Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Desire, Knowledge and Action

What do we understand by desire, knowledge and action? Knowledge being ONE, is called as Chitt (चित्त), while action is differential and dual and hence called as Chaitya (चैत्य). Both Chitt and Chaitya though seeming to be different are actually one. The experience of them as differentially is the effect of Maya (माया). But from the Tatvik stand point (तात्विक दृष्टि) they are same,

When knowledge or light (prakash/ प्रकाश) becomes gross it is called Kriya, in the same manner expansion and dilution of Kriya is nothing but Knowledge (Gyan/ ज्ञान). Thus outer movement of knowledge is 'action', inner meaning of action is knowledge. Further, Knowledge is Shiv and Action is Shakti. Both Shiv and Shakti, individually serve no purpose but when they combine then they become meaningful. This is the secret of mantra. Right hand of Shiv is action, left hand of Shiv is knowledge. When Shiva's inherent knowledge form gets activated, it becomes gross, takes up ignorance and acquires 'whitish/ श्वेत' hue which is like moon or is Shukla varna (शुक्ल वर्ण). Shakti with its inherent characteristic of dynamism, due to consciousness of knowledge takes up 'red' colour of conscious Sun. When both of these whiteness of Moon and redness of Sun join together they produce 'golden' hue.

Thus these three, Knowledge, Action and Mixed i.e. White, Red and Golden are considered as three feet under Guru-paduka. Hence Shiv, though knowledge itself is ever involved in action part to unearth Shakti's real self in it, took up Gyan-marg/ ज्ञान मार्ग or path of knowledge or Left hand path of tantra. This is the secret of Kaulik path (कौलिक मार्ग). When knowledge and action representing left and right hand of Shiva become equal or balanced or Sam (सम), it is said to represent the middle or central path which is called 'desire' or Iccha (इच्छा). Desire the cause of both knowledge and action. without desire, we will not indulge in knowledge or action. Desire is Achal (अचल) or Stimit (स्तिमित), hence represents 'seed/ beej (बीज)'. Seed always remains still in the middle, on its one side upwards, sapling/ ankur (अंकुर)  shoots up while on the other lower side root/ jad (जड) is generated. Knowledge expands in 'Nivritti (निवृत्ति)' form and hence called 'root', while action expands outward as 'Pravritti (प्रवृत्ति)'. Nivritti is the direction towards the source while Pravritti is the direction towards creation. Out of the three, Desire, Knowledge and Action, none can exist without the other two.....Om!.....Shaktanand.     

renderings from Tantrik Vangmaya mein Shakt Drishti, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj and translated to Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.

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