Sunday, December 31, 2017

Tantric Creation Concept

An effort is being made to represent a birds view of the concept of Tantric creation on paper for the understanding of the interested readers. It has been divided in to A, B, C and D. 

Part A shows the breakage of atma from paramatma, i.e from non dual to dual form as it moves from Nishkal state of Paramshunya to Sakal Nishkal state in Mahamaya to Sakal state of Maya. With the flow of chit shakti atma breaks up from Parmatama as a drop separates from water. Thus it descends from That to initiate the process of creation. As it breaks away, it is covered by first avarna or sheath of Anav mal. Though FREE it starts feeling that its BOUND. This is the first impurity.  As it descends further, second sheath or avarna covers it in the form of Mayik mal. Here Atma feels that I am GROSS and WEAK. The other sheat which covers it in the realm of maya is Karmik Mal. When the atma engages in an act and thiks that I am DOING such and such thing. Thus atma gets three avrnas in the process of creation in the form of Anav mal, Karmik, Mayik mal. This is the process of Pravrti dhara while the reverse is called Nivritti dhara.

B shows the presence of Shiv and Shakti or Prakashansh and Vimarshansh in the perfect stability of Mahashunya. During the process of creation, on the movement of chit shakti, both break up in the respective sub shaktis and intermingle to form four resultant shaktis of Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari which lie in the center and on the sides of a cosmic creatrix triangle.

C show further details of the triangle formed also called Vishwayoni or cosmic womb. Various matrika shaktis lie on the three sides of this triangle and at the three corners of it. 16 each lie on the sides and three on the corners making it 51 matrikas which are essentially responsible for the creation. Para , Pashyanti, Madhya, Vaikhari representing Parling, Itar ling, Bana ling and Swayambhu ling respectively (missed in the sketch). The cit shakti thus descends from the mahashunya, through Mahamaya, through maya and descends into the jeeva from Sahasrar to drown deep in the sea of ignorance in the bindu of mooladhar. On the way, it establishes all the matrika shaktis in the form of alphabets in the seven chakras at various locations in the human body.

D shows Nirvana marg. Thorugh the physical body, a sadhak has to perform various cleansing techniques in the form of Bhootshudhi and Chit shudhi to reach back to the source. During this period he has to move from Bhootakash to Chitakaash to Chidakash to reach the space of mahashunya on one end of which lies Unmani where minds unit of existence is 1/512. Time is expereinced in the state of Rajas by the jeeva. Time is where there is movement. When there is no movement, time is not.
Trust the above little explanation with consolidated sketch will help the knowledgeable readers to have an idea about the concept of creation. Though many more details are there inbetween but still one has tried to share the basics with all. Hope all will enjoy this article on the eve of New Year, 2018. Wishin everyone a great spiritually enlightening 2018 ahead, may all rise higher and higher in their spiritual practices to achieve the desired goal at te earliest.....Om Gurve Namah.


  1. Jai Ho! ������������������‍♀️⚛️��☯️������✨ In speechless state of the Beyond! Om! Om! Om! ~*~

  2. Xtremely Inspiring! Jai Ho! 🌹✨🌟❤️💫

  3. My maternal uncle is doing black magic against me for past 20 years is there any way I can get rid of.him?

  4. Replies
    1. Try reading Gopinat Kaviraj ji's writings....or SN Khandelwalji's translations.....Om!.
