chakra. Kundlini descends down along with 10 shaktis of Manipur and re locates them in their respective petals, satiates the presiding deity and shakti. The lotus overflows and nectar cascades down further on to the Swadhishthan chakra.

     Kundlini relocates all the 6 shaktis of Swadhishthan from Bam to lam in their respective petals and satiates all the devtas in this lotus. The lotus overflows and nectar cascades down on to the Mooladhar chakra.

     Kundlini along with the remaining four shaktis of Mooladhar enters the lotus. Relocates all the four shaktis from Vam to Sam in their respective petals, satisfies the lotus devtas with nectar and then kundlini descends on to the Swayambhu lingam and wraps up in its sleep of ignorance around it in three and a half circles.

     Now our whole body is completely filled up with NECTAR. Every cell of it is in bliss. Every pore of the skin starts oozing out this amrit.Yogi becomes a perfect medium for transference of this nectar to the whole creation. Thus sharing his own state with the cosmos.

     After this slowly retrace the path back to the starting point of Ida and Pingla or the ten senses. Regenerate the 5 senses of perception by charging the requisite pranic energy behind it. Regenerate 5 senses of action by charging them again. Thus this body of 10 senses comes alive fully to the world as a complete cycle of creation and annihilation has been performed. Normaly a Sadhak is good for his upliftment only but it takes a Yogi to come back to the same place again after attaining the highest flights to lift up others because of his commitment to VISHVA KALYAN( upliftment of the masses).

     Thus the practice of SHAD ADHWA SHODHAN is accomplished. ONE WHO KNOWS 6 ADHWA, 7 VISHUV, 5 SHUNYAS AND 7 LOTUSES/CHAKRAS IS A REAL YOGI………………Om!



  1. Can you pls sms your contact details to my mobile +91 8805022516

  2. That’s very helpful thank you very much for sharing it with the world. Thanks.

    1. Thanks for liking it......hope it will help in sadhana...Om!

  3. Hats off to you, sirji. I have, here and there, read bits and pieces about chakras, tatvas, bindu, naad, panca-Siva, shunyas, visa-yoni, etc, but never got the full clear picture. In this article, you have been kind enough to give the full, integrated picture here. Thank you.

  4. Correction: visva-yoni, not visa-yoni

  5. I just tried to connect various loose ends together to get into a possible shad adhwa shodhan meditation though its poojan is explained in the Shiv Purana. I tried it many times and thought it works well and hence the idea of sharing with the readers and friends. Thanks for liking it and sincerely hope you will get great benefit out of it...........Shaktanand.

  6. An image of Raseshwar (i.e. Ras Ishwar) is in this link.
    Thank you

  7. Thanks for the link. I have Raseshwar's image downloaded many years back and used in one of the book printed by me on Tripursundari poojan.........Om!

  8. Thanks a lot. Do you have this whole process on YouTube or MP3. If you have plz kindly share as guided meditation is very effective for some ppl.

    1. Sorry I am not that much inclined towards these media platforms....Om!

  9. Very few people are interested in such detailed meditation practice as all are looking for quick-heals. Haven't put any such thing on you tube, i agree it will be more easy for the readers. lack of interest of recording etc. did not prompt me to do it. hope you will enjoy the present form too. one can just read the text while others can follow in the meditation session. I have written other similar instructive yoga-nidra practices too from the practical point for view for anyone to read and follow......thanks for liking......Shaktanand.

    1. When it should be done in early morning empty stomach or after eating

    2. its always easy on light stomach, peaceful space and uninterrupted time span..........Om!

  10. Thanks for the reply. Do you have a teacher or Gurudev or you have learned on your own. My Whatsapp number is 9658009099 if it’s ok for you we can chat if not don’t have a issue anyways thanks 🙏🏿

    1. Though guidance of tattva of Guru is always there on all of us but still one has to delve deeper into the subject to innovate. I took some liberties as per my experience to make it more understandable. Om!

  11. I need proper guidance. How can I reach to a Guru.

  12. A sincere heart and steadfast wish, if prostrates in front of Adi Guru-Shiva, the all compassionate light will appear to guide.......Om!

  13. This is best article I have read in ages. Thank you very much. It would be great if there was way to learn it in person.

  14. Thanks for liking it. Just try from the text itself. Read it yourself, record it and then listen to it as guided practice. Slowly one would learn the improvements to be done in speech, like pauses, stress on a particular point or speed at some places. Its an experiential journey. One might learn it if blessed......Om!

  15. Sir,How can i contact you

    1. you can send e mail through my website
      or call from it. Om!......Shaktanand.

  16. Please tell me about stiti and tatvam

    1. These are all practical aspects and can be easily experienced in practice.....Om!

  17. Valuable article. Thank you very much. ૐ

  18. Om!. Thanks for liking the article. Shaktanand.

  19. very especially information , can you have a your mail please ?! i will tell you for one anciet position forgotten thanks
    Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Body Swaha

  20. Thanks for liking the content. My mail id is!

  21. I was sitting bit depressed but your article really awakened me .will reach home & read it again on computer 🖥.
    Thanks & regards for this profound wisdom. Your contact plz

    1. Thanks for liking the article. What one feels that the work done by our ancient rishis is really excellent, one may or may not understand it. One can always be reached on for any clarification or regards....Om!...Shaktanand.

  22. Pranam!

    It is well documented more or less in line with with Trika philosophy and Kashmiri Shaivism drawn from Tantra. What do you opine about going direct to Naad of OM? Please through some light on it. Regards.
    Dr K K moza 09810197110. Will feel privileged if we connect.

    1. Thanks for liking the article Dr.Moza. One can always connect via mail 6284024668 ....Om

  23. It's Very useful to practice Meditation. Thak you for elobrating so that it can be practiced at home

  24. It's Very useful to practice Meditation. Thak you for elobrating so that it can be practiced at home
    Sk M Pasha

    1. Thank you very much for your appreciation. Om!

  25. Please arrange to have it in hindi.

    1. Difficult for me to type in Hindi while English text is used with foreign friends in mind as for Indian Hindi speaking friends lot of literature is already available....Om!

  26. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    I was really feeling very low and disillusioned toady. It was like I have lost in the mid way of a path. I cried a lot and slept. When I woke up and scrolled down the Pinterest, I saw ur blog. Is it a sign that I should move forward ?? I’m I ready?? Plz help.

    1. Its the Divine alone who provides us path in utter darkness of life, we fall , we get up and resume our journey, that is divine kripa. So pray, surrender and have faith, we will be guided..... Om!

  27. You have brought more thirst for knowledge in me it was best article I have ever came across about chakras even more impormative than sadguru video excellent work bro

    1. Thank you very for your appreciation Jay.....Shaktanand.

  28. Thank you very much for liking the article Jay, hope you will enjoy other posts too......Om!

  29. सो सुपर ये बहुत डीप का नॉलेज हैं

  30. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻guruji..have you published any book on the knowledge you have shared..very useful.for my further study on Naad..thank you ..

    1. not yet, but in future one will come.....Thanks for liking the post........Om!........Shaktanand.

  31. Thank you very much for your time and devotion to bring it to us. your experience and knowledge is highly valuable. thank you God bless

  32. The mantra of the petals connects in mooladhara, disappears in Anahata, and connects again in Vishuddhi. Why doesn't it connect in Anahata?

  33. Kindly let me know more about kundalini Dhyaan/ mail I.D. Thanks.
