Saturday, June 11, 2011



   It is a realm created by the TAPSAYA or penance of Yogis. Itnhas not been created by Brahma but it has connection with Brahma. This connection is because of KARM and DEH. Real GYANGANJ is not earthly although it is present on thie our earth. Only a Yogi has access to it and no one else can see it with gross eyes.

   That space is also divided into various levels and Gyan ganj is the lowest level of that subtle realm.  GYANGANJ, RAJRAJESHWARI MATH, MAHATAPA MAHAYOGI PLACE. All these three spaces have been created by Yogis. Sidh Bhumi is self effulgent as it does not need light of any Sun or Moon. Both Golok Dham and Shiv Dham are SIDHBHUMIs.




   Above the realm of impure MAYA is the realm of pure MAYA. So these terthas exist both in the gross world as well as the subtle world.  Earthly Vrindavan has its counterlart in Divine Vrindavan, similarly earthly Kaashi and Divine Kaashi also exist. Though Divine Kaashi  is said to exist on the tip of the Trident of Lord Shiva.


  There is difference in the karma of Sadhak and a Yogi. Sadhak’s aim is to transcend death. Intellect or mind of all the Sadhaks is similar. A Sadhak first gets knowledge, the with its help he burns the impure coverings of Maya(desires) over the atma and hence the seed of MAYIC creation. As a result of this, he reaches a state of Kaivalya. Though he can not fall down from KAIVALYA but he can not go higher also. This is because at the time of initiation, Guru charged him with that much energy only which was sufficient to carry him to his GOAL of KAIVALYA only.  Thus SADHAK gets struck like Trishanku in the state of KAIVALYA.  He gets only that much energy by which upward movement of the KUNDALINI burns his VASNAS purifying his inner self which takes the form of ISHTA. But if even a trace of DESIRE is left ISHT darshan can never be experienced by him.

   At the same time if there are no impure VASNAS, then it is not possible to keep a physical body as it is granted to experience the prarabdh and Samskaar which are manifestation of vasnas only. The moment impure vAsnas are removed, NIRVIKALP  knowledge arises and the five elemental form fades away and SADHAK becomes one with his ISHT. This state is called ISHT darshan or ATMADARSHAN. With grace of Guru kripa and his own karm Shakti SADHAK acquires SIDHAVASTHA. He gets established in CHIDAKAASH. He turns into a CHAITNAYAMAYA ATMA. 

   If a SADHAK is not able to complete his sadhana of reaching CHIDAKASH, while in physical body, then he can not reach that state. As after death, Sadhak has no ASAN to sit and continue his sadhana. This asan can be provided by Guru alone in his own realm.
   He is PURE right from his birth. Sadguru gives him YOGDIKSHA at the start as Yogis energy level is much higher than the sadhak. Along with a Beej, Guru moves special energy into him at the time of initiation thus his Kundlini gets Jagrit right at the start of journey. His movement is different from Sadhak.  

    SADHAK                                                                                                  YOGI

Impure traits are burnt and they stop opposing    Impure traits purified and they start helping him on his path.
Achieves NIRAKAAR state                                    Achieves VISHUDH SAKAAR state.
With the help of Guru Sahkti & his own                  With the help of Guru Sahkti & his own
He burns impure traits and gets salvation               he creates fire and burns all samskaar and
From them and achieves ISTH darshan.                 Burn samskaar and transcend CHIT thus he
This is Videh state. On exhaustion of karma          becomes witness to Chit Shakti.
Salvation from impure traits is completed
And physical body falls away.
Based more on Kripa                                                 Based more on KARMA
Sadhak turns into ISHT                                             He becomes creator of ISHT.
His movement stops on realizing ISHT.                   His sadhana goes beyond it.
His horizon of concern is limited to his own             His horizon of concern is wide and
limited self.                                                                encompasses the whole creation.
His sadhana ends at Chidakaash.                             His sadhana starts from Chidkaash.

Yogis are of two kinds:  1.KHAND YOGI, 2. AKHAND YOGI.

   He is PURE right from his birth. Sadguru gives him YOGDIKSHA at the start as Yogis energy level is much higher than the sadhak. Along with a Beej, Guru moves special energy into him at the time of initiation thus his Kundlini gets Jagrit right at the start of journey. His movement is different from Sadhak.                                                                                                                                                                                              
                              KHAND yogis aim of sadhana is beyond Chidakash, the higher realm where Parmeshwar resides, has to be achieved by them. Without Yog diksha one can not reach Chidakash. Only with the help of diksha the seed for worthiness to achieve that place is put in the heart of yogi and to sprout and nourish it into fruit bearing tree one has to perform sadhana. If a yogi becomes free of karmas or action then he can never reach that realm. If a khand yogi gets initiated and still does not work on himself then it is a GREAT pity. His Guru provided so much grace to him and he just squandered it away by not working on it. It is just a golden opportunity wasted. Life span is limited and duty given by guru in the form of Sadhana has to be completed in this life only else he will not be able to perform that sashana again and drift further away from the goal.  If it is done in this very body then time taken is very less. A sadhak on the path of sadhana sees the lotus from beyond during first stage. While in the second stage he sits on the petal. During last stage he sits in the centre. First Diksha and then Asan is provided by a Guru. If asan is provided then it means a Yogi has been given a duty of continuous action. Along with asan, Guru provides space also so that yogi can keep doing his sadhana even after leaving the mortal frame. Since karma is associated with body, hence to perform the sadhana without body takes comparatively very long time.

   Whatever space is provided to Yogi after death is in the gurudham. Here Yogi spreads his asan and continues his sadhana over a long period of time as result of which his Yogic eye opens and further path opens for him. At this juncture the gurudham space disappears and golden shaft pierces his chidakash. This light is just like a lotus petal but to enter into the centre of the lotus permission is given only to those yogis who have completed their sadhana in the mortal frame. To be in the centre of the lotus means to be controller of all the petals i.e to be a SHAKTI himself or to be like a King. While to be on a petal of lotus means that one simply in the kingdom of the king. Hence sitting in the centre is very different form sitting on a petal

  Yogi whose DIVINE eye opens in him VISHJANANI manifests. While a sadhk can not reach this state he gets only an incomplete idea of VISVJANANI. Khand yogi also does not get complete idea. Only Akhand yogi who has completed whole sadhana in this very body gets the clear cut idea and realization. A sadhak may pierce chidakash but he will not have complete darshan of chidakash.Durlabh khand yogi can have darshan but their progress stops here.

  Medium qualified Khand yogis can rise to the second lotus which is above the first one or even the third higher lotus and can have the darshan of SHAKTI. The highest of the khand yogis can reach the third lotus and sit in the lap of the MOTHER as they have finished the sadhana in one life time. Without completing in one life span no one can sit in the lap of the Shakti or Mother.

   The Shakti is divided into three levels, namely; CHAYA, ANUCHAYA and PRATICHAYA. In subtle body Karm gati is very slow as compared to that in the body of flesh and blood. Khand yogi who performs karma gets Chaya. He qualifies for YOGBHUMI and not MAHAGYAN as MAHAGYAN is attained by chosen of the chosen few. The highest space he reaches is beyond CHIDAKASH called MAHABHUMI.

   Mahakhand Yogi traverses a different path at the end of which he sees the actual form of Jagatjanani which is beyond the imagination of Khand Yogi. Chaya and Pratichaya are the goals of sidh sadhaks. Lower qualified Khand yogis achieve PRATICHAYA. SADHAKS are based mostly on grace, KHAND and MAHAKHAND yogis are based on mixture of grace and karma while AKHAND yogis are based on the strength of their karma or action alone. Hence complete grace is bestowed on them towards the end and they alone are able to reach the centre of original Shakti. After Mahakhand Yog Diksha only, a yogi gets entry into the lap of DIVINE MOTHER. APOORN Khand Yogi gets a place in Gyanganj, Khand yogi gets a place in Gurudham. Guru gets one started on the path of sadhana by giving grace, hence a disciple gets indebted to the guru on the very moment he is provided DIKSHA by him. This debt is paid off when he performs his karma in that direction i.e he performs the sadhana specified by guru. If karma is not performed then further path will never open to disciple.

   Gurus main objective is to take the disciple out of the ambit of KAAL with his own shakti but he can not make one KALATEET. This state is achieved by Yogi by dint of his own karma. Akhand yogis are like Rishis, the whole creation is run by them. Karmas of Yogis never finish even after reaching their goal but sadhaks karmas finish once he reaches his goal. As per Sri Aurobindo ji ‘ Actions are there only till the onset of true knowledge but actually even after God realization there can be karmas, like for a YOGI even after achieving his goal actions are important.’ 
GYANGANJ:   A YOGIC REALM in the SUBTLE WORLD near boundaries of India, Bhutan, China.

   It has three yogic areas. 1. GURUDHAM : Here Mahabhav is achieved, Khand yogis who have not completed their sadhanas in gross body come here; 2. GYANGANJ: It is beyond realm of Surya and beyond Mahabhav. Here effect of Kaal is less. Mahakhand Yogis reach this place; 3. This is a very high realm and its aim is to generate VISHV GURU. No effect of kaal is experienced here. Without completing ones sadhana in the gross body one can not reach anywhere near it. This realm is still being pursued by the highest of the yogis.

   KARMA: Maximum in first level, lesser in 2nd level and least in 3rd level. KRIPA: Minimum in 1st level, medium in 2nd level and maximum in 3rd level.  In the 3rd level kripa is called MAHAKARUNA. Kripa and Karma are basically one Shakti, only one akhand satta is divided into two. ANU is the smallest and MAHAN is largest. Anu can not reach MAHAN till karma is performed. Apart from karma, Kripa shakti is also required in this transformation. Thus amalgam of Kripa and Karuna alone can bring about the yog of ANU and MAHAAN. Karma, which desires kripa and Kripa which desires karam, both are important. If POORN SHAKTI appears as KARMA then kripa also comes with it, on the other hand if it appears as KARIPA then karm shakti also comes with it. As a result, establishment in SELF and development of attributes of ATMA, both happen simultaneously.

   KAAL has four dharmas, namely 1.EMANCIPATION, 2.DEATH, 3.HUNGER and THIRST, 4.DESIRE (Kaam). Above the earthly realm of Mritu loka is the Divine or Divya realm. Though effect of kaal is not present there but they also are not free of VASNAS. Yogis must shun BHOG bhumis. The three Yog kshetras are karma bhumis and no bhog is available there but some effect of kaal is there though it is minimal in the higher states. Effect of Jara(old age) is not there. In the highest state effect of Both KAAL and JARA is not there at all. Rishis who are thousands of years old are busy in their sadhanas there. There bodies are converted into divine form, which are luminous, ever new and young. Knowledge is of two kinds, 1.Dry, 2. Divine. DRY Knowldedge is evident every where and is assimilated through scriptures and can never help you to enter the highest of the realms. DIVINE : without it doors to Guru rajya never open.

   Case I: Atmas in whom Kundlini is in awakened state but has less power, they do see guru kripa which manifest in them as KRIPATMA by which VIVEK Gyan arises in them and as result of which Illusion is removed and atma is illumined. Since seed of karma is burnt up in the gyan agni, so the reverse path is closed i.e atma can not fall to the lower level after this hence can not enter the realm of birth and death again. This is the state of KAIVALYA. Here experience of the swaroop of atma becomes clear. Though it is a state of Chit swaroop but expansion of chit shakti can not happen.

   Case II: Atmas in whom Chit shalti is developed, PURE KNOWLEDGE awakens (divine knowledge). Acquisition of it brings SHIVATVA in the future.In whole guru rajya there is expansion of Chit shakti. When the doors to Gururajya open at that moment Gyan shakti becomes complete and whole world is seen standing on EGO. As GYAN and KRIYA shakti evolve fully, both “I” and ”MINE” are removed for ever, which means effulgent SHIV bhava is experienced. Hence Shiv bhav is the centre of the Gururajya. The JEEV becomes SHIVA. With the help of KRIYA shakti and GYAN shakti, ICCHA shakti is seen in its full development. When all these three become one, it represents yog of Shiva and Shakti. Divine gyan finishes here. GYANGANJ is higher state of Gururajya. Till the culmination of all karmas occurs, a disciple can not reach the centre or MADHYA BINDU where Mother resides. Guru is busy with exhausting of karmas of all his disciples. Till that happens MOTHER is GURU only.

   In Gururajya MOTHER is evident in the form of SHIVA, while in GYANGANJ, there is a triangle at the apexes of which three shaktis are sitting and in the central bindu of it is PARMAPRAKRITI. Only that soul which has completed its journey is awarded entry into the central Bindu of Gyanganj where Mother is. When one reaches the pinnacle of Gururajya only then entry into the 2nd realm is given which pierces the SURYA MANDAL. Only worthy yogis can enter there. To pierce that realm MAHAGYAN is essential. Only then MAHAKRIPA descends without which one can not pierce the gururajya and enter gyanganj. Without reaching the centre of Gyanganj one can not even think of attaining AKHAND RAJYA. First Gururajya is surrounded by KAAL and secong Gururajya is surrounded by GYANGANJ. To enter the third level of AKHAND GURURAJYA, mahakripa is essential to pull the yogi up into it. At that moment the whole creation is annihilated for him. Everyone can reach this place provided they perform their quote of karmas. Here KAAL is annihilated or we can say DEATH DIES here. Entry is allowed to the yogis coming into Akhand Gururajya but there seat is decided as per the qualification of their sadhanas. WORTHIEST of all will sit in the centre of this 3rd realm. Then VISHVAKAMAL will bloom and all others who were in other rajyas will be raised through another level automatically. Many will enter the lotus and sit on the petals. This becomes possible only due to entry of a single yogi into the centre of lotus. In the 1st and 2nd  Gururajya karms can not be gifted but in the third realm this can be done. Hence KARUNA comes into play here. One can not enter through these doors till a disciple has completed all the work assigned to him by his guru. The light which illumines this realm is unflickering and all other realms are lighted by it. Even if a single yogi enters into this centre of 3rd level while in his body, then there is nothing left for him to do and the whole creation gets connected to that single point.

   Sadhak has to pierce Rajrajeshwari and Suryamandal to reach Akhand Gururajya. When Paramshiv state is developed, it means full awakening has taken place, Shiv and Shakti now can not exist in separate states. There will be ONE AKHAND CHAITANYA. It takes palce in different steps, 1.ANANDà 2.VIGYANà3.SATYA.


   Complete awakening of the Shakti is, joining with the Mother, in chidakaash. Without joining with Her or in the absence of Shakti, a sadhak can not be a Yogi. When awakening of Kundlini occurs in a Khand yogi, pure knowledge arises and Shivatva is produced.
In 1st stage –Gururajya-  Engulfed by VAINDAV deh
 In  2nd  stage- Gyan ganj-       ,,                  ,,
In 3rd stage                      -   Shakt Kaya.

   Akhand Gururajya inside gross body is in Sahasrar or above. From centre of the navel to the lotus of Paramshiva, comes Parmaprakriti which sits on the centre of Akhand Gururajya.  In first Gururajya, Shiv is dead i.e he is Shav. There is little awakening of Shakti(Kaali). In second Gururajya, Shiv is sleeping (Sushupt) while Shakti is little more awakened as compared to earlier state. Here she is called TARA. In the third state Shiva is awake(dreamy state) and Shakti is fully active and she is named as Lalita or Rajrajeshwari. Gyanganj is upto here because when Shiva will be fully awake then completion will occur, Shodashi will appear.

   The earthly lotus blooms and closes with the dawning of the outside Sun but with rising of the inner Sun of knowledge, inner lotus blooms and it is called Mahagyan. This is achieved in the centre of the Gururajya. Surya mandal has to be pierced, without it one can not reach Akhand Gururajya. Vaindav and Shakt Kayas or deh are eternal but in VAINDAV deh there is emancipation but no death, but in SHAKT Kaya, therer is neither emancipation nor death. Divine kaya is not obtained without divine knowledge. Dry knowledge leads to eradication of MAYIC Kaya (earthly body) but without dawning of the real pure knowledge AMAYIC kaya (divine body) is not obtained. That is why, above Gyanganj, there are young yogis and yogins  because there is no JARA( emancipation of body). In stage of BHAIRAVI, there is emancipation but in chase of DEVI there is no jara. In the realm of Gururajya piercing of 6 chakras take place as it is done in the Jeeva body but in case of Gyanganj piercing of 6 chakras does not occur as SHIVTATVA is achieved. What ever Sadhana is done in Gyanganj, it is to prepare the sadhak for final stages of Gururajya.  Sadguru provides equal amount of shakti to all the sadhaks but depending upon their capapcity to imbibe it inside, they reach various different levels like Gururajya or Gyanganj etc. Sadguru is not biased.

   In AKHAND GURURAJYA any position is obtained due to worthiness of a yogi. In higher levels, centre becomes stronger and it is very difficult to reach it with only karma. One needs Kripa element also along with it. On descending to lower levels centre becomes weaker amd kripa horizon also contracts more and more. As KRIPA becomes less and less, effect of KARMA becomes more and more strong and rules & regulation to perform anything becomes more and more stringent.

                                                                 BODY AND KARMA

   According to PAST KARMAS one gets a body and with the help of it one again performs KARMA. Without a body, KARMA can not take place and hence BHOG can not be experienced. Without experiencing BHOG karmas can not be exhausted and without exhausting karmas one can not get free from this body. Karmas can not finish till further desires are not removed altogether. According to KARMAS, all joys and sorrows what one experiences are BHOG only.

   The body which is helpful in the performance of karma is KARMIC body and the one which is helpful in the experiencing fruits of the karma is called BHOG body or SENSUAL body. One which provides both, is called MIXED body. Gods, Demi-gods, Ghosts, Animals, Birds all have BHOG bodies. HUMANS have MIXED BODY. A true human or a Mahapurush is very difficult to find in the web of existence. Only through human body, one can reach the highest state, hence it is very precious. After passing through 8.4 million births one obtains human body through which fulfillment in spiritual life is obtained. Generally people perform karms through their karmic bodies without any discrimination and keep experiencing the BHOG through their bhog bodies. This way they keep moving up and down throught the ocean of existence. KARMAS are of THREE types: 1.SHUKL, 2.KRISHNA, 3.MIXED. On performance of Shukl karma one achieves Devlok with Divine body. On performing bad KRISHAN karmas one falls to lower levels. When one performs MIXED karmas then HUMAN body is received. Human body is not received just to perform MIXED karmas but it is granted to achieve pure ATMIC karmas. Till they are performed, the real purpose of this body is not achieved and one keeps moving here and there in the kingdom of creation. To reach any space or realm,  human body is must. Lowest to the highest lokas are present in this body only. All 25 elements of creation are hidden here.

   Mind and Pran move in this body. When they rub with each other KALPTARU is generated which is a wish fullfilling tree and it bears the fruit of ATMA at the ripe time. Due to friction between conscious and unconscious, a body is produced which further takes birth in female or male form at the level of Yoni and lingam. By the sequential evolutionof Purush and Prakriti i.e. Mahalingam and Mahayoni, 8.4 million Yonis are formed. Complete evolution of  human represents BHAGWAT SATTA which manifests only in human body. Human evolution takes place after all the animate and inanimate creation has taken place in cosmic creation.

   With the awakening of Mind and Pran, Vaikhari Shakti is produced and this is the seed of Pragya. All the Matrika Varnas, their Kriyas start and end in ths human body only. Kundlini, Naad, Sushumana, Chakras, Jyoti all are found in this body and in this body alone one can experience BONDAGE or LIBERATION. Practice of BRAHMCHARYA can be done only in human body. KARMA, BHAKTI and GYAN can also be attained in this alone. Waking, Dreaming and Sleepstage are found in other bodies also but Turiya and Turiyateet are found only in this human form alone. Evolution of Human body results in Divine body and it can take place through KARMA only. Gross and live entities are present in all jivas, development of I-conciusnes is not present in the lower forms. Develpoment of True Ego manifests light in the heart chakra. These rays of light then illumine each petal of the lotus bringing forth GYAN jyoti which leads to opening of DIVINE eye. This is known as SHAT CHAKRA BHEDAN (piercing of six chakras). Development of Pure/true ego is the fulfillment of human body. This happens only with ATMA SAKSHATKAAR which means coming face to face with one’s SOUL.

   The above mentioned rays in the human body are in the form of Light and Gastric fire. There are 25 or 36 tattvas in human body and earth element is the main constituent of our mortal frame.  This elelment mixes with all the other elements and the SHAKTI which causes this mixing is called CHAITANYA SAHAN SHAKTI. A yogi, with his karmas can disintegrate all the elements from the life force. This separation of physical from the LIFE force is called Vivek Kriya. The conciuosness which was bound first is set free as the gross body drops off. This is the principle of PRAKRITI. Purpose of Vivek Kriya is to give rise to VIVEK or Discrimination. In this position though the gross elements have dropped off but subtle elements are still present. Sadhak can not get subtle body till all the karmas of gross body are finished. When he leaves gross body his conciouness is transmitted to subtle body, which is ego of subtle body. He may or may not identify with it, it is his choice.

   When goes to subtle body he can see other subtle bodies moving around him. Communication can be established with them. When I-ness switches from Gross to the subtle body, then gross acts like a dead body and acts like an asna for subtle body, though it is still alive. This is real Shav asan.  For a mature Yogi, this asan is essential, otherwise he will be re-born. When in subtle body, he performs karmas in it.  SANCHIT karmas are total karmic merits and demerits stored in Karmashaya. PRARABDH karma is FATE or DESTINY. These are the karmas which are experienced in this life. Even if PRARABDH is exhausted one has to come back into this body to exhaust SANCHIT karmas.  If the karmas are performed with ATMA in focus only then one is saved. If they are worldly then one gets entangled in the web of life and death. If karmas in gross finish, it means PRARABDH has finished and one leaves gross body. Then one enters the subtle for which gross becomes an asna on which subtle karmas are performed. This is a golden opportunity for the subtle body to finish its karmas and make the ATMA reach KARAN body.

   When the both Gross and Subtle karmas finish, one enters KARAN body, which will use both gross and subtle bodies as an ASAN to finish its respective karmas. When KARMAS of subtle are not yet finished, one leaves gross body and subtle enters KARAN then one has to come back to finish his subtle karmas. IN DEATH IS HIDDEN THE PATH OF ETERNAL.When CHIT SHAKTI separates from KARAN deh, it is a great event for the soul.  Here Yogi comes face to face with an indescribable situation. He gets sakshatkaar of the Prurusha and comes to know that purusha is made up of 24 tattvas of Prakriti. If at this stage, he gets Prameshwars great kripa or Karuna, he gets established in self or KAIVALYA. So we can say that Kaivalya is sidhi of two asans, gross and subtle.  When 3rd deh, Karan deh is made an ASAN, complete burning of ego occurs. Thus, when karmas of all the bodies, Gross, Subtle and Karan are exhausted by our ego, only then understanding of 24 tattvas occur. Here, consciousness which was intermingeled with the 24 elements of Prakriti, separates from Prakriti and turns towards Prusha. NOW PRAKRITI HAS BECOME PURUSHA. Thus through Yogic karmas a yogi reaches this stage. This is the KARMA YOG in real sense.

   When all karmas have been exhausted then time comes for offering the final AHUTI or Poorn Ahuti of karmas. Here EGO is offered as final sacrifice. Though it has been offered but still fire of it remains. MAHAYOGI does not want KAIVALYA but he wants to keep his PURE EGO to discharge his MAHAKARM. Pure EGO joins with unnatural pure CONCIOUSNESS and yogi is known as MAHAPURUSH or PARAMPURUSH. Base of MAHAPURUSHA is MAHAKARAN deh. When he sits on his MAHAKARAN deh then he enters great field of VISHWAKARMA. In this state though all his karmas get exhausted but he lives only for the benefit of the whole creation. If all his karms finish while in body he is called MAHASIDH. In the laboratory of creation great experiments are being carried out, which nobody feels happening in the outer world.


   All karmas are being added to sanchit karmas. When CHIT shakti moves from gross to subtle then door of AMAR BHUMI opens. Karmas evolve step by step and it takes long time. Gross is ruled by PRARABDH. By controlling the power of Shakti one can control one’s AGE, it can either be increased or decreased.  Further, two classifications of karms have been explained w.r.t ATMA, ATMIC karm and ANATMIC karma. Whatever karmas, we perform in this gross body for upliftment of our soul till the kundlini is awakened are called ATMIC karmas. The karmas which are performed with ignorance to experience the BHOG in BHOG bodies i.e Human bodies and as a result one goes up and down are called ANATMIC karmas. Unless kundlini arises and merges with SHIVTATTVA, one is just an ANIMAL. When discrimination arises only then ignorance is cut. ATMA is part and parcel of PARMATAMA. But when it is bound in this mortal human frame it performs karma of this gross body. When Divya gyan, divine knowledge arises then SEED of jeev tattva is finished and HUMAN-NESS is removed. At the time of initiation, Guru provides a spark to the disciple, which he increases with the help of his sadhnatmak karmas and according to that his karms get burnt away. Greater this power generated by him, more the amount of Samskaras burnt by him. This body is meant for karma only. Till it is there, ignorance and karmas will never be finished completely. If they are finished, body will fall off. When Poorn Nirvikal State is achieved then ATMA is established in CHIDAKAASH and connection with the gross body is severed. Some call it KAIVALYA, while others call it VIDEH KAIVALYA. The gross body drops dead. This is the sequence of ISHT sadhana.

   Kundlini is ISHT of a sadhak. In a sidh state, there is no difference between Kundlini and ISHT because his ATMA itself acquires a state of ISHT and gets rid of the skin of maya and samskaars. Though EGO is not finished here, but ego is useful only when there is physical body. Due to inherent power difference between a sadhak and Yogi, it is seen that where Sadhaks sadhana stops Yogis sadhana starts. In a Yogi, kundlini jagran is very strong right from the start. Karms of both of them are quite different. In case of SADHAKS, desires are according to Karmas. When the seeds of desire are purified he gets established in CHIDAKAASH. YOGI’s karmas are different in the sense that instead of obstructing him in his evolution they start helping him instead by changing to ATMIC shakti. Worldly karmas can never lead one to atma gyan. It is obtained only from ATMIC karmas. If kundlini is not awake at all, even lowest karms can not be performed. 49 shaktis join in different combinations and 49 different kinds of emotions take birth and purification of impurity of BHAV depends upon this mixture. Without overcoming these bhavas, one can never ever think of reaching ones ATMA.

   An ordinary human being can not perform ATMIC karmas, so these shaktis do not develop in him. When we establish a MANTRA on a petal, then mantra gets purified and simultaneously Varna also gets purified and Yogi progresses towards atma. Even if a little impurity is there, establishment in ATMA can not happen. Though these shaktis are also not pure but without their help ATMA can not be attained when kundlini gets awakened. As it awakens, it eats up all the shaktis and rises higher up towards SAHASRAR to be one with PARAMSHIVA. As long as the body is there, complete purification of Shaktis can not take place. That’s why in SIDH state, a sadhak achieves the state of mindlessness, free of bhavas of all matrika shaktis, bodilessness etc. Yogi enters from Gross to Subtle. Sadhaks aim is to achieve VIDEH KAIVALYA. His aim is SAKAR PIND SIDHI, to be free of everything while in gross body. When a SADHAK achieves SIDH state, leaves karma and stays in NISHKAAM CHIT SWAROOP. But a yogi is never free even if he exhausts his quota of karmas as he is continuously moving towards 3rd stage of AKHAND RAJYA…………………………………………Om!  


  1. This is the Complete & Beautiful practice of Inner
    Purification and Travel Towards the Ultimate Goal
    that one has been searching for all these many years! Anyone who can do this practice is sure to find THAT 'Beyond Words' Consciousness!*
    Thank-you, Suneet, for your constant perseverance and perfection! Om Shakti Om!

  2. How many spiritual stages are there in gyanganj?
