Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Chakra Vrittis or Propensities

 Mooladhar Chakra (मूलाधार चक्र):

The whole body is balanced on this chakra. It has four vrittis/ वृत्ति (propensities) namely Dharma/ धर्म (psycho-spiritual longing), Artha/ अर्थ (psychic longing), Kama/ काम (physical longing), Moksha/मोक्ष (Spiritual longing).

Swadhishthan Chakra (स्वाधिष्ठान चक्र):

Located in the spinal column directly behind the genital organ. It has 06 propensities, namely, Avijina/ अविजिना (belittlement of others), Murccha/ मूर्छा, psychic stupor, lack of common sense, Prashraya/ प्रश्रय (indulgence), Avishvasa/ अविश्वास (lack of confidence), Sarvanasha/ सर्वनाश (thought of sure annihilation), Krurataa/ क्रूरता (Cruelty).

Manipur Chakra:

Located at the navel and controls ten propensities Lajja/ लज्जा (shyness), Pishunta/ पिषुणता (Sadistic tendency), Iirasha/ईर्षया (envy), Sushupti/ सुषुप्ती (sleepiness, staticity), Vishada/ विशाद (Melancholia), Kasaya/ क्षय (peevishness), Trasna/ तृष्णा (yearning for acquisition), Moh/ मोह (attachment, infatuation), Ghrina/ घृणा (hatred, revulsion), Bhaya/ भय (fear).

Anahat Chakra:

Located in the region of chest, controls 10 propensities in sadhak, namely, Asha/ आशा (Hope), Chinta/ चिन्ता (worry), Cheshta (effort), Mammta/ ममता (Attachment), Dambh/ दम्भ (Vanity), Vivek/ विवेक (conscience),Vikalta/ विकलता (mental numbness due to fear), Ahamkar/ अहंकार (Ego), Lolata/ लोलता (Avarice), Kapatata/ कपटता (hypocrisy), Vitarka/ वितर्क (wild exaggerated argumentation), Anutapa/ अनुताप (repentance). :  

Vishudhi Chakra:

Located in the region of throat, controls 16 propensities in sadhak, namely, Shadaj/ षडज (sound of Peacock), Rishabh/ ऋष्भ (Sound of Ox or bull), Gandhar/ गन्धार (Sound of goat), Madhyam/ मध्यम (Sound of deer), Pancham/ पञ्चम (sound of cuckoo), Dhaivat/ धैवत (sound of donkey), Nishad/ निशाद (sound of elephant), Onm/ ॐ (accoustic root of creation, preservation and annihilation), Humm/ हुं (Sound of arising kundalini), Phat/फट (putting thery in practice), Vaushat/वौषट (expression of mundane knowledge), Vashat/ वषट (welfare in the subtler sphere), Swaha/ स्वाहा (performing noble action), Namah/ नमः (surrender to Supreme), Visa (repulsive action) and Amrata/ अमृत (sweet expression). When any theory is put into action then , the process is made effectively chanting humm, phat, vashat, Vaushat, Swaha and Namah,

Ajna Chakra:

Located between the brows and has got two propensities, namely, Apara/ अपरा (mudane knowledge) and Para/ परा (spiritual knowledge). By doing certain asnas, one can control the propensities lying in different chakras enumerated above.

Mayur Asan/ मयूर आसन for Manipur Chakra/ मनिपुर चक्र, Fear of public speaking means our Manipur chakra is weak. Extreme fear causes pressure and tension on it. Our afferent and efferent nerves work during the condition of fear, tension of the nerves reaches brain so that excessive pressure does not occur. If information carried by efferent nerves is not allowed to reach the Manipur chakra from brain then imbalance can cause a blockage in the Anahat chakra. It may cause palpitation, pressure on heart, inability to think decisively and even heart attack.

In Vishudhi (विशुद्धि चक्र), thyroid and Parathyroid are more developed than lymphatic system (saves us from infection and keeps healthy fluid balance through our body). Earlier lymphatic system was more developed but now, thyroid and parathyroid are more developed, which are connected with psychic developments. And intellectual evolution. While lymphatic system is associated with more physical activity.

Hair grow near the lymphatic glands. When we remove hair from those places then lymphatic glands become more heated and give more secretions, this in turn lowers the secretions of thyroid and parathyroid. Both lymphatic and Thyroid-parthyroid are inversely connected. Hence joint hair should not be removed. from talks of Shri Shri Anandmurti........ Om!              

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