Monday, March 22, 2021


As to control the flow of water in the rivers or to redirect them various dams(bandh) are constructed, in the same manner to control the flow of Pran and redirect it in our body, yogis have devised various kinds of Bandh (बन्ध) which literally mean lock, tightening, holding or redirecting. When the enrgy rises through our Sushumana, one can feel the sensation of heat of movement generated by it. As it rises higher into the brain one can feel the tingling sensation of heat in the cerebellum, behind the ears and in the crown of the head too. It is experienced that as more and more energy collects in the crown sensation shifts towards the point where brahmins keep their shikha or tuft of hair. One can check this with the help of aura photography too see in the form of a white circle formed by this building of energy in the reason.

Photo taken from top of the head

As per different scriptures these bandhas are used along with Mudras which we dealt previously, though could not be done in detail due to less time. Kriya yoga employs extensive use of them. These are mentioned in different yogic texts, Nath philosophy, Adi Shankracharya’s writings etc. Mainly, there are three Bandhas devised, namely, Jalandhar Bandh1, Udiyan Bandh2, Mool Bandh3 and another one which is a combination of all the above is called Mahabandh4. Each bandh is connected with a particular nerve bundle called Granthi (ग्रन्थि). Mool Bandh is connected with Brahm Granthi (ब्रह्म ग्रन्थि), Uddiyan Bandh is connected with Vishnu Granthi (विष्णु ग्रन्थि) and Jallandhar Band is connected with Rudra Granthi (रुद्र ग्रन्थि).

Mooladhar is the place where Kundlini resides. Beej mantra Lam (लं) which provides life to us, hence the knot there is called Brahm Granthi, as Brahma is the creator. It is activated by Mool Bandh.

Area of Manipur, Beej mantra Ram (रं), our stomach area, is the digestive area which provides energy to us by extracting it from the food and hence it does the work of Brahma, hence the knot there is called Brahm Granthi. It is activated by Uddiyan Bandh i.e. work of Vishnu is sustaining of life.

Vishudhi, beej mantra Ham (हं) in the throat purifies and directs us back to our source, taking us away from the world in to the inner realm, hence fulfilling the action of Rudra i.e. annihilation, hence called Rudra Granthi. It is activated by Jallandhar Bandh.

1.Mool Bandh

Figure 1: Mool Bandh


In case of men, its space is between testicles and anus while in case of women its space is at the mouth of the uterus. Perineal floor area is space of mooladhar. Mool means ‘Main’ and Adhaar means ‘Bases’. So that which is the main basis is called Mooladhar, it represents Earth element and is denoted by beej ‘Lam’. It is the place where Kundlini resides in ignorant form resulting in similar state of consciousness of the practitioner. it’s the space of mooladhar chakra, which caters to the basic needs of a person i.e. food to eat, clothes to wear and place to live in i.e. Food-Clothes-House. One, whose this chakra is not functioning properly, will be lacking in these things and one whose this chakra is overactive, that person might be running after amassing more and more of these things beyond requirement.

From Navel à Anus is the region of the pran vayu which is responsible for ejecting all the waste material from the body weather in the form of stools or in the form of urine. Even sexual secretions downward movement is also caused by it. If this pranic energy is less, it will result in constipation and if its excessive it will result in diarrhea. This energy keeps moving between navel and anus all the time, in a direction opposite to pran, which moves in the area of navel and throat. Opposite movement of pran and Apan represents life while their movement in the same direction represents death.


It is generally done in sitting position of Sidh Asna or Sidh Yoni asan. When we contract our perineal floor, we find that our anus, urinary tract/ Vaginal region and urethra area, all get contracted. We need to develop skill and control to contract all the above areas separately. Anal contraction will result in Ashwani mudra, urinary organ contraction will result in Vajroli mudra while Urethral area contraction will result in Mooladhar stimulation.

Sit in the required asan, keeping back straight but relaxed, put your hands on your knees with arms straight so that it helps to keep the back erect from waist upward. Inhale ‘freshness and relaxation’ through nose and exhale ‘tiredness and stiffness’ out through the mouth three times slowly.

Withdraw your attention from the outside world. Visualize your own center line and contract your consciousness on to it. Doing this will help us open our Sushumana path. Once you feel you are focused on the center line, it means Sushumana has opened (there are many other ways to open it too).

With Ujjai breath in slowly and deeply, raising it from the base of the mooladhar chakra. As we inhale our perineal floor will be lifted upwards. By the time inhale is complete, the muscles are pulled upwards tighten them there and tilt your chin in to the hollow of the neck to stop the breath from moving out. Now the breath and pranic energy is locked in the area between the throat and anus. Perform antrik Kumbhak (inner retention) i.e. hold as long as possible, keeping Moolbandh tight. When one can no longer hold the breath, raise the chin up, exhale the breath slowly out and then release the lock of the muscles in the perineal floor. One may perform it 11 times as per one’s own capacity of breath holding, which can be 1-3 minutes.

It can be performed with Bahiya Kumbhak too, outside retention of breath. In that case one has to sit, relax, inhale and exhale. Then apply Jallandhar and then Moolbandh. Hold as long as possible, though this period will certainly be smaller than inner retention, which may be vary generally from 20-40 second.


It helps energize the pelvic region which houses our euro genitalia and excretory system. As it forces the pranic energy to rise higher and makes one Urdhavretas, thus helps in developing celibacy. Promotes health, help overcome stress and depression, helps in awakening Mooladhar Chakra too.           

Asans affecting Mooladhar Chakra:

Karnpeed Asan, Setu Badh Asan, Dhanur Asan. Tadan Kriya, Kukutasan etc.

2.Uddiyan Bandh


Uddiyan is the bandh of the stomach region in which Saman vayu fans the digestive fire. Pran and Apan meet together in the navel region, creating fire which is further fanned by Saman which moves side to side, in the waist region. All the digestive organs also lie in this area and is the space of Manipur chakra, represented by fire beej ‘Ram’.

उदरे पश्चिमं तानं नाभेरुर्ध्वं च कारयेत् ,

उड्डीयानो ह्यसौ बंधो मृत्यो मातंगकेसरी ।

Hatha Yog Pradipika, Chap 3-57.

Pulling the abdomen back in and making the navel rise in Uddiyan bandha. It is the lion which conquers the elephant of death.

Figure 2: Uddiyan Bandh (BSY)


Should be performed on empty stomach. Sit in a comfortable Sidh Asan or Sidh yoni asan. Keep both hands on the respective knees. Relax whole of your body by exhaling all the tiredness and inhaling all the freshness. Focus on your center line. Lightly close your eyes and inhale fully slowly with Ujjai through mouth. Bending forward bringing forehead towards the floor, exhale completely quickly, suck the stomach in as if one is trying to touch navel to the spine. Straighten your arms so that body comes up with straight spine. Descend the chin in the hollow of the neck to apply Jallandhar Bandh. Hold this Bahiya Kumbhak (outside breath retention) position as long as possible. Then slowly remove the abdominal lock, loosen your shoulders and spine and raise the chin opening the neck lock, inhale. This completes one cycle. One may perform 11-21 rounds as per one’s capacity. Best performed after asan and pranayam.   


It is great boon for our abdominal system. Even if done 3-5 times a day in the morning it goes a long way in improvement in the digestion of the food in our body. As we suck the stomach onwards it massages the internal organs, presses them and as we release the lock, blood flow collected around due to constriction of the area gushes through the organs and bathing them. Liver, pancreas are stimulated and functioning of adrenal glands are also balanced. As we perform it on the bahiya kumbhak, an area of low pressure or vacuum is generated in the middle of the body i.e. around the body which attracts both pran and apan to rush towards the navel where they generate heat which is fanned by Saman in the middle region. Thus, Manipur is also stimulated. It affects the solar plexus called celiac plexus which is a nerve ganglia affecting the stomach, kidney, lever and adrenal.

Anxiety is a common cause of pain in this area. It is also connected to lungs so can affect breathing during fight and flight situation. Acid reflux and gastric problems can also cause pain here. Even an old person can become young by doing it regularly. Vitality increases with regular practice. Many physiological and psychological benefits are accrued by its regular practice.

As per the 60th sloka of chapter 3 of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, It is said that out of all the bandhas, Uddiyan is best, which when mastered, provides mukti or liberation spontaneously.


Uddiyan bandh should not done in case of stomach or intestinal ulcers, recent surgeries performed in this area, high BP, diaphragmatic hernia, colitis, heart diseases or during bruising, redness or swelling of muscles of this area due to over exertion during exercise or otherwise.    

Asans Affecting Manipur Chakra:

Tadagi Mudra, Agnisaar Kriya, Nauka Asan, Yoga mudra asan, Setu asan, Halasan.

3.Jallandhar Bandh


The area between navel and throat is the area of pranic energy. As we inhale the breath goes down while the pran moves up from the navel towards the throat while exhaling breath moves up from the navel side towards throat while the pranic energy falls back towards the navel from the throat area. So it is clear that if lock our neck area then we will restrict the movement of pranic energy in the area between navel and throat. Pran is energy which is makes us eat or drink. If this energy is depleted then our eating and drinking capacity will be compromised. Pran is always connected with Apan. Their opposite direction movement represents life.

It helps prevent flow of nectar from Bindu to flow down from the Vishudhi to our stomach.


Sit in comfortable Sidh asan or Sidh yoni asan.

कंठमाकुंच्य हृद्ये स्थाप्येच्चिबुकं दृढम्,

बंधो जालन्धराख्योऽयं जरामृत्यु विनाशकः ।

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chap 3/ Sloka 70.

(Contracting the throat by bringing the chin to the chest is the bandha called Jallandhar. It destroys the old age and death.)

Figure 3: Jallandhar Bandh(BSY)

Put your hands on the knees as shown.

Exhale all the tiredness and tension in the muscles and the joints. Bring your focus to your central axis, close your eyes lightly.

Bend forward by relaxing your elbows and inhale deeply while coming up.

Straighten your arms, make spine erect but not tense, raise the shoulders and descend the chin to the chest.

Hold your breath (Antrik kumbhak) along with this position as long as possible.

When one cannot hold, slowly lift the chin off the chest into starting position, relax the shoulders and bring them down to natural position and slowly exhale.

It is recommended in all the breath exercises to keep the flow controlled, without any extra pressure while completing the inhaling or starting the exhale after holding. There should be no jerk to the respiratory system. This comprises one cycle of bandh.

One may repeat it 5-11 times.

One may repeat it on outside breath retention (Bahiya Kumbhak) too.


Alleviates all the disorders of the throat, namely inflammation, stuttering tonsilitis, excessive mucous formation, improves quality of voice and hence beneficial for all the singers. During its locking many impulses, blood etc are collected in the throat area and not allowed to flow to the brain. But when it is removed, there is a gush/ flow of blood and obstructed impulses from throat to the higher centers of the brain. Thyroid hormone, Thyroxin-T4 is secreted in the throat which is responsible for tissue metabolism in our body i.e. rate at which nutrients will be consumed, tissues will age and cell turnover will happen. Second important gland in the throat is Parathyroid which regulate calcium metabolism and regulate amount of calcium in the blood and bones.


Should not be practiced by people suffering cervical spondylitis, high blood pressure, heart disease.

Asans affecting Vishudhi Chakra:

Halasan, Sarvang Asan, Reverse Padm asan, Chakrasan, Hastotan Asan, Matasya Asan, Kandhar Asan, Halasan.    



Mahabandh is a great practice which employs use of all the three bandhas discussed previously. Its practice is utilized in kriya yoga too and has been explained in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter 3 also. It can be performed in two different manners. Some perform it in one sitting position itself which can be Sidh Asan or Sidh Yoni Asan and others perform it as Utaanpad asan on both sides. Different scriptures refer to it with little variations.


Type 1

It employs use of Kumbhak, Moolabandh, Jallandhar Band, Uddiyan Bandh, Khechari and Shambhavi mudra. Sit in Sidh asan or Sidh yoni asna with spine straight and hands resting on the knees as shown in the figure below. Relax your body and mind and bring your consciousness to your central axis.

Breath in slowly and deeply through nose, hold breath (Antrik Kumbhak) and apply Jallandhar Bandh, Moolbandh and Uddiyyan Bandh. Fix your gaze in the eye brow center practicing Shambhavi. Hold as long as possible and then slowly release the breath. 

                                           (Pran and Apan join together and Uddiyan forces it into the Sushumana, as shown above)

Slowly raise the chin, unlocking the Jallandhar Bandh and exhale. This comprises one round. One can practise 5-7 rounds as per one’s capacity. 

Type 2:

Perform Mahamudra as shown in the sketch and explained, 03 times, holding the breath comfortably as long as possible.

Mahamudra (4.1a)

    Fold left leg so that thigh is in contact with chest and arms are encircling around the knee holding, while right leg is folded below and heel is pressing on mooladhar as shown below. Inhale and fill up the lungs. From this position, releasing the left knee extend the leg onto the floor. Extending both arms front and holding the left foot toe firmly, keeping tongue in Khechari mudra, fix the gaze into trikuti for Shambhavi mudra i.e. eyebrow centre, keeping the back straight and chin a little up with moolbandh and holding breath.

                                                                                             Mahamudra (4.1b)

Run consciousness along Ajna, Vishudhi, and Mool as long as comfortable. After that release the breath, release hold on the right foot, slide the hands along the sides of the right leg up to waist. This completes one side. Put both hands on the floor lifting the torso, change the position of both the legs i.e. right leg is folded with thigh to the chest and left leg is folded below with its heel on the mooladhar. Repeat the same procedure as was performed above on the other side (Rt leg, 4.1c).

Mahamudra (4.1c)

After completing the right leg cycle, bend both legs together with both thighs touching the chest (4.1d). Inhale and then extend both legs in front and hold both toes (4.1e) as advised earlier and maintain the position as long as comfortable.

Mahamudra (4.1d) & Mahamudra (4.1e)

Then exhaling release the grip on toes, withdraw the hands back tracing the path from the outer side of the legs up to the waist (4.1d).This completes one cycle. Next breath should be used for second round. Like this, do three rounds with right leg extended, three rounds with left leg extended and three rounds with both legs extended.


“It charges our body with pranic energy and Sushmana awareness in heightened. It clears all energy blockades in the body. As is clear from the practice method, high blood pressure patients, heart patients or those who have undergone recent surgeries should refrain from it. It helps us control Udan vayu and strengthens our dhyan”.[1] It clears the nadis and stimulates our Suhumana and brings heightened awareness and clarity. Digestion, assimilation of food and pranic energy are stimulated. It charges all areas from Mooladhar to Ajna chakra. So physiologically it stimulates digestion, Pranically it circulates energy in the chakras, Psychologically evolves our mind and Psychically arouses receptivity. As the pranic energy (Kundlini) moves up and down the Sushumana, a number of times, blockages of past karmas are removed.


As explained in earlier practices too, one who is suffering from high BP, low BP, ulcers of stomach or intestines, hernia should refrain from attempting it till their condition is improved. Healthy body is a pre-requisite for all kinds of bandhas.



1 comment:

  1. Extremely useful article. Just one thing, Udiyan Bandh, I think has wrongly been associated with Brahma, It should be Vishnu, I think it’s a typo. Still great article for a newbie like me.
