As per our Sanatan Dharma, a person is born with three kinds of debts, namely 1.Debt of the Rishis (ऋषि ऋण), 2.Debt of our ancestors (पितृ ऋण) and 3.Debt of our divinities (देव ऋण) respectively.
'Rinani Trinyapa Kritya Mano Mokshe Niveshyate'. (ऋणानि त्रीण्यपाकृत्य मनो मोक्षे निवेश्यते). One attains moksha only after getting free of these three debts.
Our life has been divided into four ashrams, Brahmcharya/ ब्रह्मचर्य (up to 25 yrs), Grihastha/ गृहस्थ (up to 50 yrs), Vanprasth/ वानप्रस्थ (up to 75 yrs) and Sanyas/ सन्यास (up to 100 yrs).
First debt is cleared in the first ashram by attaining education and by giving lectures on it to others or by sharing it with others.
Second debt is cleared in the गृहस्थाश्रम or family ashram, by raising children.
Third debt was cleared in the Vanprashth ashram/ वानप्रस्थ आश्रम, when one leaves the relations etc and focuses on his higher goal of life. During this time he would indulge in yajnas and other spiritual practices which cleared third debt.
A human is born taking three entities with him, Gross body (स्थूल शरीर), Causal body (कारण शरीर) and Vigyan body (विज्ञान शरीर). While taking birth from Cosmic womb, human body (व्यष्टि) takes form by assimilating various aspects of cosmic (समष्टि) elements. In the company of Rishis one developed knowledge and wisdom, from ancestors one received Adhibhautik (आधिभौतिक) wealth, progeny and gross body. From divines one received Adhidaivik (आधिभौतिक) wealth in the form of inner and outer senses. With all this one gets introduced to the outer world. For achievement of the moksha or final freedom, to move out of this world, one has to leave everything behind which belongs to the world. None of these can be carried out of here.
Tanturaksha (तन्तुरक्षा) is the real meaning Rin Shodhan (ऋणशोधन). In the first state one has to protect knowledge (ज्ञानरक्षा), in the second stage one has to protect physical or gross material and during third one has to protect divine lineage. Thus protecting all these three, a human has to leave the world. Without it moksha cannot be attained.
Realm of Divines, Rishis and Ancestors, all these are generated through Mother. One enters the world taking help of the womb of mother. While leaving this world one has to return everything to the world. But while taking birth through mother, he attains body, through it he develops knowledge and in the last stage he gets connected to the element beyond this world. He has nothing to give in return to all this provided by mother. A mother gives birth to a child, takes care of it, rears the child physically and mentally but as soon as the child develops into a youth, they leave the mother for onward journey of life. We can say ill it is in mother's lap, it does not recognize itself, but when it starts recognizing it self at that time mother's lap is not there. This happen because Brahm and Maya both are contradictory and hence they cannot join or come together. After getting out of Maya and Mahamaya realm one has to enter Brahm. Leaving maya and mahamaya, the sadhak does not attain the complete fruit of development. In the brahm also he does not realize the act of mother. But after completing one's karma, establishing in the matribhav, by dint of atma karma, one can attain or enter Brahm. Hence the obstruction between Brahm and Maya gets removed. So such sadhaks do not have to let go of maya to attain brahm, hence so called dispassion or sanyas is not required by them. Sitting in the lap of maya itself they transcend it. Then Maya does not remain maya and Brahm does not seem to be far off separate entity. Both of them join together. Thus we can say that there is no maya, there is no Brahm, there is no mother, no guru, but both are same. This is actual establishment in one's own form, where one has to let go nothing and attain nothing. Then yogi realizes that Mother itself is Brahm. Realizing this truth, they brighten up the greatness of the Mother. When one leaves the body, one's body is unsatiated, senses are unsatiated. This thirst or imbalance will get relieved only when one gets filled with amrit kala, at that time one remains at peace, even when the pran is leaving the physical frame. For getting relieved of mother's debt (मातृऋण), one should experience oneness of Mother (मातृतत्त्व) and Guru (गुरुतत्त्व). Only then one will achieve everything, till then one has not achieved anything........Om!
'Akhand Mahayog ke path aur Mrityu Vigyan': written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by Pt. Hanskumar Tiwari.
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