Monday, July 01, 2024

Concept Revision

From Kala/ कला, ‘Ling/ लिङ्ग’ is generated.

Nishkal = object = light/ प्रकाश (effulgence or light but not jyoti or flame.)

Prakash(प्रकाश) ------> Kala(कला) ------> Jyoti(ज्योति)

Darkness (अन्धकार) - Its source is ‘Gunn/ गुण’ or attribute.

Gunn (गुण) = Avastu(अवस्तु) = Tam(तम). Its part of Avastu and is imagined.

Without Kala there can be no jyoti.’

Prakash or Vastu (वस्तु) or object is surrounded by Jyoti (ज्योति).

Realms are two, one is Darkness (अन्धकार) and other is Light (प्रकाश).

Movement takes place from Light (प्रकाश) to Darkness (अन्धकार) realm and from darkness realm to jyoti or light realm.

Imagined part of Object (वस्तु) is ‘Kala’ and its effulgence  or prabha (प्रभा) is Jyoti.

Imagined part of Avastu (अवस्तु) is ‘Gunn/ गुण’ and its effulgence or Prabha is ‘Darkness/ अन्धकार’. 

Vastu or Object is ‘Sat/सत’ is Nishkal (निश्कल); वस्तु or object is beyond fulfillment of jyoti.

Avastu or non-manifested imagined thing is ‘Asat/ असत’ = Nirgun/ निर्गुण without any attribute.

Coming together (समष्टि) of Kalas is known as ‘Bindu/ बिन्दु’. Without collection of 16 kalas 'Bindu' cannot be generated. 15 kalas do generate it but it is not stable. This unstable bindu is formed in darkness and hence it gets broken again and again.

Shukla paksh (शुक्ल पक्ष) and Krishna paksh (कृष्ण पक्ष), two variations are there in moon. After Poornima (पूर्णिमा) comes Amavasya (अमावस्य). Kalas of darkness (अन्धकार) realm are not pure. Always mixed with Tamas (तमस). Therefore, we can say that Bindu of Darkness realm is mixed with tamas. Here whatsoever jyoti may appear, it is never pure as some darkness (अन्धकार) always prevails.This darkness in the base which never gets removed is known as ‘basic ignorance/ मूल अविद्या’ or ‘original sin’. Since Jyoti cannot reach its centre, hence its ‘attribute less’ or ‘निर्गुण’.

Bindu is beyond space and time. During creation ONE dimensional line is generated from it. From it only yantra etc. ‘Yantra/ यन्त्र’ is the causal body (कारण शरीर) of divine being. Basic realm is generated by triangle (समत्रिकोण) which is known as Causal body (कारण शरीर). From it TWO dimensional or flat ‘Ling deh’ is generated, which like a shadow in the mirror. Gross body (स्थूल शरीर), its reflected Ling body and Body (तृत्य पिण्ड), these three comprise THREE dimensional form.

A line has two bindus’ or points at its extremities. Each bindu spreads out light rays or Rashim (रशिम). Hence line is nothing but this rashim (रशिम) or ray connecting the two. Stronger bindu attracts the ray of weaker one. The attraction between Bindu never merges into bindu. The attraction between the two is called as 'Desire/ ईच्छा'. This attraction is broken with the help of knowledge (ज्ञान). Thus during development of knowledge, this attractive force gets reduced step by step slowly. When this attraction is totally overcome, then everything around is seen with the eye of knoweldge. This causes the worldly body to be overcome and rise of Bhakti/ devotion takes place.

Dhyan is done of ‘ling body/ लिङ्ग शरीर’ or ‘gross body’.

‘Chaitanya’ manifests in the form of Chetan Shakti (चेतन शक्ति). Un-manifested (अव्यक्त) consciousness/चैतन्य is ‘Shiv/ शिव’ and manifested chaitanya is ‘Shakti/ शक्ति’. ‘Satva/ सत्व’, its bearer cannot exist without Raj (रज) and Tam (तम). Chaitanya needs food in the form of Raj and Tam to manifest. Raj and Tam are mind (मन). When this food is offered then it manifests and when its food is finished it again disappears.

When Chetana/ consciousness is there, its ‘Shudh-Satva/ शुद्ध सत्व’, there is no movement.

When it starts flowing, its in the form of Chetan Shakti (चेतन शक्ति). This flow when directed inwards its ‘anand’ or favourable consciousness state. There is no impurity prevailing here and hence complete dispassion is there, so it gives ‘Atmasukh/ आत्मसुख’ or ‘Joy of the self’.  

During Creation, Bindu expands into a line and line falls in to Pure Satva (शुद्ध सत्व) and inside it generated Satva is ‘Sat/ सत्’. But when it moves in back towards Bindu/ बिन्दु it comes back to Pure satva.

The flow, which travels from Bindu to Line/ रेखा, if not continuous then it comes back towards Bindu, then that flow is called Anand/ आनन्द. As it approaches Bindu/ बिन्दु, it keeps on increasing and before it merges into Bindu, its pinnacle is known as ‘Brahmanand/ ब्रह्मानन्द’ or ‘Poornanand/ पूर्णानन्द’.    

When this line merges completely into Bindu, then anand (आनन्द) disappears. At this moment the connection of line with Satva (सत्व) disappears, hence shakti (शक्ति) also loses its manifested form and becomes formless. Only Bindu (बिन्दु) is left which is Shiv Tattva (शिव तत्त्व). At this point, it is not even known as Bindu but just a ‘witness’ or ‘साक्षी’. Before falling from Bindu into Satva (सत्व), Shakti (शक्ति) is line form but still not manifested. Then it is known as ‘Chaitanya/ चैतन्य’.

On return when this chaitanya merges into Bindu, then Sat-Chit-Anand (सत् - चित्त् - आनन्द), all three are not seen. This is known as ‘completeness’. Satva also is Bindu = Sadashiv/ सदाशिव, Vidya/ विद्या, Ishwar/ ईश्वर. Sadashiv is also know as Pretasan/ प्रेतासन. On the return movement, when Chaitanya (चैतन्य) will ride Pure Satva, then that state will be called Vipreetrati-rati (विपरीत) state of Tantra (तंत्र)..............from Svasamvedan, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj, translation into Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.....Om!   

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