Secret behind achievement is tha first of all, the goal or objective must be clear. Once that is clear then we can proceed on the path of its achievement. If one's sight is fixed on the goal, then faster we move, quicker we will attain the result. If we are not ficussed on goal, then we will not be able to attain the end result.
To keep the goal fixed is the work of Causal(कारण); to keep the gaze fixed on goal is the work of Ling (लिङ्ग) and the proceed on the path is part of gross (स्थूल) movement.
One person 'say' cannot lift 500 kg of load but 10 people can. This is because Vyashtibal/ व्यष्टि बल (individual power) of single person was not enough to perform the work. Hence when one is acting individually then only a part percentage of Vyashti (cosmic) power was used. Thus in Smashti (समष्टि), only a part of this basic Vyashti power appears. Actually power behind everything is one only, which is Smashti (individual) power.
Similarly, one person may not be able to solve a problem as his knowledge is not able to understand that problem and sovle it. Here also his Vyashti knowledge is only a part of the Samashti knowledge. Now if more people team up to solve the problem then due to their knowledge aggregate they are able to find the solution. The knowledge coming from Smashti (cosmos) is also one.
Suppose we desire something but our power of desire is not that strong enough that it can manifest that particular thing in front of us. The more one gets focussed the more all things around our goal will start disappearing. When our focus (एकाग्रता) becomes hundred percent then nirodh/ निरोध occurs and our desired item manifests. When gaze and the physical body become one, then kriya or action disappears. Kriya in te other words is also known as jap. So while doing jap, when one achieves ajapa state, then goal is achieved. Becaus ewhen grossness disappears, bhav arises, then kriya cannot exist. This is known in the othere words as Upasana (उपासना). Seer and seen become one, Samadhi (समाधि) occurs, pragya (प्रज्ञा) dawns. Nimesh heen (निमेषहीन) drishti(दृष्टि)/ gaze is called 'Upasana/ उपासना'.
Thus till Vyashti joins with Samashti, Ichha Shakti/ इच्छाशक्ति (Power of desire) , Gyan Shakti/ ज्ञानशक्ति (Power of Knowledge) and Kriya Shakti/ क्रियाशक्ति (Power of action) will not realize their full potentials. Samashti is jeev and Vyashti is Ishwar. When both become one, every thing attains its full potential.......ॐ......... Shaktanand. svasamvedan....Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj.
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