Friday, June 07, 2024

Faith and thoughts in Spiritual discipline

 Faith and thoughts in Spiritual discipline, written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj.

Why does a knowledgeable person gets into illusion? 

Actually this is not right because one who has developed knowledge never gets into illusion. For example when we look at milk, we see water inside it as milk, we believe it to be same, we taste it as same, still it is not true as both water and milk are different. But a knowledgeable person sees oneness every where and hence there is no question of duality in his vision. For him what is water, that is milk too because who sees the atma in every thing. IF he does not see it like that then he will not be known as knowledgeable person. While the eye of knowledge opens, no confusion prevails, then illusion gets removed. For him creation, annihilation and sustenance, all are one. In Brahmakash, all things are established in their eternal state only. When knowledgeable person is drowned in associated state, then they see nothing, this is known as Brahmo-state. After coming out of it, they become seers of everything and knowers of everything, like Ishwar. But in this state too, consciousness prevails because jeevas all knowing state is experienced as Brahm. When eye of knowledge arises, one gets state of Ishwar and Shivatva arises. Later Shiv also merges and only Shakti prevails. In this state, no entity can keep its separate state. Only 'That' which is beyond the elements, is known as Parmarth (परमार्थ) or Swabhav (स्वभाव). This is Mahashakti or Param Shiv.

 Attainment of Natural form by consciousness or development of exalted state (ऐश्वर्य) is in fact known as development of the seed. Ishwar with the help of this seed alone creates. In the base of it is dearth and hence desire, knowledge, consciousness and its name. This seed only is the creation to e known. Here that which is to be known (ज्ञेय) and that who knows (ज्ञाता) seem to be one but are different else what was the need to name them differently. Whenever any alternative arises, it is due to confusion because at that moment the oneness disappears and duality manifests. We can say that when we fall from the path of the lord, fragmented jeev state arises. In the state Ishwar too there is jeev bhav but that is pure and non-fragmented. Hence in the un-fragmented state also fragmentation is seen. So in the state of Ishwar both jeev and Ishwar are present.

Fragmented state represents jeev and is confusion oriented. Retrograde (वक्रगती) is its speciality and more or less vibrating air is its pran which travels in Ida and Pingala. This movement in itself is called breathing. Equanimity (समता) of breathing generates faith. When this happen Ida and Pingla balance, retrogation disappears, knowledge rises, jeev bhav purifies and Ishwar state is generated. Joining with Temperament (स्वभाव) arises because of it lack or privation arises, and jeevbhaav gets removed. One who has faith, for him no activity remains. When lack (अभाव) arises, temperament (स्वभाव) fills it up. Till state is achieved, Bhakti can not be attained. Without knowledge, bhakti cannot be experienced. The knowledge which people understand in the world is actually dry knowledge. Actual knowledge is full of nectar. 

From breath arises doubt and the deceptive magic of the world is created. When exhalation and inhalation disappears and pran starts flowing in Sushumana, then ego and 'I am the doer' thinking disappears. Confusion is annihilated and knowledge and bhakti arises. This is known as faith. To become an instrument in the hands of Shakti, establishing in one's real self, to remain under the control of Guru, this all is known as dependence, surrender and self offering. In such a state, inhalation and exhalation stops and breath moves inside the Sushumana. 

When one associates with outer air, confusion (संशय) and alternate thinking (विकल्प) arises. More this association, greater the confusion. If there is no attraction of outer air, then rising of confusion does not happen at all. Sushumana only operates. Since the divine play takes place naturally only in the saral path (सरल पथ), hence it generates knowledge, is essential and not obstructive. When faith establishes strongly, inner movement of breath also stops, this is the state if attainment. In this state no resolutions (sankalp) exist. Faith and confusion less state both represent same thing..Om! 

Sadhan Jeevan Vishwas aur Vichaar........Yogiraj Vishuddhanand Prasang and Tattva Katha.

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