Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Dhyan Yog of Tantra - Part II

Dhyan Yog of Tantra - Part II

The combined form of all the alphabets or matrikas is known as Shabd (शब्द). As per scriptures its known as Matrika (मातृका). Actually Matrika keeps the sound in its womb in the form of vibrations in the form of Parashakti (पराशक्ति) or primordial power. Its completely independent. Thus in its completely free form of A () to Ksha (क्ष), it spreads into innumerable forms and make us experience the world. Hence it s called Mother of the whole creation. But she is a Mother, whose introduction is known only to the siddhas and none else. Stand from A () and ending in Ha (), whole of the marika akshars/ alphabets creat Aham (अहं) or Ego. Every alphabets as per Agam causes another entity or counter part to appear in creation. Thus in Aham whole of the world is assimilated. This Aham or Ego represents Param Shiv (परमशिव). If A () represents Shiv (शिव) then Ha () represents Shakti (शक्ति). Anuswar or Bindu atop word Aham (अहं), indicates that Shiv though manifesting upto Earth but still it remains undivided. Varn is the base of Shabd Adhwa (शब्द अध्वा). From Varnas (वर्ण) we make Padas (पद) and mantras (मंत्र). Arth Adhwa's (अर्थ अधवा) base is Kala (कला). From kala, Tattva (तत्त्व) and Bhuvan (भुवन) etc take form progressively. The inter play of both the flows is always present every where. We consider Ha as the creation of atmic state (आत्मिक दशा). Between Dasha (दशा) and Varna (वर्ण) is present Vyangya-Vyanjan bhav (व्यंज्ञ-व्यञ्जन भाव). 

From A () to Visarg (विसर्ग - ), all the vowels (स्वर वर्ण) represent Sleeping stage or Sushupti avastha (सुषुप्त  अवस्था). Swar varna is naad kalp (नाद कल्प). Hence they are achieved/ experienced in the form of naad only. From Ka-kaar (-कार) to Ma-kaar (-कार), 25 consonants represent awakened state. effort and contraction takes place during their pronunciation. Since effort is needed to convert them into speech, that is why they are known as awake. Both creation and annihilation takes place because of them. Sha (), Sha (), Sa (), Ha () are known as Ushm (उष्म) consonants as heat is generated while pronouncing them. While Ya (), ra (), La () and Va () are called antasth (अन्तस्थ) and they represent dream state (स्वपन अवस्था). The letter Ksha (क्ष) is called kootasth (कूटस्थ) or turiyateet (तुरियातीत). 

When a child is born, it exhales first. This breathing process is called nihshvas (निःश्वास). This outer going breath is called Ha () or Jevatma (जीवातमा) or Purush (पुरुष) or Jeevani Shakti (जीवनी शक्ति). When the main pran return to re-enter the body its called Sah-kaar (-कार) or Samashti (स्मष्टि) form shakti (शक्ति). This is the inter play of Purush (पुरुष) and Prakriti (प्रकृति).  When breath achieves balanced state i.e. when ida & pingla become balanced or when in the outer and inner breath main pran takes the form of Apan, then that very bindu is the state or moment of great yog (param yog). At that point, to keep one's consciousness fully concentrated is the main goal of the sadhak. This very bindu is sought or experienced in different places like inner chakra, outer chakra and 12 finger point, with the help of Guru's grace. With the help of this very consciousness, the difference between Sa-kaar (-कार) and Ha-kaar (-कार) gets removed and one achieves the state of Hamsa and Soham. Main pran or life force which earlier was flowing in right and left path way i.e. Ida and Pingla starts flowing in the middle path i.e. Sushumana. This is called state of dhyan. This is the first state of dhyan which is achieved easily with the grace of the Guru and through it sadhak as per his level or qualification, achieves state of anand or joy.

With the help of Chitti shakti yogi can achieve param pad or most exhalted state and its also the central axis of the creation.  The effulgent pran or Chitti shakti (), is mostly flowing in the left or right path. Most of the human who are always struck by pain of duality of inhalation and exhalation, finds it extremely difficult to locate the Chitti shakti. In every aspect of action or thought process of jeeva, there is continous conflict between pran and apan. We have to stop this conflict through some process. When these opposing two currents will stop fighting each other, at that very moment the middle path will open and flow of Para shakti or primordial power is to be visualized. This middle path flowing pran as per Kauliks is known as Udan pran.

Keeping all the sense objects out, fixing one's gaze in the middle of eyebrows, with half opened eyes, one should make pran and apan flowing in the nasal passages equal or balanced, one gets free of this path and achieves middle path. This middle path is known as Sushumana, Subtle mind, Hanu-man which is experienced through Shaktipat through one's guru

Bringing one's tongue, head and middle of the body, should be aligned on one's central axis, aligning every thing from moordha to mooladhar, one should sit still. One should focus on the nose tip with drawing one's attention from all other objects around. Actually tip of nose (the point where nasal septum, common wall between two nasal cavities, meets the upper lip) is the entry point of Sushumana which is known only through the grace of Guru. Most of the critics on Gita and silent on this aspect.   

Thus accumulating the power of chitti shakti, sadhak experiences the whole cosmos or attains his own self. Then he experiences the world creation and his own self as same and not at all different. This is the state known as Jeevan mukt. It means to get free of all snares while living in this body. These snares are known as 8 snares in tantra represented by hatred (Ghrinaa/ घृणा), Shame (lajja/ लज्जा), fear (Bhaya/ भय), bitterness (Shok/ शोक), feeling of repulsion, repugnance (Jugupsa/ जुगुप्सा), antecedents (Kulsheel/ कुलशील) and caste (Jaati/ जाति) etc. These eight snares in fact are the cause of state of Jeeva else one would become Sadashiv.

The chitt shakti (चित्त शक्ति) in the view of Shakt practitioner is known as Gyan Kriya (ज्ञान क्रिया); as per Shambhav this middle chitt shakti (चित्त् शक्ति) is infact known as madhya path (मध्य पथ) or nadi (नाडी), this is the pure consciousness (विशुद्ध चेतना ) of Shiv

 Madhya nadi is known as Sushumana whose central axis is Brahm nadi (ब्रह्म नाडी). Sushumana (सुषुमना) means unheard sound or naad, many people call chakras as gangalia but this is their confusion. Nadis and chakras mentioned in the yog are not part of our gross body. This is part of pranmaya kosh in our subtle body. Madhya nadi, Sushumana nadi, Brahmnadi (ब्रह्मनाडी) passing through our spine extend upto our brain. It is extending from Mooladhar (मूलाधार) to our Sahasrar (सहस्रार). Inside it is shinning Vajra or Vajrani-nadi (वज्रणी) is there which is full of tejas-tattva (तेजस तत्त्व). Inside this is the yellow coloured (पीत-वर्ण) Chitrani (चित्रणी) which is satvik (सात्विक) in nature. The inner part or central axis of this is known as Brahm nadi (ब्रह्मनाडी).

In tantra, Sushumana (सुषुमना) is considered fire (अग्नि), Vajra (वज्रा) is known as Sun (सूर्य), Chitrani (चित्रणी) is known as Moon (चन्द्र). Where chitrani ends, there is a gateway, which we call as bindu in the jyoti mudra, is known as the gateway or Brahm dwaar. Through this door, Kundlini rises up. Ida and Pingala are outside Sushumana and move upward parallel to it. These both like a vine go upto nasal passage. While in the middle of the vertebral column is Sushumana. These three are called Trivani. This triveni is in Ajna chakra. From this middle path only all the chitt vrittis rise and fall. To establish in this middle state, one has to annihilate all thoughts. It is written that after transcending vikalp and focusing the mind or after annihilating all the mental attrition one achieves parampad (great state). The goal should be inside and without batting an eyelid gaze should be outward i.e. chitt should be inside and senses should be outside, this is known as bhairavi mudra. 

Chitt shakti is connected with 16 kalas. 16 kalas are connected with mantra, mantra is connected with Sushumana (सुषुमना), Sushumana is connected with Matrika (मातृका), Matrika is connected with Ida (इडा), which is further connected to Sun (सूर्य), Moon (चन्द्र) and Fire (अग्नि), all of these are connected with Sri Chakra (श्रीचक्र), Sri Chakr is connected with body or pindand and Pindand (पिण्डाण्ड) is connected with viraat body or Brahmand (ब्रह्माण्ड). ......Om!      

from Yog-Tantra-Sadhana written by Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj, translated into Hindi by Ramesh Chandra


  1. Namaste .Om Namah Shivay , Guru Pournima Greetings. Thank you for sharing insightful interpretations of Tantra.

  2. Greetings to you too. Thanks for liking the post. Om. Shaktanand.
