Sunday, June 26, 2011

Breath and colours in dhyan

                                                        Colours and Breath

     Out of the many scriptures expounded by Lord Shiva, one is called SHIV SWARODAYA. It deals with the science of breath. A yogi who knows this science can use it for his sadhana as well as for worldly pursuits. Here, we are trying to co-relate it to various aspects seen in dhyan and utilize it for ones spiritual benefit only as that is the real purpose of ones life. We will try to observe the five elements as per four different aspects of Colour1, Breath2,Taste3 and Shape4. Once we know the element, then one can infer many other things out of it for ones sadhana or otherwise.
     One of the yogic practices is Shanmukhi Mudra. Here eyes, ears, nose and mouth all the openings are closed with fingers in kumbhak (holding the breath) after poorak (inhalation). After holding the breath comfortably for sometime, it is released slowly through mouth and nasal passage. This is done three times in one go without any rest in between. After that remove your hands, put them in your lap and release your breath very slowly, keep your annual muscles closed and observe the space between the two eye brows. If one performs Ashwani mudra simultaneously it gives better results. A light will be seen in the space between the two eyebrows at the point of third eye.This light is in the form of a circle with a central bindu and it keeps changing its colour. This circle also keeps on rotating in the eye brow centre and its size keeps on decreasing and increasing sometimes. Its boundary is generally seen as wavering and not stable. Various kinds of patterns and colours appear in this circle.
Yellow colour Earth element
Blue colour Water element
Red colour Fire element
Dark colour Air element
Mixed colour Space element
     Thus through the observance of colours, we can infer which tattva is flowing in abundance at that very moment in our body. Once we are sure of the tattva, we can know exactly what kind of work is most suitable at that moment. Dark colour also represents tamsic nature, while red colour represents dynamism and golden colour represents satvic nature of mind.
     More the stability of mind, more will be the stability of the light circle seen which is called as the INNER SUN OF A YOGI. Hence which ever side a yogi may face, he will always face his own internal sun. Thus there is no rule for a yogi to face a particular direction. While watching this wheel of light, one has a tendency to be fascinated by the colours and patterns appearing inside it and get engrossed in it. But one should not pay much attention to them else one will loose sight of the BINDU in the centre, which is to be pursued. Bindu is the real point of entry into this circle and is like a tunnel, where matra of the mind is ONE. The moment we enter this bindu and cross this tunnel, mind reduces by 50 percent as its matra becomes HALF. Hence an observer must always try to enter in to the bindu which is gateway to the inner realm. This is also the place of place of third eye. This Bindu has been discussed amply in the previous articles and location is shown in the Shad Adhwa chart posted earlier.
     Generally, this is the same place where mark is put on the forehead by ladies or gents in our country (India). It is also said that the point of third eye may not be located exactly at the same place for everyone. Actually if we closely observe our forehead, just between or eyebrows as we move upwards we find a little dip in the skull bone. This is the point for marking ones forehead. If we put a mark on that space (which of the size of a coin of one rupee or a dollar between the two eyebrows) and concentrate on that space for an hour then our point of third eye will automatically shift in to that space. It has many secret things associated with it. If we apply this mark with our forefinger it gives knowledge, with middle finger it will give great splendour and if we apply with ring finger it will give money, pleasures & peace. If it is with RED CHANDAN, apply facing EAST; if with SINDOOR then apply facing NORTH; if with KESAR, GOROCHAN, KASTURI(musk) then apply facing WEST.
     Second important aspect is the observance of our breath. We have two nasal passages and our breath usually alternates between the two regularly. In a healthy person, this changing of breath takes place every ONE hour. In this one hour of flow in any nasal passage, Earth element flows for 50 pal(20 minutes), Water element flows for 40 pal(16 minutes), Fire element flows for 30 pal (12 minutes), Air element flows for 20 pal(8 minutes) and Space element flows for 10 pal(4 minutes) respectively. Their lengths from the nose tip are also in the ratio of 12, 16, 04, 08, 20 fingers respectively.

                              Flow of Elements in the breath inside the Nasal passage

     In yogic scriptures it has been explained that length L of breath in front of the nose tip is generally 12 fingers width. As one reduces the length progressively, one achieves various powers or sidhis. With each finger reduction in length of inhalation and exhalation, one develops a specific power till he arrives at the nose tip itself when he has reduced it by 12 finger length. In such a state it means that the breath of the yogi is extremely subtle (or he has achieved victory over it), he takes it from the tip of his nose and releases it at the tip of the nose only. Such a yogi is called Paramhamsa and he is not controlled by 5 elements of the cosmos. If the breath is flowing in the central part of nasal passage it denotes Earth element ; if it flows in the top then it denotes Fire element; if it is flowing at the bottom of the nasal passage it means Water element; if it is flowing on the sides of the passage then it means Air element and if it is flowing spirally touching the periphery of the nasal passage then it means Ether or space element is flowing or is active in our body at that moment..
     By checking the taste in our mouth we can also have an idea of flow of element in our body at that very moment. Generally, it is easier to do so in the morning than during the day, when we might have eaten something recently and its taste still lingering in our mouth. Observe the taste and infer the element as per the following details.
Sweet taste indicates Earth element,
Amal/Khatta(Sour/tart) taste indicates Air element,
Kshaya(Briny ) taste indicates Water element,
Tikt(Pungent) taste indicates Fire element,
Katu( Bitter)taste indicates Space/Ether element.
     If we release our breath on a mirror an image will be formed on it due to condensation. We should quickly observe this shape.
Square shape indicates Earth element,
Triangular shape indicates Fire element,
Half moon shape indicates Water element,
Circular shape indicates Air element,
Just many dots indicate Space/Ether element.
     Thus by above four methods, we can ascertain the flow of any tattva or element in our body. Once we know it then we can infer what kind of work should be performed at that very moment to achieve any sure success.
When Earth element is there, we should perform STHIR karya(buying of land etc.).
When Water element is there, we should perform CHAR karya(travelling etc.).
When Fire element is flowing, we should perform KROOR karya(to harm others).
When Air element is flowing, we should perform Shad Karma of Tantra(maran, mohan ucchatan etc.)
     When Ether/Space element is flowing at that moment no worldly work should be performed at all but only yogic practices should be performed.
     Thus from above, we see that ether element is best for yogic practices while others may deviate our mind away from Dhyan or Sadhana but element of Ether flows for only 4 minutes in an hour in our body. One who wants to do more dhyan must elongate it and it requires complete control over breath. Though same can be achieved with the help of mudras and other such methods but best is through ones WILL power. Such a person will command his breath to flow through a specific element and it will follow his command Such people are called Sidhas. Many many things can be done through it though we have just referred to a few here. For details may refer to ‘Shiv Svarodaya’.

     As regards the shapes and colours seen during Dhyan in agya chakra interesting explanations have been given in book ATAM VIGYAN written by Paramhamsa Yogeshwaranand. We have given above a scan of various forms seen during dhyan. As per fig.1explanations are given there only. While fig.2 represents a state of Rajogun directed chit, Ego and Subtle pran(life force), fig.3 represents Rajogun agitated Ego and Chit, fig.4 depicts Chit and Ego in satvik state, fig.5 represents Rajogun directed state of Ego and Chit, fig.6 representsTamas directed Chit and Ego state. Fig.1 also represents astral and causal body after death. It leaves one body and enters the second one either in such circular form or elliptical form twinkling like a star and expanding and contracting. Generally PINK colour represents subtle life force, Dark colour represents our Ego, White colour with rays coming out of it represents our Chit and white shinning middle point represents our JIVATMA or SOUL.Though it is an extremely exhaustive topic but we have touched only a little part of it. Those who are interested in details may follow the suggested readings which will help them very much. ………………Om!