Tantra is a subject which needs no introduction in the world of today. There are many shastras which explain in details various inner meanings and methods of Shakti upasana. Kankaalmalini tantra is one of them. It has been published by Prachaya Prakashan, Varanasi.
Mother Kali is Kankaalmalini. She wears a necklace of skulls around her neck. One of the meanings of these skulls in the necklace represents various VARNAS or LETTERS of Hindi language. One who wears such a necklace is Kankaalmalini and she resides in the Mooladhar Chakra, she provides great anand to the devotee and she in the awakened state she roams in Sushumana. This shastra has five chapters, first two which deal in Varnas and Yoni mudra while rest three deal in Guru poojan, Mahakali mantra pooja and Purushcharan method.
The whole shastra is explained in the form of an ongoing dialogue between Bhairav and Bhairavi or Shiva and
Parvati: O Devadev Mahadev, O Neelkanth, explain to me the knowledge of Yoni mudra in which resides the triad of Desire, Knowledge and Action or Para Pashyanti and Madhyama and which beyond knowledge of para.
Ishwar: O Deveshi! I am your servant. O Varanane! Though what you are asking is very secret but still I will explain the triad carrying Yoni mudra to you, so you listen to it.
That which is the crux of all the tantras, very secret and surely not to be divulged, how should I explain such a mudra to you, such doubts are rising in my mind.O Bhawani! O Maheshani, as per your orders I am telling you this secret knowledge because you will get very angry if it is not shared with you. O Devi! O Kamani! If you will get angry it will be a loss to me. O Dear! A mantra which provides all four Dharma, Arth, Kama and Moksha is known as Mantra Chaitanya. O Maheshani, without knowing the Brahm form Yoni mudra if one does japa it gives nothing. After knowing this mudra if one does not perform its japa then he is destroyed because Yoni mudra is provides final emancipation or moksha. By doing anushthan of this mudra one quickly attains moksha.
O Beloved as you are dear to me similarly is your womb also dear to me. Because of it, ‘am your eternal servant. Due to the grace of it only I have transcended death and is known everywhere as Mrityunjaya. Whole cosmos resides in your womb i.e Brahma and all the devtas always reside in your womb. Krishna is able to attract the whole creation by putting a peacock feather on his forehead because it is of that shape only. O Maheshani! Day and night I dwell on it. O kamani I behold nothing else but the whole universe in middle of it. O Maheshani! Your yoni mandal is appropriately poojit by triad of Earth, water and light i.e three makars of tantra namely madya, maans and maithun. A temple which is place of shukra and raja.O lotus eyed Kaalike , I do not know what have I done for it. I am always doing sadhana of yoni mudra and yoni beej. Due to it only I am mritunjaya. O dear, ‘am explaining Yoni beej to you, please listen to it attentively.
Holding a Yoni mudra do 108 japas of yoni beej. The fruit which one would get because of it, nobody can explain it in words meaning that no one can ever explain it. One who with great joy does anushthan of yoni-mudra, all devtas including Brhama etc are also pleased by him. One should put trisutra of Ida, Pingla and Sushmana on it.
At the time of raman no one can find its end.Shiv lingam pierces the whole cosmos yet it can not find the end of it. O Prmeshani! I can not find the details of it. O dear, it represents Adya prakriti, Kundlini or Mahakundlini. A sadhak should perform its japa of yoni beej with its darshan or by sighting it. One who does it, he becomes my equal. With an effort he should do raman with it, by the dint of which a sadhak becomes just like Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. He becomes rich and full of knowledge.
Devi: O Mahadev, please explain the secret to me or else I will leave this body.
Shiva: O delicate bodied!, O beautiful eyed!, O black eyed Parvati one should keep secret of this which fulfills all kinds of desires.
Our human body has thirty million nadis inside it. Out of it, ten are important and out of them three are the most important ones. In the base of vertebra column are located three nadis in the form of Ida which represents Moon, Pingla which represents Sun and Sushmana which represents Agni. Sun, Moon and Agni are the three constituents which generate the whole cosmic creation. By divind deep in to the sushmana only I became a yogi.
In the Six chakras located in this body one should visualize yoni form Bhagwati.
Out of the above six chakras, first one is Mooladhar chakra. It is in the form of a four petal lotus. Their colour is like liquid gold and the sequence of varnas on the petals is Vam, Sham, Shham, Sam. It is highly effulgent and it is a very rare place.
O Deveshi, in its cetntre is a beautiful triangle where Desire(Iccha Shakti), Knowledge (Gyan Shakti) and Dynamic(Kriya Shakti) are symbolized in the form of Brhma, Vishnu and Mahesh. In the centre Swayambhu lingam is decorated by Kundlini wrapped around it in three and a half circle. O Deveshi, in the centre of that trikona one should visualize LAM beej mantra. After doing visualization of Brhama, one should also meditate on Kamdev (god of love) here. In the feet is the movement, in the hands is giving and taking and in the nose is smell. O Kamani! O Pranvallabhe! With above senses one should meditate on their respective subjects. One should also meditate on Dakini devi there. O Ganeshwari! O Girije! O Mother! The above said subjects should be taken to element of earth. In the middle of the triangle in mooladhar where the lingam is, there eternal and parmanand giving kundlini also resides. O Varanane! one who desires sidhi should always meditate there on the kundlini whose effulgence is like millions of moons. Devi has four arms, three eyes, Var and abhya mudra, is on a lion and also holds a Veena and book of knowledge in her hands. She is established on seat or asan. The above mentioned element of earth should be merged in its subject of smell. O Nagendraje! Then one should attract Jeevatma with VRIN mantra and accept kundlini along with smell and enter Swadhishthan with SOHAM mantra.
Second lotus of Swadhishthan is established in the base of linga. It has six petals and is like sindoor. It has six varnas in it in the sequence of Bam, Bham, Mam, Yam, Ram, Lam. In its karnika Varun dev resides. O Varanane, his shakti is Rakini. Here one should meditate on Vishnu with shakti rakini. It pertains to sense of taste, water and indriya of kaam, linga. Mixing this sense of taste with sense of smell one should riese in to the Manipur chakra with the help of great yoga. O Dear! Manipur chakra has ten petals in it. This lotus is shining blue in colour and shines with varnas Ddam, Ddham, Nnam, Tam, Tham, Dam, Dham, Mam, Pam, Fam. In the centre of this lotus one should meditate on Ram beej. In this lotus destroyer of all all the realms Rudra resides with his shakti Lakini. So one should meditate on their combined form here. Here eyes which are associated with light are established. O Subhage! O Mahabhage! One should join the water element in the form of taste or ras of the Swadhisthan chakra with Form represented by Manipura chakra and then raise in up into Anahat Chakra.
One should take jivatma in the form of Kundlini into Anahat lotus. Colour of this lotus is like Bandhuk flowers and it has twelve petals represented by Kam, Kham, Gam, Gham, Anng, Cham, Chham, Jam, Jham, An, Tam, Tham which are effulgent and whole of the lotus is beautified by them. In the middle of this lotus in the residence of jivaatma Air element is established. Here BAN lingam is also located along with a Yoni mandal with Kakini shakti and skin with its subject of touch.
O Devi who travels in Heavens! Now establish the sense of touch along with its skin in the Vishudhi chakra. This lotus is smoky and is adorned with sixteen varnas. In the middle of it is located Ether element along Kakini shakti with its repective Rudra. O Naagnandini! One should establish speech and hearing and join it with touch sense and take them to Agya chakra above. The third eye which is established there is white in colour and it has two petals with letter Vam and Ksham on them. In its middle a Baan ling is located along with a triangle where mind along with Hakini shakti is always established. O Maheshwari! One should establish Mind with attributes of Intellect(Budhi), Nature(Prakriti) and Ego(Ahmakaar) along with kundlini.
Above Agya is Sahasrar chakr and it is white in colour and is downward facing. In this Sasharar lotus one should establish ones mind. It shines with the effulgence of all the varnas from Aam to Ksham. O Deveshi! in the middle of it is the antaratma or seat of Guru. Above it realm of Sun and Moon are there. Above them is Air(Vayu) which is imbued with mahannad and further above it is Brahmrandhra. In that Brhamrandhra is located eternally anand giving Visarg(:) mandal.Above it is the location of Shankhani Devi who is shakti of creation, sustainance and annihilation.
O Devi below it is the realm of moon and one should meditate on the form of Kailash(abode of Shiva). O Mahadevi, by meditating on the form of self in this realm and making it still there ones vyadhis are removed. Thus looses the duality of self because of which he goes beyond the circle of life and death.
Here alone lies the AMA kala which is eternally arisen state and beyond increase-decrease. In the middle of it is established KUTIL NIRVAN named Saptdashi kala.
In this saptdashi kala another kala exists which is Bahyaroop Nirodhkarini where eternal naad exists. Above it, is the effulgence of millions of Sun. Nirvikaar niranjan Shiv resides in it and this yoni swaroopani is every ones Nirvaan shakti. O Sureshwari, on this very place also resides kundlini shakti. This kundlini shakti again goes back in to mooladhar lotus.
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