Monday, July 25, 2016



In the normal evolutionary cycle of life, one progresses slowly from one stage to the next stage. One moves, from the ordinary struggle for material existence in the world to the higher truths of existence. The attempt to unravel the higher truths is an internal journey. An attempt to embark on such path and its understanding is generally called Philosophy. It also means love of knowledge. Serious reflections on such ideals by our ancient savants, sages, seers, rishis brought them intuitive perception and various mystical experiences, which gave them a clearer and deeper understanding of life. This seeing or experiencing got the appellation ‘Darshan(दर्शन)’.

Almost all the darshans’ found to their dismay that life is full of misery and hence their chief aim became to alleviate it. The drive of inner search by our ancient Hindu sages lead them to form six different schools of thoughts which today are called Shad Darshan. Three underlying things which are essential for it  are

Tapasya/ तपस्या (austerity.)

Shravan/ श्रवण (attentive listening to the precepts of truth 
               expounded by Rishis.)    

Manan/मनन (Sincere and continuous reflection on truth.)

These became the chief tools of Hindu philosophers in their quest for truth. All hold Vedas as their prime source of inspiration for enlightenment and believed that following it, one can surely find the truth and hence freedom from misery and suffering. 

The six schools of thoughts laid down by our ancient rishis are as follows:

Nyaya Darshan (न्याय दर्शन): written by rishi Gautam, around 550 BC.

Vaisheshik Darshan (वैशेषिक दर्शन) : written by Rishi Kanad, around 600 BC.

Samkhya Darshan (सांख्य दर्शन) : written by Kapil Muni.

Yogdarshan (योग दर्शन) : written by Sage Patanjali, around 200 BC.

Mimansa Darshan (मिमांसा दर्शन) : written by Rishi Jaimini, around BC 200


Vedanta Darshan (वेदान्त दर्शन) : written by Rishi Badrayan, around 500-200 BC.

Their teachings were written in the form of Sutras (सूत्र), memorized and orally transmitted by Guru to his disciple, thus there were no chances of wrong information. Later on, various scholars wrote commentaries and expositions on them, which were called Bhashya (भाष्य), Tika (टीका), Vritti (वृत्ति) or Vartika (वर्तिका) etc. in poetry and prose. Debating with each other their own and others point of view this knowledge was deepened and sharpened.

All differed with each other on their philosophies but they unanimously agreed on a few points,

*Presence of human suffering,

*Need to attain total freedom from this misery and suffering,

*Belief in the law of karma,

*Life is given to improve upon our karmas to achieve higher spiritual pedestal.

One thing which was common to all the great rishis who laid down these different thought schools was that they all were ascetics of the highest order and continuously meditated on the higher self or atma. Thus through inner journey, they laid bare the path to final emancipation, both through Gyan and Vigyan.


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