As per Hatha Yoga Pradeepika,
Updesham hi mudranam, yo date sampradayeekam,
Sa aiv Shri Guruh Swami, Sakshaat Ishwar aiv sah,
Tasya Vakyoparo bhutwa, Mudrabhyase samahitah,
Animadi gunaih saardham, labhate kaalvanchanam.129-30/3/HYP
A guru who gives instructions on this subject in the lineage of nath yogis is Ishwar (in human form). By practicing as per his instructions, a disciple can achieve great sidhis(powers) and transcend death also.
As per Hatha Yoga Pradeepika,
Updesham hi mudranam, yo date sampradayeekam,
Sa aiv Shri Guruh Swami, Sakshaat Ishwar aiv sah,
Tasya Vakyoparo bhutwa, Mudrabhyase samahitah,
Animadi gunaih saardham, labhate kaalvanchanam.129-30/3/HYP
A guru who gives instructions on this subject in the lineage of nath yogis is Ishwar (in human form). By practicing as per his instructions, a disciple can achieve great sidhis(powers) and transcend death also.
Raj yogam bina prithvi, Raj yogam bina Nisha,
Raj yogam bina Mudra, Vichitrapi na shobhyate.(126/3/HYP.)
Stopping the flow of chit vritti and joining it with atma represents the path of Raj yoga. Without knowing it, one cannot know Earth, night and special mudras.
As earth is dug up with machines to find precious stones in it,
in the same way with the help of mudras we move in various parts of our body to
excavate various jewels. Use of mudras is helpful in removing the anxiety of
mind, stillness in body & mind both is also achieved. In all, there are three
bandhas and 22 mudras. Three bandhas are essential to be known beforehand,
prior to diving into practice of mudras. Relaxation of both body and mind are
also essential for experiencing various mudras, though we are not dealing with
the subject of relaxation here. One understands that whosoever will practice
these things will surely know how to relax first. Mudras destroy various
diseases like cough, asthama, spleen enlargement, leprosy etc. twenty kind of
different diseases are removed by it. It is said that one who practices mudras
regularly has nothing to fear of. No disease can ever visit that body.
Mudras affecting various glands in our body: If different glands
function improperly than our body will become a plying field of various
diseases. Mudras are more subtle than asan and pranayam. They are generally
divided into two basic forms; first is Hasta
mudras and second is Yogic mudras.
Hast mudras have been explored in great length as is clear from various poojan
hast mudras. Details of such mudras are abundant in tantric shastras and here
we are not at present dealing in them as that itself will become too big a
subject that our attention on yoga mudras will get distracted. Further, yogic
mudras can also be divided under two heads, first those which effect Glands,
second those which affect our Pran.
Hand is an important part of the body not only from the movement
part of it but from many angles too. Astrologers can read the lines on palm to
predict future, one can read the shape and lines to gauge the personality and
so on. Just by one glimpse of it one can read major lines and mounts on the
hands and even roughly know material and spiritual state of particular person.
Thus we can say, it is an important part to size up the owner of it.
Still a more subtle part has been used in the Ayurveda, where a
hand is used to control various elements in our body. While Swar Shastra
controls elements in our body with the help of swara in conjunction with mudras
to reap various benefits. Anyway, Swar Shastra is not the point of discussion
here. Right now, we are concerned with the topic of hast mudra. An exhaustive
kind of work has already been done by our ancient seers. Tantra and Vedic
poojan methods deal in scores of mudraas for appeasing deities, many mudras are
used in our traditional dance forms too.
In general, our hand has five fingers, which represent five
elements. These are depicted in the sketch below. Whichever is touched with
the thumb, that very element starts increasing in our body, while whichever is
pressed down by thumb starts reducing in our body. Our body is based on three
humours, namely Vaat, Pitt and Kaph. Pitt and Kaph, these two humoras are
closely connected. If any one decreases, other increases automatically and vice
versa is also true. Mudras for controlling these three humors have also been
shown below.
An extra Mrit Sanjivani mudra has been shown also known as Hridh
mudra. This is said to be very helpful mudra during heart attack. If one is not
having immediate medicine at hand then one should resort to this mudra as it
will help the patient in distress.
People belonging to these humors exhibit specific traits as
detailed above. But it is very difficult to find a person of only one single humor. Most
of us are a mix of them. But for the information of learned readers, those
traits have been shown above. For further details in it, one can refer to very
handy book ‘Health at your finger tips’ by Dr.Dhiren Gala. One found it to be interesting,
informative and practical.
YOGIC MUDRAS: These have been divided into three heads of Gandular, Pranic and Others. Third classification has been created since some were not mentioned in the first two categories by a particular scripture and hence to give maximum information to the readers one has included them too.
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Glandular Mudras:
1. Nabho Mudra:
Sit in any comfortable dhyan asan. Close ones eyes, upturn ones
tongue and touch its tip to the soft pallet. Slowly, start rotating the tip
slowly over it as if massaging that area.
Try to taste the nectar there which is coming from above. It has
secretion of the Pituitary gland, located in the middle of our brain and which is
king of all the endocrine glands in our bodies. It is responsible for
masculinity (spermatozoa stimulates tissues in testes to elaborate
testosterons) in males and femininity in females (crafian folliele in female
ovary). If this secretion is less, it results in dwarfism.
2. Khechari Mudra:
In this, tongue is taken further back and up towards the nasal
passage. For this, one has to have a longer tongue which can draw up to that
space. Yogis devised methods to elongate
tongue. First practice, involves use of Sendha salt. Put some on ones tongue
and with forefinger and middle finger start as if milking it. A regular
practice of it will entail elongation of it. In other more serious approach,
yogis use to cut frenulum below the tongue over a period of time, there by
allowing the tongue to roll back more and more. Thus they could raise it up in
to the kapal kuhar and taste the secretions coming from Pituitary gland. Hatha yoga pradipika eulogizes this mudra so much that one feels that it is beyond the capacity of any langage to praise it. A few of such slokas are being shared here.
Chitam Charti Khe Yasmad Jhivah Charti Khe Gatah,
Tenaisha Khechari Naam Mudra Sidhair Nirupita. 41/3.HYP
Mudra with the help of which Chit starts to fly in the sky between eyebrows and tongue also starts moving there is called Khechari.
Na rogo maranam tandra na nidra na kshudha trisha,
na cha moorcham bhavetasya yo mudram veti khechareem,
Pidyate na sa rogen, lipyate na cha karmana,
badhyate na sa kalen, yo mudram veti khechareem. 39-40/3/HYP.
One who knows Khechari, disease, death, sleep and unconsciousness do not occur. That yogi is powerful enough to win over death. What ever action he performs, he is not bound by its fruit. That is why even death can't do anything to him. We can say that he gets iccha mritu, death as he desires.
Khecharya Mudritam yen, Vivram Lambik urdhawtah,
Na tasya ksharte binduh, kaminya shaleshi tasya cha,
Chalito api Yada Binduh, Samprapto yoni mandala,
Vrajatya urdhava hritah, nibadho yoni mudraya,
Urdhwa Jivah sthiro bhutwa, sompanam karoti yah,
masardhen na sandeho, mrityum jayati yog vit. 42-44/3/HYP.
By its practice, a yogi, whose tongue reaches talu randhra and drinks the nectar there, his semen is never lost. Even if it falls to the yoni mandal, with the effect of yoni mudra it is re attracted to its source.
Nityamsomakala poornam Shariram yasya yoginaam,
Takshkenapi dranshtasya visham tasya na sarpati,
Indhnani yatha vnahih tail varti cha deepakah,
tatha somkala poornam, dehi deham na munchati. 45-46/3/HYP.
One whose body is filled with nectar even if the deadliest of snakes bites that person, he is not affected at all. As fire does not leave the material on which it is thriving, like a lamp never leaves its wick in the same way a yogi who is filled with nectar never leaves his body.
Chitam Charti Khe Yasmad Jhivah Charti Khe Gatah,
Tenaisha Khechari Naam Mudra Sidhair Nirupita. 41/3.HYP
Mudra with the help of which Chit starts to fly in the sky between eyebrows and tongue also starts moving there is called Khechari.
Na rogo maranam tandra na nidra na kshudha trisha,
na cha moorcham bhavetasya yo mudram veti khechareem,
Pidyate na sa rogen, lipyate na cha karmana,
badhyate na sa kalen, yo mudram veti khechareem. 39-40/3/HYP.
One who knows Khechari, disease, death, sleep and unconsciousness do not occur. That yogi is powerful enough to win over death. What ever action he performs, he is not bound by its fruit. That is why even death can't do anything to him. We can say that he gets iccha mritu, death as he desires.
Khecharya Mudritam yen, Vivram Lambik urdhawtah,
Na tasya ksharte binduh, kaminya shaleshi tasya cha,
Chalito api Yada Binduh, Samprapto yoni mandala,
Vrajatya urdhava hritah, nibadho yoni mudraya,
Urdhwa Jivah sthiro bhutwa, sompanam karoti yah,
masardhen na sandeho, mrityum jayati yog vit. 42-44/3/HYP.
By its practice, a yogi, whose tongue reaches talu randhra and drinks the nectar there, his semen is never lost. Even if it falls to the yoni mandal, with the effect of yoni mudra it is re attracted to its source.
Nityamsomakala poornam Shariram yasya yoginaam,
Takshkenapi dranshtasya visham tasya na sarpati,
Indhnani yatha vnahih tail varti cha deepakah,
tatha somkala poornam, dehi deham na munchati. 45-46/3/HYP.
One whose body is filled with nectar even if the deadliest of snakes bites that person, he is not affected at all. As fire does not leave the material on which it is thriving, like a lamp never leaves its wick in the same way a yogi who is filled with nectar never leaves his body.
3. Tadagi Mudra:
The literal meaning of tadag is 'pond'. Thus in this mudra, we exhale
and suck in our stomach as if we are joining it with our vertebral column. It
affects our Pancreas which is 6-8 inches long, almost one inch thick and weighs
around 3oz. It secretes insulin, which is essential for sugar metabolism in our
bodies,. omr else it will cause diabetes.
4. Manduki Mudra:
Manduk means 'frog'. One can see a frog moving its tongue with
great speed to catch small insects from the air. It quickly moves its tongue in and
out of mouth. One is also supposed to move ones tongue like that quickly. It
will stretch our tongue, all the veins, artries and nerves attached to it along
with muscles. Thus salivary glands and taste buds will function better. I think
it affects our thyroid area also. One retains perpetual youth and hair do
not turn grey easily.
5. Matangani Mudra:
It is a mudra which is learnt from elephants. Elephant can draw
in and spray out water through its tongue very easily. Here also we try to copy
and elephant. First take a glass of warm water with little salt in it, dip ones
nose in to it and inhale it through both the nasal passages. After taking in
from nose spit out through mouth. One can do this with one glass of water.
After this reverse the process i.e now drink through mouth, instead of taking it
down through food pipe, bring it out from nose as an elephant does. This is called
Gajkarni, where 'Gaj' means elephant in the Hindi language.
6. Bhujangani Mudra:
Bhujang means a snake. This mudra replicates a snake and hence its
name.It cleanses our blood, increases our digestive power and alleviates
rhumetism. Where throat and nose meet, adenoids are located. Sometime they get
enlarged due to cold etc and close the the passage thereby making breathing
difficult. They are kept in perfect condition by this mudra. Also on either
side of palate and throat in the arches lie tonsils. They are also kept in good
condition. Cure arthiritis and rheumatism. Ailments of stomach, despepsia and
gall bladder ailments also cured through it.
7. Vipritakarani Mudra:
In this mudra navel is kept above the palate and hence called Vipreetakarani. For performing this mudra one should like down on the floor with face up. Raise torso up so that legs are pointing straight upwards. Support back with hands keeping thumbs inwards and fingers outwards. Unlike Sarvangasan, where shoulders to heels and toe tips are vertical and in one line, in this mudra, body from shoulders to hips are at 60-70 degrees angular to floor level, while legs are vertical. Thus moon in the palate gets down, while sun in the navel is brought above. Thus moon does not fall into the Sun and deplete its power. (When we are sitting or standing palate being above looses its nectar in to Sun of navel and hence cools down its fire.) Sun gets stronger and stronger. Whatever is eaten is digested easily. But one should not fast or eat less during this practice as it will cause harm to our body.
Alpharo yada bhaved, Agnir dahati tatkshanat,
Adhah Shirashch urdhav padah, Kshanam Syat prathame dine,
Kshanat ch kinchid adhikam, abhyaset ch dine dine,
Valitam palitam chaiv, shanmasordhave na drishyet.
Yag matram tu yo nityam, Abhyasetas tu kaaljit. 82/3/HYP.
If one eats less food during practice of this mudra then increased digestive fire will burn up the body. First day practice should be for a small time and one should increase the timing slowly every day. Thus in six months all diseases will be removed and one would become powerful. If this practice is maintained for 3 hrs in a day then one can overcome even death.
It removes problems due to imbalance of Vaat dosha. It affects Pituitary gland, kidneys, testes and gonads.
8. Ashwani Mudra:
This mudra copies a horse. If we see a horse from the back side
we will observe that it keeps moving its anus in and out. Yogis felt that such
a movement helps one to raise ones energy up. Thus they also practiced to move
anus in and out by contracting and expanding it. This helped raise the kundlini
through Sushmana up towards Brahmrandhra. While sitting in any of the dhyan asans, one doing this mudra can easily feel energy rising through the Sushumana and hitting our Brahmrandhara. It gives strength to our intestines,
Colon which turns liquid content of small intestines in to solid by absorbing
the liquids and discharging the solid faeces out of anal opening. It is said
7.5 to 10% water liquid is absorbed by it. If it is not strong, we will loose
liquid in our stools.It cures dysentery or atisaar.
9. Kaki Mudra:
Kaki means a 'crow' which one seldom sees to be ill. Here, lips
are puckered up as if whistling and air is sucked in with great force through
them. The air should hit throat inside. It is gulped down in to our stomach
though esophagus, food pipe and held there for a few seconds and again exhaled
out of mouth. When air goes in stomach it cleanses it and it becomes stronger.
It generates Gastrin*, when it moves with blood, makes our mind
strong and body disease free.
*Gastrin is a hormone produced by the lining of the stomach and
released in to blood by nerve impulses that are initiated by tasting food or by
its presence in stomach. It stimulates secretions of Pepsin, a protein
splitting enzyme, Hydrochloric acid and stimulates contraction of stomach
Salivary glands located at the rear and sides of the tongue
produce Saliva which help breakdown of starches in to Dextrin and Maltose,
dissolves solid food and makes it ready for further action in the intestines.
It also lubricates mouth and help it to move down the Esophagus, the food pipe.
Pranic Mudras: Apart from above 13 other mudras have been mentioned in the
yogic shastras and they are connected with our pran vayu.
1. Maha Mudra: Extend right leg in front with toe pointing
up and fold left leg so that its sole is touching the inner right thigh, inhale
through nose, hold your right toe with both hands. Close your anus and perform
jalandhar bandh (neck lock) simultaneously keeping your back straight. Perform
breath retention as long as one’s capacity and then removing jalandhar bandh
slowly exhale through nose. Repeat the process without extra breaths inbetween i.e one should develop the capacity to perform it with each breath and thus repeat as
many number of times as one has fixed in sadhana.
Chandrange Tu Sambhyasya, Suryange punah Abhyaset,
Yavatalla bhavet sankhya, tato mudram visarjayet.
First practice on left breath and then on right breath. Thus practice kumbhak pranayama on both. Till it is done with equal numbers, do not leave the mudra position.
Na hi patha apathyam va, rasah sarvai api neerasah,
Api bhuktam Visham ghoram, Piyushamapi Jiryati. 16/3/H.Y.P.
There is no good or bad path for a yogi who practices this mudra. Whatever tasteless things he eats he can nullify negative reactions, even if he eats poisoned food it turns like nectar..
Chandrange Tu Sambhyasya, Suryange punah Abhyaset,
Yavatalla bhavet sankhya, tato mudram visarjayet.
First practice on left breath and then on right breath. Thus practice kumbhak pranayama on both. Till it is done with equal numbers, do not leave the mudra position.
Na hi patha apathyam va, rasah sarvai api neerasah,
Api bhuktam Visham ghoram, Piyushamapi Jiryati. 16/3/H.Y.P.
There is no good or bad path for a yogi who practices this mudra. Whatever tasteless things he eats he can nullify negative reactions, even if he eats poisoned food it turns like nectar..
2. Mahabandh Mudra: This is performed in sidhasana with
heel pressing the mooldhar space or in utanpad asan with right leg stretched
front while one is sitting on the heel of folded left leg underneath s shown in
the sketch. One uses khechari, ujjai
while inhaling,with mool bandh and shambhavi mudra. It should be performed four
times in 24 hours for a period of 2 ghadi i.e 48 minutes. It is also
recommended to be performed three times in one sitting as one’s guru always
stressed on quality than quantity. At some places they have recommended it for
12 times in one sitting for advanced students.
3. Mahabhed Mudra: After Mahabandh comes the state of Mahabhed. As the name suggests it is a great
piercing technique. It pierces the chakras and moves the pran in sushmana. As
the earlier one, this also can be done in two different asans, Sidhasan or
Utthanpaad asan. With heel of the left foot on the mooladhar and perform
khechari and exhale complete. Bend head forward and raise breath with ujjai
from frontal passage to vishudhi. Raising one’s head raise the energy to bindu
in shikha. Then descend it through sushmana back to mooladhar. On reaching
mooladhar in the position of bahiya kumbhak apply jalandhar bandh, moolbandh
and udiyan bandh all together with the nose tip gaze. Hold the breath, as long as
convenient. Run the consciousness from nose tip to udiyan and to moolbandh in
bahiya kumbhak. Remove nose tip gaze, moolbandh, udiyan bandh and jalandhar
bandh. Relax your body and be ready for next cycle. One may do three cycles of
it. It focuses the mind, awakens kundrlini and grants spiritual knowledge.
It cures diabetes, leprosy, increases digestive fire, makes the
pran fly up in to Sushmana and makes the Kundalini to wake up.
As per Hath Yoga Pradipika, its explained as per following sloka.
Mahabandh sthito yogi, kritva Poorakamekdhoh,
Vayunaam Gatim avartaya Nibhritam Kantham mudraya
samhast Yugo bhumau, sfichau sam tadyet shanaih,
Putdwayam atikramya vayu
Som Surya Agni sambandho Jayate Cha Mritaya vai,
Mrita avastha samutpanna, tato vayum virechayet,
Mahabhedo Ayam abhyasaan, mahasidhi pradayaka,
Valoplitvepaghnah, Sevyate Sadhak uttamah. 26-29/3/ HYP.
After holding the position of mahabandh, a yogi should focus his mind and do poorak. Putting both hand on the floor, he should lift his hips a little up, with left heal in mooladhar place, should make it hit the floor again and again. Doing this, life force leaves Ida and Pingla and enters Sushumana. Then through these three nadis, representing Moon, Sun and Fire grants nectar to the practitioner.As a state of death approaches, exhale. This practice gives great sidhis. Many diseases are removed by it and great practitioners do it regularly.
As per Hath Yoga Pradipika, its explained as per following sloka.
Mahabandh sthito yogi, kritva Poorakamekdhoh,
Vayunaam Gatim avartaya Nibhritam Kantham mudraya
samhast Yugo bhumau, sfichau sam tadyet shanaih,
Putdwayam atikramya vayu
Som Surya Agni sambandho Jayate Cha Mritaya vai,
Mrita avastha samutpanna, tato vayum virechayet,
Mahabhedo Ayam abhyasaan, mahasidhi pradayaka,
Valoplitvepaghnah, Sevyate Sadhak uttamah. 26-29/3/ HYP.
After holding the position of mahabandh, a yogi should focus his mind and do poorak. Putting both hand on the floor, he should lift his hips a little up, with left heal in mooladhar place, should make it hit the floor again and again. Doing this, life force leaves Ida and Pingla and enters Sushumana. Then through these three nadis, representing Moon, Sun and Fire grants nectar to the practitioner.As a state of death approaches, exhale. This practice gives great sidhis. Many diseases are removed by it and great practitioners do it regularly.
4. Yoni Mudra: Sit in sidhasan, inhale through nose.
Perform moolbandh, jalandhar and udiyan bandh. Let the pranic energy fly in to
Sushmana. Raise it chakra wise experiencing the light there and in the end make
it meet the Shiva in Sahasrar for ultimate union. Experience the bliss coming
out of this union and taste this nectar. Consider oneself as Shakti, joining
with purusha, full of bliss, realize Aham Brahm Asmi. Contemplate deity within
ones heart.
5. Vajroni Mudra: Taking support of a wall stand upside
down on hands. It increases outer life force, makes our body extremely strong.
It guards our semen and provides celibacy. It increases the power of all the
nerves in our body.
6. Shaktichalini Mudra: As the name suggest, it deals
with movement of pranic energy in our body. Though various pranas are all the
time moving in our body but the movement one is suggesting under the force of
our will power. We should be able to move the pranas along different channels
as per our desire. This simply is not only a cause but also effect of various sadhanas
done by a practitioner.
Many do it in vajra asan. Sitting in asan one is supposed to
contract and relax the penile muscles. One can do it in sets of 15 to 20,
three to five times. But one finds the above practice much more powerful,
subtle and rewarding. Apart from this, if one gets accomplished in it, self
healing, outside body healing and par kaya parvesh are all advanced states of
this kriya.
7. Shambhavi Mudra: It helps to pacify our vrittis, focus
our Chitt, snares our budhi (intellect). After doing Shanmukhi mudra, concentrate
on the center area between the eyebrows, find bindu there. Fix mind on that bindu. Bring Atma there and experience the perpetual bliss of this state and enter Samadhi.
It is said depending upon the amount of power available in a
chakra, the number of petals are formed. Thus according to it, if petals are four
the total power available will be less than in a chakra where petals are
sixteen. Raise the power of kundlini through the chakras into Ajna chakra.
Here we are dealing with only a small practice for elemental dharans (concentration) for all the readers.
Here we are dealing with only a small practice for elemental dharans (concentration) for all the readers.
8. Prithvi Dharana Mudra: It is one of the five elements of creation in the cosmos. What ever gross is seen around us is because of manifestation of prithvi tattwa. It is represented by a yellow square. Its attributes are stability, mental concentration, smell, while thechakra connected with it is mooladhar. Generally visualised between knees and ankles. It represents Bhu loka.
Fix a yellow square paper at eye level around two feet away. Concentrate on it. Take it inside the eyebrow centre and start focusing on the attributes listed earlier. Keep on visualizing yourself as earth, heavy and stable, source of all smells, power of attraction, dryness, which can imbibe all elements, which is all giving like a mother, capacity to cover, hardness and capacity to pardon.
Fix a yellow square paper at eye level around two feet away. Concentrate on it. Take it inside the eyebrow centre and start focusing on the attributes listed earlier. Keep on visualizing yourself as earth, heavy and stable, source of all smells, power of attraction, dryness, which can imbibe all elements, which is all giving like a mother, capacity to cover, hardness and capacity to pardon.
9. Jaliya Dharna Mudra: During the process of creation water was the first gross kind of element which came in to form as Space, Air and Fire were still subtle to it. All kinds of liquids come under it. It is represented by crescent moon and extends from knees to navel in our body. Physiologically seeing one would agree to it as most of the organs dealing in liquids fall under excretory system and procreation system located here.
Make a half crescent moon sticker which is silver or greyish in colour and fix as explained above and meditate on it. Or else we can sit on a river bank and meditate on the water flow, its attributes like life giving element, representing liquids of the cosmos, capability to flow, take form of any container, a cleaning agent etc. Extend your consciousness to such an extent that one feels like water element and fill up the whole universe. One should feel its attributes of subtleness, flow ability, attraction, power behind it, whiteness, coolness, purity, light emitting capability etc.
Make a half crescent moon sticker which is silver or greyish in colour and fix as explained above and meditate on it. Or else we can sit on a river bank and meditate on the water flow, its attributes like life giving element, representing liquids of the cosmos, capability to flow, take form of any container, a cleaning agent etc. Extend your consciousness to such an extent that one feels like water element and fill up the whole universe. One should feel its attributes of subtleness, flow ability, attraction, power behind it, whiteness, coolness, purity, light emitting capability etc.
10. Agni Dharana Mudra: Its represented by red triangle. It has inherent quality of heat and fire.. Whatever is offered to it becomes fire. It is the heat of Sun, it's the power behind our eyes, it's the power behind our digestion. The main chakra for this is Manipura in the navel area. As earlier, concentrate on its yantra take it inside your eyebrow centre and bring it to Manipura. Meditate on various aspects of this element there. Feel the fire of Manipura expanding and engulfing our whole body. See yourself converting into small-small particles of fire and expand yourself to fill up the whole cosmos with it. You are that element of the cosmos and has capacity to do what ever that element can do. Inside us it is digestive fire. One can also meditate on a flame to extend ones visualization.
11. Vayavi Dharana Mudra: It is represented by a hexagon and is given grey colour. As earlier fix the yantra, do tratak on it, take it inbetween the brows and then transfer it to Anahat chakra space. Concentrate on various qualities of air element, its lightness, capacity to flow, invisibility, capacity to carry anything, power behind it, its capacity to cleansing and drying up. Imagine yourself turning into air element and experience all these attributes. It increases pranic power. It cures
problems of liver and spleen.
12. Akashiya Dharana Mudra: It is the subtles elment in cosmos and is represented by a circle. In its crudest form it is black in colour, which is the colour of antriksh. All the creation starts taking form in darkness. It pervades everything and can enter into anything. Without its presence nothing can exist as to exist one needs space whether gross or subtle. Use hexagonal yantra for meditating on it or one can concentrate on cloudless sky. Focus more and more on its attributes and turning yourself into it experience them one by one. It increases power of heart.
Lungs also get strong energy from it.
13. Pashini Mudra: Lying down face up. Raise legs straight up and
carry them over head and put them on floor. Fold knees, so that head is between
both knees. Then lock feet behind neck, one may bring ones arms out through the
legs and kept around the hips. Dhyan is to be performed on mooladhar. It gives
strength and nourishment.
OTHER MUDRAS: Vajroli and Amroli mudras can be put under this heading.
Vajroli Mudra:
It is said one who is a practitioner of this mudra can do anything as per his wish, general rules donot apply to him. Two most difficult things for a Vajroli practitioner is milk and a woman who is under control, means a practitioner should desist them. Whether man or a woman, one should slowly practice contraction and expansion to stop the flow of seminal fluid downwards.
Prepare a 14 finger long glass needle which is only that much thick that it can enter our urinary tract. Insert it one finger on the first day. Slowly increase its insertion length till one reaches twelve fingers. One should not perform this without presence of an adept else one can rupture inner membrane. After this one should prepare a silver pipe with one end curved upwards, to be inserted in to the urinary canal and blow slowly air through it and thus cleanse the passage.
Secondly, one should practice stopping the urination just when it is going to come out of body. Thus one can have better control over those muscles.
After this yogi starts to attract water through his urinary organ. When adept in this, he replaces it with milk. After that oil is used. Finally specially prepared mercury is used. It is said when one is able to hold 250 gm mercury inside for a period of three hours without letting it to fall out, Vajroli mudra becomes sidh. One has seen a yogi sucking oil through his urinary organ and then later excreting it out. Such a yogi will have full control over his seminal flow and become urdhavretas. He becomes knower of past, present and future. It is said he gets sidhi to roam in space. Even if the bindu starts flowing downwards, keep trying to move it upwards. Downward movement of bindu (seminal fluid) is death and upward movement is life. A woman should also practice in the same way.
Bindu is controlled by our Chit. If kaam bhav rises in our chit then bindu will get destabilized and have tendency to flow downwards. But if our Chitt is still nothing can happen to our bindu.
Sahjolish amrolirvajrolya bhed ektah,
Jale su bhasm nikshipya dagdh gomaya sambhavam,
Vajroli maithunat urdhava stri pursoh swa anglepanam,
Aseenayoh Sukhe naiv mukt vyaparayoh kshanat,
Sahjoliriyam prokta Shrasuya yogibhih sada,
Ayam shubhkaro yogo bhog yukto api muktidah,
Ayam yogah punyavataam dheeranaam tattva darshinaam,
Nirmatsaranaam sidhyet na tu matsar shaleenaam. 92-95/3/HYP.
Both these mudras are extensions of Vajroli only. One should prepare bhasm of cow dung. When sitting in joined position, the couple should rub bhasm on to their heads, shoulders, hearts, navel, arms, stomach etc with great faith. This yoga becomes sidh only for yogis who are without any dwesha, a knower of tattva and has great courage .
As naad rises above heart it turns into Bindu. When raj and bindu join outside, children are produced but when they are joined inside, then one is called a Yogi. A woman who by contracting her yoni raises the raj up and guards it is called a yogini. Her raj is not destroyed at all. When her naad also rises up it turns into bindu. She gets the power to know past, present, future and achieves Khechari sidhi. This yog is propitious even for enjoying the bhogas of this world.
Leaving aside the earlier flow which carries more Pitt tattva and later flow which is without anything should be left and one should only use middle flow. According to it one should drink Shivambu through nasal passage and should practice Vajroli through maithun without letting the bindu to fall. Middle flow means chandramrit. It is also mixed with cow dung and applied on head, neck, shoulders, heart and arms. It helps increase the power of eyes. It is devised by practitioners of Kapalik lineage.
Plavini Mudra: Plava means swimming in Sanskrit. One was surprised to know that this word has same meaning in Polish language also. In this a yogi gulps in air and fills up his stomach fully with it and then he can float on water. In HYP it has been explained as Plavini kumbhak.
Antah Pravtit udar, marut aporitodrah,
Pyasyagadheapi sukhat, aplavte padm patra vat. (HYP)
One who fills up his stomach with air that sadhak can float even in deep waters like leaf of a lotus plant.
OTHER MUDRAS: Vajroli and Amroli mudras can be put under this heading.
Vajroli Mudra:
It is said one who is a practitioner of this mudra can do anything as per his wish, general rules donot apply to him. Two most difficult things for a Vajroli practitioner is milk and a woman who is under control, means a practitioner should desist them. Whether man or a woman, one should slowly practice contraction and expansion to stop the flow of seminal fluid downwards.
Prepare a 14 finger long glass needle which is only that much thick that it can enter our urinary tract. Insert it one finger on the first day. Slowly increase its insertion length till one reaches twelve fingers. One should not perform this without presence of an adept else one can rupture inner membrane. After this one should prepare a silver pipe with one end curved upwards, to be inserted in to the urinary canal and blow slowly air through it and thus cleanse the passage.
Secondly, one should practice stopping the urination just when it is going to come out of body. Thus one can have better control over those muscles.
After this yogi starts to attract water through his urinary organ. When adept in this, he replaces it with milk. After that oil is used. Finally specially prepared mercury is used. It is said when one is able to hold 250 gm mercury inside for a period of three hours without letting it to fall out, Vajroli mudra becomes sidh. One has seen a yogi sucking oil through his urinary organ and then later excreting it out. Such a yogi will have full control over his seminal flow and become urdhavretas. He becomes knower of past, present and future. It is said he gets sidhi to roam in space. Even if the bindu starts flowing downwards, keep trying to move it upwards. Downward movement of bindu (seminal fluid) is death and upward movement is life. A woman should also practice in the same way.
Bindu is controlled by our Chit. If kaam bhav rises in our chit then bindu will get destabilized and have tendency to flow downwards. But if our Chitt is still nothing can happen to our bindu.
Sahjolish amrolirvajrolya bhed ektah,
Jale su bhasm nikshipya dagdh gomaya sambhavam,
Vajroli maithunat urdhava stri pursoh swa anglepanam,
Aseenayoh Sukhe naiv mukt vyaparayoh kshanat,
Sahjoliriyam prokta Shrasuya yogibhih sada,
Ayam shubhkaro yogo bhog yukto api muktidah,
Ayam yogah punyavataam dheeranaam tattva darshinaam,
Nirmatsaranaam sidhyet na tu matsar shaleenaam. 92-95/3/HYP.
Both these mudras are extensions of Vajroli only. One should prepare bhasm of cow dung. When sitting in joined position, the couple should rub bhasm on to their heads, shoulders, hearts, navel, arms, stomach etc with great faith. This yoga becomes sidh only for yogis who are without any dwesha, a knower of tattva and has great courage .
As naad rises above heart it turns into Bindu. When raj and bindu join outside, children are produced but when they are joined inside, then one is called a Yogi. A woman who by contracting her yoni raises the raj up and guards it is called a yogini. Her raj is not destroyed at all. When her naad also rises up it turns into bindu. She gets the power to know past, present, future and achieves Khechari sidhi. This yog is propitious even for enjoying the bhogas of this world.
Leaving aside the earlier flow which carries more Pitt tattva and later flow which is without anything should be left and one should only use middle flow. According to it one should drink Shivambu through nasal passage and should practice Vajroli through maithun without letting the bindu to fall. Middle flow means chandramrit. It is also mixed with cow dung and applied on head, neck, shoulders, heart and arms. It helps increase the power of eyes. It is devised by practitioners of Kapalik lineage.
Plavini Mudra: Plava means swimming in Sanskrit. One was surprised to know that this word has same meaning in Polish language also. In this a yogi gulps in air and fills up his stomach fully with it and then he can float on water. In HYP it has been explained as Plavini kumbhak.
Antah Pravtit udar, marut aporitodrah,
Pyasyagadheapi sukhat, aplavte padm patra vat. (HYP)
One who fills up his stomach with air that sadhak can float even in deep waters like leaf of a lotus plant.
In general mudras
give the following benefits:
Makes our mind still and focused,
Makes pran and apan balanced,
Cleanses various nadis,
Opens the door of Brahmrandhara,
10th door,
Helps to attain Samadhi,
Secretions of Thyroid, Pancreas, Spleen, Liver, Kidneys, Gonads
etc. are stabilized.
The six karmas of Hatha
yoga bring about the following effects:
Asan bring forth firmness,
Mudra brings about stability,
Pratyahaara brings about Dheerta (courage),
Pranayam brings about lightness
in our body,
Dhyan brings about Pratyakshata or makes visibility of form,
Samadhi brings about disconnection from everything or complete detachment. This is just the first state of Samadhi...the merging awareness of the Self...
Thus ends this series of four articles written with respect to performing mudras. Many different mudras are there in Kriya yoga which are extremely powerful and have not been discussed here. Hope all the readers will like the article in same way as one enjoyed it while writing.....Jai Adinath..Jai Ma...Om!
Should the learned readers find any shortcomings in this article series, do please overlook & forgive one. Please inform and one will try to correct them with humility.
~Om Jai Srinath~
Thus ends this series of four articles written with respect to performing mudras. Many different mudras are there in Kriya yoga which are extremely powerful and have not been discussed here. Hope all the readers will like the article in same way as one enjoyed it while writing.....Jai Adinath..Jai Ma...Om!
Should the learned readers find any shortcomings in this article series, do please overlook & forgive one. Please inform and one will try to correct them with humility.
~Om Jai Srinath~
very very interesting
Thanks for liking. Om
DeleteMind blowing
ReplyDeleteThanks for yr inspiration. Om
DeleteThanks for yr inspiration. Om
DeleteMany thanks
ReplyDeleteSir, what is your source for your reading? In which book or puran can I read more about Mudras?
ReplyDeleteIts a mix of standard texts n experience researching this unlimited knowledge. One can hope to know jst a little in this unfathomable ocean. Om