Saturday, August 17, 2024

Kalaa (कला) and Darshan (दर्शन)

From Nishkal (निष्कल)-->Object (वस्तु)-->Light (प्रकाश)-->Kala (कला)--> Jyoti (ज्योति). 16 Kalas in the form of electrified particles come together in the form of a bindu. If bindu has sixteen kalas it is stable but if it has 15 kalas then it unstable i.e. it forms, it breaks and forms again. This bindu is the eye in the forehead which is known as Divya chakshu. During diksha due to touch of brahm-shakti (ब्रह्म शक्ति) of guru with 16 kala bindu, Amrit kala (अमृत कला) breaks and percolates downward. A human body has 8 kalas already put inside. When amrit kala descends, which is known as Bindu patan (बिन्दु पतन) , it develops these 8 kalas. Development of these 8 kalas, is known as development of Divine ( Divya/ दिव्य) eye (chakshu/ चक्षु). This can see divines (दिव्यगण) only in the front. Later as it develops further, then all around sight () is attained because at this moment Bindu, radius and circumference all are developed.

On closing our eyes, darkness is seen. It is a veil between 12th and 13th kala. When all the 16 kalas have been developed, then even on closing one’s eyes, only light is seen, darkness disappears forever. Kala (कला) develops into jyoti (ज्योति), when jyoti develops to its fullest, it fills up all the space or becomes vyapak, then whole body becomes self effulgent and hence no shadow is seen.

Kala (कला) generally leaks through mouth and eyes. Its consumed by Agni (अग्नि) or fire. Agni which consumes the kalas is also called Kaal (का)/ . Gaze when directed outward, spreads all around but when it is directed inward, then it generates focus. This focus is in-fact power of Chitt (चित्त) which is in the form of Jyoti (ज्योति) representing subtle body. Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य), Kriya (क्रिया) etc. is used for purification of mind and development of kalas.

Darshan of any dev is not achieved because of impurity of mind (मन), of chitt (चित्त), of kalas (कला). Impurities lead to outside gross darshan.

When outside bhav gets removed then establishment in gross darshan occurs.

When karm (कर्म) is developed, then causal element dev (देव) darshan (दर्शन) is achieved.

When karma (कर्म) reaches its end and first level of knowledge arises then dev-dashan is achieved. On dev darshan, upasana (उपासना) starts.

When upasana (उपासना) develops, dev (देव) is seen as Atma (आत्मा).

When upasana finishes, then second level of knowledge arises and one achieves Purush Kaivalya (पुरुष कैवल्य) or atma darshan.

When this knowledge develops, then atma darshan becomes parmatma darshan (परमात्म दर्शन).

At the end of this knowledge or Bhakti, establishment on the parmatama is achieved. When Bhakti arises, Parmatma (परमात्मा) converts to Poorn Brahm (पूर्ण ब्रह्म).

When Brahm vidya (ब्रह्म विद्या)is achieved, then complete Brahm darshan (ब्रह्म दर्शन) is achieved.  End of Brahm Darshan is known as Poorn Brahm (पूर्ण-ब्रह्म).   Om! .............Shaktanand.

translated from the writings of Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj.

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