Naad Tattva-II : (नाद तत्त्व-२)
Mahamaya in the form of Kundalini (कुण्डलिनी) is the cause of the world but its is not seen. But when it acquires dynamism to fulfil the desire of the lord then Bindu gets agitated and is formed. Then from that bindu, naad and jyoti appear. Every where in the process of creation, dual trade takes place. At the base of one is 'swabhav/ ' and at the base of other is 'Iccha (इच्छा) /desire'. In the first there is no need of any desire as all work happens just by proximity of that satta or entity. While in the second, when desire arises then a power is there which fulfills it. But if first one is not there then second one cannot be achieved. For example, air continuously flowing unseen in the space, light rays are continuously coming from Sun, none can initiate it or stop it. because this is their swabhav. But one has to direct this flow, for that we need first desire to achieve something and the action to guide the flow. From desire, seed of karma arises, when it gets ripened it leads to fruit. At the start of creation kala (कला) is spread on its own but tattva (तत्त्व) is not expanded like that.
Movement of the pran (प्राण) is in two ways. One is through vibration and is natural and from this path varnas or alphabets (वर्ण) are generated. While other is dynamic where effort has to be applied. This path involves mantras. The mantras are generated by the desire of the yogi for achieving a particular goal. So his desire, his effort is needed and for this pran has to arise. But for appearance of varnas desire and effort is not needed, it happens on its own.
Chitt shakti (चित्त शक्ति) is vibrational and from it arises Pran (प्राण) which further leads to creation of Kaal (काल) or time. Whole creation is based on Pran. Where pran exists, there exists the flow, which is known as Saral (सरल) path. But later on it becomes Vakra (वक्र) path. The highet form of naad is generated from Saral path, that is always effulgent and never wanes. But other grosser naad has both rising and falling. Both come under the creation of varnas. Anahat naad is the form of param varna. This sound reverbrates in the heart of all jeevas.
The hoghest form of naad has no start and end but lower form of naad has both aspects. Gross varnas are generated in the form of Vargas, which are eight in number, namely A (अ), Ka (क), Ch (च), Ta (ट), Ta (त), Pa (प), Ya (य), Sha (श). Pran moves a distance of 36 fingers in our body from heart to crown. 18 fingers going up and 18 fingers coming down. In eavry 4 1/2 fingers one of the eight varga arises. Thus we can say that in 8x4 1/2 finger distance which is equal to 36 fingers all the eight vargas are generated. Pran movement takes place 900 times in Sankranti, there are 12 sankrantis during the day and 12 during the night. Thus 900x24=21,600, breaths take place.
Similarly, when a child is born it takes 216 breaths for one alphabet to establish inside the body. So it takes 216x50=10,800 breaths to establish in the child, when all the 24 sankrantis are passed in 24 hours, 21,600 breaths establish all the fifty matrikas inside the child and thus he or she is now completely under the control of maya. Thus 21,600 times any healthy individual breathes in 24 hours.
Varna, parnaad, par jyoti are all actually shakti of chid, which is referred to parvaak. Chinmaya (चिन्मय) or matrateet-naad (मात्रातीत नाद) descends form above into the eyebrow centre for deliverance of the world. As the river Ganges appeared from the toe of Vishnu into the world for deliverence of all the jeevas in the same manner Naad-Ganga also descends for deliverence of every jeev iin the cosmos. In the eye brow centre, the location of Chit is in the bindu. Her nature guarding Ham (हं), Ksham (क्षं) and Ldam (ळ), descend in the creation. The afore mentioned three varnas are always protected in the eye brow centre. Then with the help of Chitt sutra, three realms are created in the creation, namely, Chandra mandal/ चन्द्र मण्डल (realm of moon), Surya mandal/ सूर्य मण्डल (realm of Sun) and Agni mandal/ अग्नि मण्डल (realm of fire). All the 16 vowels/ स्वर (अ से विसर्ग तक) come under realm of moon, first 25 consonants/ व्यञ्जन (क से म तक) come under the realm of Sun and balance 9 (य, र, ल, व, श, ष, ह, क्ष)come under the realm of Fire. From the realm of Moon, Causal Body is generated, from the realm of Sun, Subtle body is created and from teh realm of Fire, Gross body is generated. As these realms are created, simultaneously Desire, Mind and Pran are created. When this much alphabetical creation work is completed, the shakti descends further down into the ocean of ignorance and sleeps there. In this stage of ignorance it is called Kundalini (कुण्डलिनी). This is the sleep stage of conscious varnas.
Naad alone is the cause of the whole creation, it only appears are Pran and life force in the whole creation. As per Agam it is referred to as Ham (हं), Sah (सः), during this stage Naad is not seen only pran is seen. When naad keeps the whole world in its womb, its called Para Kundalini (परा कुण्डलिनी), when its is expereinced in the form of vibrations it is known as Varna Kundalini (वर्ण कुण्डलिनी) and when it goes in to the deep state of slumber of ignorance, its known as Pran Kundalini (प्राण कुण्डलिनी).
Ha kaar is Haan or Tyag or exhaltion and Sa-kaar is Samadaan or acceptance or inhalation. Hence Hans form prans swabhav is acceptance and relinqushing or giving out. When mind (मन), pran (प्राण) and Kundalini join together then they enter and rise up in Sushumana. When its moving up it generates sound (नाद) which are of 10 different types. First 9 of them are to be left behind and 10th one is to be held. As we move from 1 to 10th sound subtleness (मन की सूक्षम्ता) increase. Though Sushumana Nadi is Brahmnadi, but till its connection with othere nadis is not severed, realm Brahmnadi state cannot be achieved. Vajra (वज्रा) and Chitrani (चित्रणी) are the premonition of Brahm nadi only. With Naad jyoti is associated, as naad changes so does corresponding jyoti (colour) too. Vishudh jyoti is colourless. Vishuddh-naad also is that only.
After M-kaar this ucchar or upward moement enters in to the eye brow centre and takes the form of Bindu. Where A (अ), U (उ) and M (म) establish together, that is known as bindu. In the nine states of yogis, bindu is first. Before bindu, the unit or matra of mind is considered as one. But when it pierces Bidnu it, it becomes 1/2. Thus, we can say that this is the most important and difficult part of sadhana to reduce matra of mind from 1 (which represents gross mind) to 1/2. One can not enter the state of 1/2 matra with gross mind. Bindu represents the point of focus and victory over mental propensities. As a result of it knowledge arises, if this knowledge is directed towards Siddhi/ Vibhuti then all knowing state is achieved but if it is towards effulgence of Chitt, then victory of tendency to know all and discrimination (vivek) dawns. Sampragyaat or asmita (अस्मिता) is the knot. On piercing of this, even if one has not attained complete freedom, the flow of discrimination keeps going on and slowly one is directed towards banisment of worldly thoughts or propensities (वृत्ति शमन और निरोध). This state is known as Unmani (उन्मनी) and in it there is no kaal (काल). The state of mind here is 1/512, which is considered almost as no mind as per scriptures, though mind can never be zero, however small it may be. Kaal and mind coexist, if one disappears other also disappers. Upto Agya chakra its Sakal (dual), from Ajna chakra to Unamni Sakal-Nishakal (Dual - non dial), only Mahabindu (महाबिन्दु) is Nishkal/ निष्कल (Non-dual).
Bindu above Ajna chakra in the forehead is circular and is protected by five other circles from entry of unqualified into. These circles are represent by Nivratti (निवृत्ति), Pratishtha (प्रतिष्ठा), Vidya (विद्या), Shanti (शान्ति) and Shantyateet (शान्त्यतीत) Kalas. Shantyateet is in the middle of the bindu (बिन्दु) itself.
Bindu is the gateway for both coming into the world as well as entering into the higher realm i.e entry into Vyashti/ material world where we live (व्यष्टि) and entry into Samashti/ the causal world from where this world is created (समष्टि). On this side of the bindu, the matra (मात्रा) of mind is said to be one. The time taken to chant one alphabet is known as Matra (मात्रा). On piercing of this bindu only seed for seeing chid are laid. Without entering here, worldly knowledge will not disappear and other world knowledge will not down. Other side knowledge also dawns in steps as the gross of mind matra is reduced to 1/2.
After bindu comes ardh chandra where mind matra becomes 1/4,
then comes Nirodhika (निरोधिका) where it becomes 1/8 (piercing of it very difficult, as even the five powers which manage the world cannot pass it. Only yogis can go beyond it.),
then comes Naad (नाद) where its value is 1/16 (innumerable mantra maheshwars are sitting surrounding the naad. Its place is in the mouth of brahmrandhra (ब्रह्मरन्ध्र). Vishudh Chitt (विशुद्ध चित्त) flow starts from here),
then comes naadant (नादान्त), this is the third shunya where the value becomes 1/32, it has closed the doorway to moksha or final freedom,
then comes Shakti (which is the sixth chid realm, which beyond Brahmrandhra (ब्रह्मरन्ध्र) and is also known as Urdhav Kundalini (उर्धव कुण्डलिनी), unmanifested world is located in its womb, it is surrounded by four kalas. Anand is experienced here. ) where value becomes 1/64, all the bhuvanas (भुवन) are under Shakti tattva/ शक्ति तत्त्व, it is also called Anashrit (अनाश्रित) bhuvan (independent realm) i.e. realm which is not dependent on anything. This shakti is surrounded by four other kalas or shaktis, from Shakti/ शक्ति to Unmani/ उन्मनी all the realms are effulgent like effulgence of 12 Suns risen together. Shakti is called Anashrita (अनाश्रित) Bhuvan (independent realm) and is surrounded by Vyapini (व्यापिनि), Vyomatmika (व्योमत्मिका), Ananta (अनन्ता) and Anatha (अनाथा) shaktis respectively.
then comes Vyapini/ व्यापिनि, where the value becomes 128, in the 05 shunyas this is the fourth shunya. Shiv tattva is established here only. It is the kala located in the middle of Shakti (शक्ति) but it is different. In the centre of Vyapini Shiv tattva is established. Vyapini (व्यापिनि) should also be visualized as Shunya. Some people have referred to it as Mahashunya (महाशून्य).
then comes Samana/ समना where it is 1/256, this is para shakti. This is the support of all the Andas (अण्ड) or realms. Riding it alone, Shiv is able to discharge all five duties of his in the creation. It is a place outside Brahmbil and beyond mind. Though actual information about beyond-mind-state is derived from Naadant only. Samana is the causal of all the causes and para-shakti (पराशक्ति) of Maheshwar (महेश्वर).
Next comes Unmani/ उन्मनि where it becomes 1/512. This is even beyond mindless state of Samana as it cannot be spoken. Nad (नाद) form Shabd Brahm/ शब्द ब्रह्म loses its existence in it. This is the fifth shunya and 9th of the 9 naads. Information of Naads which one gets in Bindu (बिन्दु), culmination of same takes place in Unmana (उन्मना). Without the total grace of Shri Mata, none can transcend it. Om!
from Tantrik Vangmaya Mein Shakt Drishti, written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj and translated in Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.
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