Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Krishna and Yog


Wishing all the readers a very very auspicious Krishna Janmashtami, may that light dawn in cave of the heart of all the sincere sadhaks making them guiding lights of others.

                              In Search of Krishna in Vrindavan's Secret Forest - Arré

As per Yogiraj Lahiri Mahashaya ji in his writings:


योगाःत्रयो प्रोक्ताः नृणां श्रेयो विधित्सया,

ग्यानं कर्म च भक्तिश्च नोपायोऽन्योऽस्ति कुत्रचित् ।

Krishna enumerated three paths for the welfare of human beings. Jnana (Knowledge), Bhakti (Devotion) and Karm (Action). Apart from these three paths there is no other path for final emancipation. Gita discusses these three paths alone. As there are three paths in the same manner, those who deserve right over them are also of three kinds. None can acquire any path as per his or her own sweet will. Some have right of karma, some have right over knowledge and some have right over Bhakti. Thus the three kinds of practitioners will have a specific path out of the three to practice but they will have to take support of all the three paths to some level howsoever small it may be. As per swabhav of the person, predominance of one path is there but then the other two path cannot become non-relevant. In their absence one may fall from time to time as the path of practice is full of obstructions. A person chooses his own path but if he can not to choose it then Sadguru choses it for him or her as he alone has the authority to do so.

All cannot have right over the path of knowledge as without quietude (वैराग्य) none can earn right to the path of knowledge. Non-indulgence into worldly subjects is scarcely seen in people. Without quietude of the chit, acquisition of knowledge is impossible. That is why lord has explained in the Geeta that after acquiring the real knowledge about the worldly objects, whose ignorance has been destroyed, there self-realization lights up form of the lord completely as Sun banishes the darkness and lights up all the objects. For those whose focus of intellect is completely established in Him, whose mind is totally devoted to Him, for whom he alone is the refuge, whose sins have been washed due to rising of self-realization by the grace of the Lord, they alone achieve mukti. Thus explaining the attributes of Brhamvid, the lord indicates that those who are established in that state they do not get happy on getting desired object, they do not get perturbed on getting undesired object because that intellect has stabilized and their attachments have been removed. Without stabilization of the intellect, knowledge cannot be cultivated. But this state is achieved by a very few people in the world. When without knowledge, mukti is not achieved then all the practitioners have to work for knowledge. The attraction and love which is desired for achievement of knowledge, that alone, is the second path. That second path is called Bhakti yog.

Those who are neither recluse and nor extremely attached, for them only this path is suitable. They achieve knowledge through this path only. Developing Bhakti in Lord Krishna, one develops vairagya quickly and after this knowledge arises on its own.

But those who do not possess quietude, do not have bhakti, what is the path to self-realization. For people in this category, practice of yoga is best. Most of the people come under this category only. Due to restless of the mind they cannot focus and hence cannot focus their intellect on one point or in one subject. Due it one develops ignorance and attachment. Till the movement of the pran prevails, stillness of the mind cannot be achieved and hence knowledge cannot rise. Movement of the mind is the cause of all ignorance. To stop this flow, kriya yog or practice of yog is required. Those in whose mind thought of Bram does not arise, who are busy in their own world all the time, they should follow the path of unattached work. Practice of unattached work itself is called yog. The practice of kriya yog is essential for all whether Gyani, Bhakta or Karmi. When one performs action like this then alone of them can be offered to the lord. Without long practice of karm yoga, self -realization cannot arise. The only means to achieve that is practice of yog. By practice of yoga one achieves qualification and by that alone knowledge arises. With pranayam, the coverings over knowledge get removed. The lord declares, ‘ O Arjun, Yogi is better than a knowledgeable person and man of action, o you become a Yogi.’

Till ego is filled in the heart one cannot offer all action at the feet of the lord. That is why egoless knowledge sadhak, considers all the objects belonging to Lord only. One who can perform his actions like this only is Gyani, Yogi and Bhakta. Unattached action is desired. Normally two kind of people cannot perform such an action, first those who are lethargic and second those who are followers of Samkhya. First ones do not like to perform action and second ones think that action is not required in face of knowledge accrued by them and generally say that action is the cause of attachment. Lord says Yajna, alms giving and austerity are never to be renounced. Rather to perform them is one’s duty. Because all these activities, purify one’s mind. Otherwise generally it is also said that if one performs work then one will have to taste the fruit of it also. But lord says those who perform all action offering them at his feet, they are not bound by them.      

Karma by which knowledge dawns is performed in three manners; forgetting attachment to the fruit of the karma, removing all the ego attached to it and offering all of it at the feet of the lord. But without equanimity of mind such a mental state cannot be achieved, without stabilization of the prana, mind cannot achieve equanimity. Without pranayam etc., mind cannot stabilize, without control of the senses, purification of dietary habits and living in seclusion these things are not possible.


At the start of pooja we do Pranayam, Angnyaas, Karnyaas, what is the purpose of it. Energy is flowing through various nerves in our body. This movement provides energy to various organs and systems in the body to perform respective actions. But all these are just outward movements of the pranic energy. This outward movement makes our mind restless. But when we want to sit for pooja etc. them mind has to be focused and still. Till it is perfectly still, light of the atma cannot dawn and one cannot enter into the sancto-sanctorum of it. To guide the mind into that bindu, purification of the nadis is essential. Rishis have realized that without the knowledge of the kriya yoga, still of the pranic energy cannot be achieved and these Karnyaas and Angnyaas etc are the result of their effort only. Eyes, ears, nasals, head, shikha, heart, navel, root of the arms and legs, vertebral column, all are delicate places and places of development of the spiritual powers. It is also said that by continuously performing Nyaas even, a person can realize in life. Till the energy entering Sushumana, piercing all the chakras, does not enter Sahasrar, divine knowledge cannot be achieved. One whose energy can enter Sushumana he will acquire all the knowledge of inner realm. In most of the people these special places are generally dormant or partially awake. Without developing them fully we cannot achieve divine power. To awaken them through sadhana is the purpose of yog. For this alone various nyaasas are performed during poojan. Thus nyaas etc is the process of opening these dormant points in our body. On opening of these centres, a human becomes superhuman. Whether lower form or the highest form of beings, all are generated through pranic energy only. `

Om Shanti! Shanti!, Shanti! .......................Shaktanand.            

1 comment:

  1. Indeed! Sadhu! Sadhu! 🕉🔯💖 🌺Happy Krishna Janamashtami to all!🌺 🌹✨Jai Shree Krishna✨🌹
