Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Rendering from 'Yoga Psychology'

Renderings with Personal thoughts for viewers calrifications: 

World quickly moved from Physicality to intellectuality. Soon a time will come when they will move from intellectuality to spirituality. Generally, three kinds of people exist, namley, 1. Physical (Animalistic), 2. Psychic (Humans) and 3. Spiritual beings. 

For evolving on spiritual path, spiritual practices or sadhanas are required for which role of chakras become important. When we talk of Chakras (चक्र) then two things are most important, 1. Chakra Shodhan (चक्र शोधन) or purification and 2. Chakra Niyantran (चक्र नियंत्रण) or control. In our bodies chakras are located at tht points where pychic-spiritual pathways of Ida (इडा), Pingala (पिङ्गला) and Sushumana (सुषुमना) meet each other. 

Our mind is in constant flux of thoughts, they are being generated and are being lost or dissolving too. These thoughts are being generated from our Vrittis (वृत्ति) which in turn arise from bank of Sanskars (संस्कार) accrued inside us over many past births. The Sanskars of a person are deeply rooted and not easy to fathom so easily but when they are agitated through certain process then they arise as vrittis which can be observed in a person. These vrittis are dependent and can be  controlled through Chakras. The afore mentioned vrittis are 50 in number and also represent the 50 alphabets of our Devnagari lipi. These 50 alphabets as per the tantra language are called Matrika shaktis (मातृका शक्तियां). These are considered to be the building blocks of the universe. 

The vrittis are expressed internally or externally in the form of vibrations, which emanate from chakras. These vibrations from any chakra in turn vibrate the glands locaated around of it. Vibration of the glands arouse them and make them secrete their respective hormone. Thus, we can say that all the hormonal secretions in our bodies can be controlled with the help of chakras. 

Mooladhar Chakra         Terranean Plexus        Bhaum Mandal

(मूलाधार चक्र)                                                     (भौम मण्डल)

Swadhishthan Chakra    Fluidial Plexus            Taral Mandal

(स्वाधिष्ठान)                                                          (तरल मण्डल)

Manipur Chakra            Igneous Plexus            Agni Mandal

(मणिपुर चक्र)                                                      (अग्नि मण्डल)  

Anahat Chakra              Solar Plexus                Saur Mandal

(अनाहत चक्र)                                                     (सौर मण्डल)

Vishudhi Chakra           Sidereal Plexus           Chandra  Mandal

(विशुद्धि चक्र)                                                     (चन्द्र मण्डल) 

Ajna Chakra                  Lunar Plexus              Nakshatra Mandal

(आज्ञा चक्र)                                                        (नक्षत्र मण्डल)

Thyroid Gland is called Brihaspati Granthi (बृहस्पति ग्रन्थि), Para Thyroid is called Brihaspati Upgranthi (बृहस्पति उपग्रन्थि), Pituitary is called Mahayogini Granthi (महायोगिनि ग्रन्थि) and Pineal is called Sahasrar Granthi (सहस्रार ग्रन्थि).

Most of the heat is geenrated in our Manipur chakra (मणिपुर् चक्र), as all the digestive organs are located there, hence its called Agnashaya (अग्नाशय) and since it is the centre of our body its also referred to as Mahashaya (महाशय). It contains 10 glands and sub glands around it. When a person is cremated, navel never burns fully. Its is collected by the relatives and generally put in a sacred river due to respective religious beliefs for higher evolution of departed being. This is because its point of burning is higher than the temperature of funeral pyre. For its complete burning, we will have to use higher temperature and longer duration of time. .........Om.  from 'Yoga Philosophy' by Shri Shri Anandmurti. Shaktanand.


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