Monday, August 19, 2024

Need of Diksha (initiation)

For acquiring knowledge of Sankhya or Vedanta, there is no need of any initiation. But for the knowledge of Parmeshwat you need same. The knowledge which resides in Paramshiv, a disciple receives its little particle during initiation from which he develops great knowledge. This is known as divine knowledge and in the root of it is Parmeshwar. During inititaton, Guru makes this knowledge flow in the disciple. Till we are under the snare of the idea of this body, the knowledge cannot come only from Parmeshwar but through anyone human guru, Siddh guru or Divya guru. Though the entities of all these guru forms are different but the essence is one only. Ordinary disciple gets human form Guru, higher qualified disciple gets Siddh guru and still higher one may get siddh guru. Basic gurus are conveyors of knowledge. 

Till the body consciousness is not removed, knowledg in real sense cannot dawn. Depending upon the qualification of a disciple, specific kriya appears for them, this is known as secret of diksha. If Shaktipaat is strong then along with flow of shakti, Shivatva is also attained. One does not have to do any special labour for it. If shaktipaat is a little less, then Pratibha Gyan arises, meaning one does not need an outer guru, the knowledge arises from within. This is known as Aupnishdik knowledge which is called intellligence/ Pratibha (प्रतिभा). If Shaktipaat is more weaker, then outer guru is needed. In this even after initiation when guru passes knowledge into the disciple, the disciple still has to work on it. Guru after giving knowledge, removes Paurush Agyaan/ अज्ञान (ignorance) but the ignorance of body consciousness has to be removed with practice of kriya/ sadhana. While having body consciousness, one needs to do sadhana. 

One has to know what is the meaning of Chaitanya (चैतन्य), Samvit (सम्वित), Pran (प्राण) and Prakriti (प्राकृति). Samvit is other name of Chit shakti and is same as called Chaitanya (चैतन्य). Whether any thing is in conscious or unconcsious state, Chit/ चित्त is always there but Chaitanya/ चैतन्य resides only in the conscious state. For example Sun's rays are spread all over but they are readily reflected in a clear surface than a dusty or unclear surface. Thus we can say Chit/ चित्त resides everywhere while consciousness/ Chetana (चेतना) reside only in the consciousness bearing entities.

Now comes Samvit (सम्वित). Apar/ अपर (worldly) name of Chit shakti is Samvit but it remains in the form of Samvit till the process of creation has not started. As per Tantrik principles, Aham carries A (अ) and Ha(ह). 'A/ अ' is vishudh prakash/ light or Chit shakti while 'Ha/ ह' is called Vimarsh kala (विमर्श कला). From prakash to vimarsh lie the whole range of alphabets/ matrika (मातृका) shaktis. In the Vimarsh is the development of Pran. Without the development of Pran/ प्राण, i-ness cannot dawn in a physical body. First state is complete () aham (). During this state whole creation come under Aham (अहम्), hence its called poorn (पूर्ण). But when lord limits himself, a curtain or veil is generated, then a traid appears in the creation. One side is jeev or Chid anu (चिद अणु) and on the other side is great veil (vishaal avaran/ विशाल आवरण). At that moment the anu form jeev is the witness/ drashta (दृष्टा). Then that great veil is seen as big Shunya (शुन्य) or void. The connection between the two is in the form of sight/ drishti. Then in the great void due to the instigatin of Paravaak (परावाक) various forms or scenes (drishya/ दृष्य) are displayed, then chid anu becomes their witness. When it gets attracted by any one scene or form, it embraces that and wants to make it as its own. At this very first moment, Pran/ प्राण arises. Then it starts developing more and more.

Chiatanya or consciousness is coneected with Pran. But Pure chit (विशुद्ध चित्त) has no connection with it. While effulgence form pure chitt starts moving towards vimarsh during the process of creation, there is no chaitanya there but a flow in that direction is certainly there. 

That which we take as pran, that becomes active only during start of cosmic creation. At the base of creation is Ether/ akaash (आकाश), after that comes element of Air/ वायु which appears in the form of Pran but it has no connection beyond creation but is effulgence itself. Shudh chit (शुद्ध चित्त) is unmanifested when when sfuran occurs init only then one gets the information of light or effulgence. Whenone joins with this effulgence anand is attained. This is the second alphabet 'aa/ आ' of devnagri script and develops from 'a/ अ'. From this anand, desire arises which is cause of creation. By desire we mean all the three lements of desire, knowledge and action. After attainment upto this level, 'ha/ ह' stops the waves of Vimarsh shakti (विमर्श शक्ति). This poorn aham is active in its own play. Because of this freedom of Poorn aham, Idam (many) manifest. This is in a way realm of Mahakaal (महाकाल). Past, Present and Future disappear, the whole creaton appears or is experienced in the form of idam or many. Here Ahm (अहम्) appears in the form Idam. After this Brahmi creation (ब्राह्मी सृष्टि) appears in many forms..........Om!     

from 'Shakti Ka Jagran Aur Kundalini', written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj.



  1. जय गुरुदेव

  2. कैसे हे जन न ओलखती खऱ्या देवा, तुकाराम महाराज
