Completeness (Poornatva/पूर्णत्व ) of Chakra piercing:
Goal of any spiritual practice is attainment of completeness or Poornatva (पूर्णत्व). That which is known as poornatva (पूर्णत्व) cannot be attained till the six chakras located inside us are not pierced. As per all the mystics, jeev is not different from Shiv. Though being same as Shiv, still being snared by ignorance of maya or illusion, thinks to be different. We understand three cosmic states, i.e. creation, sustenance and annihilation but three other states of nigrah (निग्रह) or Tirodhan (तिरोधान) or Anugrah (अनुग्रह) like divine shakti forces are also operative. Shiv is one and its shakti is also indistinguishable from it. Shiv with his own desire, covering itself by contracting its own power converts itself into a jeev. This attribute is called Tirodhan (तिरोधान) or nigrah (निग्रह). Covering its own atoms with different veils appears in mayic body or deh. After completing its goal, again annihilates that mayic form. Then those particles again merge in to the womb of maya taking all the sanskars with them. This work is being enacted in Vyashti (व्यष्टि), Samashti (समष्टि) and Mahasamashti (महासमष्टि). When the sanskars (संस्कार) ripen, then to experience fruit, those chidanus (चिद् अणु) again take refuge of physical body through a womb. Thus process of creation starts again. This play is continuously enacted in the realm of kaal or time.
When anu (अणु) form jeev's fruit ripens, then grace of lord provides great knowledge to jeev and one establishes into its real own Shiv state. This is the fifth aspect of the lord and is known as Anugrah (अनुग्रह). With Nigrah and Tirodhan power of the lord, creaton of jeev starts, thus it is the cause of fall of Atma. In the same manner, with the power of anugrah (अनुग्रह) of the lord, the process of creation of jeev gets reversed. Jeev leaving behind jeevatva attains Shivatva. This is the complete history of a jeev.
In the process of evolvement of jeev, human form is essential. After moving through 8400,000 forms one gets to chance of coming into human form. Before getting into human form, only two koshas (कोष) are developed out of the total five (annmaya, pranmaya, manomaya, vigyanmaya and anandmaya). They are Annmaya-kosh (अन्न्मयकोष) and Pranmaya-kosh (प्राणमयकोष) respectively. The third Manomaya kosh (मनोमयकोष) is present only in humans and none other form. This process of manomaya kosh (कोष) starts and goes on working for a long time through lives and lives. Due to the ego that ‘I am the doer’, newer and newer karmas (कर्म) are performed and hence repeated births are experienced. When after a long time one keeps on enjoying the fruit of karma, one gets dispassion and the out-ward movement of chit is stopped and gets directed in-ward. At this point, power of Guru starts working on the jeev in a secret manner. This is the grace of the lord in the life of a jeev. Due to the effect of guru’s power, Shiv lying dormant inside a jeev is awakened resulting in annihilation of state of jeevhood and attainment of Shiva state, this alone is known as piercing of Six chakra (षडचक्र) or Shatchakra bhedan (षडचक्र भेदन).
The six chakras, which are continuously rotating are forcing the atma into the world. The rotation of the chakras can take place in two ways, clockwise and anti clockwise. Clockwise rotation of the chakras represent creation aspect, here we are forced outward into the world, leading to pravritti marg or Brahm marg. While in anticlock wise rotation we are directed towards the bindu, leading to nivritti marg or Shiv marg. Riding on their movement, atma is forced to live a snared life in the creation forgetting its original self. First five chakras are connected with five elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space) and sixth is representing mind. When power of atma paravak (परावाक) takes control of jeev bhav, it makes it forget its true identity and forces it to spend time under its control and simultaneously many different choices or alternative ideas are developed in its mind. Then it descends into Pashyanti (पश्यन्ति), Madhyama (मध्यमा), Vaikhari (वैखरी) and drowns into ignorance in the bindu (बिन्दु) of mooladhar (मूलाधार).
From Vaikhari (वैखरी), sound form alphabets/ varnatmak shabd (वर्णात्मक शब्द) arise. Varna/ वर्ण (alphabet) generates Shabd/शब्द (word), Shabd/ शब्द (word) generates Pad/ पद, vakya/ वाक्य (sentence). From sentences, a language is generated. All the varnas or alphabets are known as Matrika Shaktis (मतृका शक्ति) and they are responsible for generating all kinds of different worldly thoughts in our mind, which stop us from going in the direction of real knowledge of the self. Till alphabet is not converted into Naad (नाद), the thoughts being generated cannot be stopped. This will not happen till naad (नाद) is established in Bindu located above Ajna chakra, 6th chakra. To attain, this we have to collect all the particles of that bindu (बिन्दु) spread in our self (during process of creation) and bring them back to it. This is the first goal of yogi who wants to perform all 6-Chakra piercing. He must collect all the spread around (in the lower centres) light particles of the bindu in the body, move them upwards and lead them back into bindu. This path moves through Sushumana (सुषुमना) in the spine. Sushumana is for leading upwards or inward, while Ida/ इदा and Pingla/ पिङ्गला is to lead the jeev downwards or continue in Part II...Om!
Renderings from Tantrik Vangmaya mein Shakt Drishti, writeen by Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.
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