1-9 is called female tattva, while 0 is called Male tattva. As per tantra, 0 is known as Parbrahm. It is the first state of AKSHAR BRAHM. While the second most important numeral is 9. Moving through 1 to 9 we arrive at 0 which joins with one. This numeral 9 behaves in a very special way as is evident from the table below:
0 9 9 09
1 8 9 18
2 7 9 27
3 6 9 36
4 5 9 45
5 4 9 54
6 3 9 63
7 2 9 72
8 1 9 81
9 0 9 90
C represents addition of A and B, while D represents multiplication of A and B. Only 9 behaves like this. 10 is called POORN or MAHAKAAL.We have 27 Nakshatras, 36 tattvas in COSMOS. As per AGAM, 1 is called BINDU, 9 is called VIRAT and 10 is called AHAM. 1-10 are the ten Mahashaktis. So we can say that in a jeevs journey from Bindu to Viraat, ten mahavidyas are experienced. Each numeral from 1 to 9 is associated with 3 nakshatras each and Panchdashi Yantra is made out of it.
The BRAHM has five shaktis namely Utpati(creation), Sthiti(Preservation), Sanhriti (Annihilation), Nigrah, Anugrah. These five shaktis has been explained in the form of PANCH DEVTA. With the creation aspect, Brahm is called Surya, Due to STHITI he is called Vihnu, due to SAMHAAR he is called Rudra, due to NIGRAH quality it is known as SHAKTI. Due to PARIGRAH aspect, Brahm is known as GANPATI. To do the upasana of Brahm in these five forms is the secret of TANTRA. These PANCH devas and their various AVTAARS with their different names, leela, realms, arms and others who always accompany them as per AGAM are perfectly acceptable.
Nirgun, Nirakaar Panchdev are Brahm, which is beyond Karan-Karya. Sagun-Nirakaar Panchdev are Karan Brahm.While Vigrah of Avtaars of Sagun-Sakaar are Asaptdhatumaya and Abhautik, subtle. Dream bodies of Jeevas are also not made up of sapt dhatus. As per Samkhaya shastra dream body is subtle.
As per KAPIL tantra, presiding deity of SPACE or ETHER is Vishnu, presiding deity of AGNI is Shakti, of VAYU is Surya, of EARTH is Shiv and of WATER is Ganpati. One’s own ISHT dev is considered as presiding deity of ETHER. In creation of this world PRITHVI, in sthiti JAL, in Samhriti TEJ, in nigrah VAYU and in Anugrah Ether is taken. As per this line of thinking, Brahma represents EARTH, Vishnu represents JAL, Shiv represents Tej, Shakti represents Vayu and Ganpati represents AKASH or ETHER.
Main subjects of Yog are PANCHKOSH and SHAT CHAKRA. Koshas are 6 in number while Chakras are 7 in number but at some place in tantra more than seven chakras are explained. We will try to discuss panch koshas here.
ANNMAYA KOSH: This kosha is made from ANN, hence we can say that purpose of food is not to keep us alive but to generate first covering out of the five, for our ATMA to live in. Only that FOOD is best which does not create any obstruction in our inner journey.
The food which makes our annmayakosha transparent, so that through it we are able to have a glimpse of second body, is called STAVIK. There is very little harmonal differences between a man and a woman. If that small difference changes, a man will change to a woman and a woman into a man. In our BUDHI some elements come from FOOD. Hence even a little change in food can cause change in our mind set. Power to express anything comes from our mind because of FOOD.
Pineal gland secretions develop CHETAN Shakti inside us. Similar element is secreted by a BANYAN tree also. When ever we take any strong intoxicant our pineal gland stops its secretion and mind goes to sleep and one looses control of mind, thoughts and discrimination altogether. Hence for the development of Annamaya kosha, food should be taken after properly analising with mind, thought and discrimination. In case of four peds its seen that more blood goes into brain as compared to bipeds. Hence Bipeds enjoy greater intelligence in comparison. SATVIK FOOD: Gives life, power to body, mind, gives pleasure, stability and glowing skin in body. RAJSIC FOOD: Sour, excessesively salted or spicy, extremely hot food generates DUKH, CHINTA and DISEASE in us. TAMSIC FOOD: Half cooked, ras rahit, not nice smelling, uchisht and not sanctified comes under this category. It increases lethargy in our body.
Body is like roots, mind is like flowers and atma is like fruit of this TREE of LIFE. The energy provided by our food first fulfills the requirement of the physical body. Then requirement of Mind is fulfilled and last of it what ever is left goes to ATMA. Sleeping more than eight hours is Tamsic. For a tamsic person body is everything. It dies every day. After every 7 years all the cells of the body are changed. Every day, food creates a new body. At the time of ATMA or SOUL leaving this body, only then final DEATH occurs. A RAJSIC person can never sleep well, for him mind is everything. Only Satvik person can have a balanced sleep. His mind will be clear, focused, pure because his food is pure. A TAMSIC person will be lethargic and will always ASK for something or the other. A Rajsic person will have ANGER and for him TIME will always be at premium. He has no time for anyone. A SATVIK person will be full of love and he will always be ready to GIVE.
PRANMAYA KOSHA: Second body is called Pranic body or Energy body or Vital body. Difference between a stone and a flower is the difference between 1st and 2nd layer of body.A stone remains a stone while a flower opens up in the Sun. Movement, multiplication and development takes place due to PRAN. This can not be generated by FOOD alone. The requirement of PRANMAYA BODY is Pran. If eyes have POWER then it means pranmaya body is healthy. What ever are the bhavas, they are generated in Pranmaya body but are shown by our EYES. Respiration can be of two types, Shallow and Deep. Shallow breath is generally in ladies, reduces age and makes ones chest wider and waist smaller. While deep breathing is through stomach and it develops both chest and waist properly. Wrestelers who want to develop wide chest should take shallow breath but it also slows down ones MIND. Thus KOSHAS which are made by FOOD are called ANNMAYA KOSHA while those made up by different kind of PRANAS are called PRANMAYA KOSH.
MANOMAYA KOSH: In this KOSH, thoughts, sounds and languages are developed. Whatever way one will think, same way things will happen. In other words, what ever we are is because of our thought process. Manomaya body gets strength from thoughts, Discussions, Reading, Media, Scenes around us. Whatever goes inside this body, it is very difficult to take that out. Pran is the connection between body and mind. During DEATH, gross body dies but Manoomaya body remains intact. Movement of PRAN affects both mind and body. Similar thoughts also have a specific shape, colour, type etc. We get all kinds of thoughts inside us whether they are conducive or incondusive and CHIT becomes unstable due to them. In YOG these thoughts are called SAD and ASAD.
VIGYANMAYA KOSH: This body is generated by Chetna or Bodh, consciousness. The moment VIGYAN maya body is generated, Manomaya body starts disintegrating. For such a person all his THOUGHTS obey him. For such a person, DHYAN is FOOD. Dhyan causes the both consciousness and Vigyan to increase. Stronger the state of DHYAN, more strong will be the Vigyanmaya body and mental energy. Due to the energy of DHYAN mind will become pure and Jagrit. No gross material can overcome it or obstruct it. With DHYAN it will become so much transparent that one will loose the consciounes of ones own self. Dhyan causes ALPHA waves, Mind causes BETA waves, Intellect causes DELTA waves and Ego causes THETA waves in us. Rising of the Kundlini takes place in Pranmaya body, it is experienced in Manomaya body and it rises in Vigyan maya body. After this, gross realm is finished and ATAM Satta starts.
ANANDMAYA KOSH: Research on TRUTH, research on ISHWAR is actually a research on Anand. Anand is realized in two ways. One is associated with an object and other is associated with our own self. From Ishwar one gets from PARMANAND, from TRUTH one gets SATYANAND, from ATMA one gets ATMANAD and from SELF one gets VISHUDHANAND. Anand is ATMAs last covering and is PARAM SHARIR. Ananadmaya body is the seed of ATMA. Till the seed sprouts, tree can not grow. In the same way till this gross body is not shed one can not have darshan of ATMA. ATMA is totally free, Mind is partially free and partially bound while Body is totally bound.
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