Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Chid-Chit-Chetana-Chetan Shakti

Tried to represent the subject in pictorial form with a little explanation, hope readers will understand it better this way. 

In Sapt dashi undivided state (which is Sat), Chidakash form Shunya space, Chid (Param Shiv) exists in yognidra form. When Chid awakens, it becomes Chetan/ chit. Then an idea comes in it to create, at this moment the yog nidra opens up and forst exhalation of creation takes place. With the force of pranic movement of exhalation, Chetan starts to move in the form of Chetan shakti. 

But Since all started from Sat which is pure and light form, the ray of light comprising of particles emanates from the bindu where the idea was generated. The particle of light in the middle looked all around itself and found light only and thought that only light is existing. At this very moment the cosmic mind divided into two parts. One half went with the light and other half with the darkness envelopin the light. So light mind/ man stationed itself in front of the light ray of chetan shakti to guide it while it was propelled from behind by the pranic exhalation of the yognidra state of the param shiv. Thus the first step towards creation took place................Om!.....Shaktanand.

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