Pran shakti, Manah shakti and Atma Shakti together represent Chetna shakti or Mahashakti of a jeev. It is divided in to seven levels. Jagrit, Swapan, Sushupt, Turiya, Vaishvik, Bhagdiya and Brahmi. First three represent Pashu Bhav, while between 3rd and 4th is Veer bhav and between 4th and 5th is Divya bhav. Turiya is represented by 5th to 7th and is depicted by upward pointing triangle of Shiv. Consciousness which resides here is called Shudhatma, Vishudhatma and Divyatma. While lower pointing triangle is called Shakti. When they meet together to form a six sided figure, it represents a Jeev Pind. Tantra has 3 Bhav and 7 Achaars.
Brain has 7 crore nerves which are divided in three parts of the brain. 3 crore cater to experiences, 2 crore cater to all we remember and 2 crore hold our SAMSKAAR details. Grey matter of our brain contains 15 arab /neurons, Cerebellum contains 120 Arab 1 Crore and 35 lakh neurons while there are other 1 Kharab helper neurons. They meet in neuroglauma or Brahmrandhra.
Temporal cortex is 25sq.inch and is in two layers with thickness of 1/10 inch. One layer carries our CONSCIOUS mind, present events while second layer carries SUB CONSCIOUS mind, past events. Cerebrum is attached to IDA while Cerebellum is attached with Pingla. Medulla is connected to Sushumana. Inside the Medula is a nerve bundle which is floating in fluid. One of its ends is connected to the Agya chakra through Guhayani Nadi, while other end is connected to Brahrandhara through Sushumana as shown above. Chitra and Poosha are connected to the temporal cortex. Chitra is connected to the layer of outer consciousness and Poosha to the layer of inner consciousness. Inner consciousness is divided into three levels ; realm of Vichaar, Paramansic(subconscious) and realm of Bhav. Vichaar is connected to Agya, Bhav to Anahat and Samkalp to Manipur though at the higher level all the three are connected with Agya.
With education one gets knowledge of the world but with DHYAN one increases ones mental capacity, will power. Poojan of any statue causes rebirth, while for getting free of birth-death cycle do everything inside.( 1 Crore=10 Milln,1 Arab=1000 Milln, 1 Kharab=100000 Million).
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