A.Sloka 115/81 of Garud Puran.
Great stress has been laid on the knowledge aspect in our ancient scriptures. But this knowledge can be acquired only through the path of truth and following Dharma. Many ways has been explained to tread the path of Dharma depending upon an individual. Thus Ashtang yoga, Karma Yoga, bhakti Yog, Laya yog, Tantra, Shaivism, Vaishanavism etc. came in to being. Though all the paths lead to only ONE goal or state.
“Divine knowledge alone is the beauty for an ugly, this knowledge is the secret wealth, it makes a person acquire good thoughts and make him dear to all, he becomes Guru of the Gurus. It eradicates the pains and discomforts of the near and dear ones. It is param devta(divine). It is respected even in the company of kings. Hence a person without it is nothing but an ANIMAL.”
B. from Brahm Puraan
“Devtabhayah Pitribhyasch, mahayogibhaya eiv ch,
Namah swahayai swadhayai, nityamev namo namah.”
Above mantra should be chanted before and after the shradh karm 3 times each. It is called Pitr Gayatri.
C. from Brahm Puraan.
Shradh done on the first day of the moon gives WEALTH.
Shradh done on the second day of the moon CHILDREN
Shradh done on the third day of the moon gives MALE CHILDREN.
Shradh done on the fourth day of the moon neutralizes ones ENEMIES.
Shradh done on the fifth day of the moon gives WEALTH.
Shradh done on the sixth day of the moon makes one RESPECTABLE in society.
Shradh done on the seventh day of the moon gives CONTROL over the ganas.
Shradh done on the eighth day of the moon gives very SHARP MIND.
Shradh done on the ninth day of the moon gives GOOD WIFE.
Shradh done on the tenth day of the moon fulfills all DESIRES.
Shradh done on the eleventh day of the moon helps to attain KNOWLEDGE of VEDAS.
Shradh done on the twelfth day of the moon gives VICTORY.
Shradh done on the thirteenth day of the moon gives LONG LIFE, CHILDREN,HEALTH.
Shradh done on the fourteenth day of the moon gives YOUTH. It is also meant for Pitras who died of wounds from any kind of armament.
Shradh done on the NO MOON DAY provides what ever is DESIRED and even HEAVENS.
Though we have discussed a very small part here on the subject of Shradh which in itself is quite elaborate. One can refer to Brahm Puran and as well as Garud Puran for details though passing references can be seen in many of the 18 puranas.
D. Havan Agni calculations:
Generally we perform a havan at our home without thinking where fire element is located at that moment or day. It is said that fire element has to be on earth if we want to reap any benefit. Ancient Rishis have devised a mathematical formula for calculation of same which one is sharong here for the benefit of all.
(Tithi as per Indian calendar+ Day of the week+1)/4 = Remainder.
Take a Panchang and find the tithi on that particular day of month and add day of the week into it and also add ONE to it. What ever total is thus generated divide it with FOUR. Note the remainder left behind.
For example if Tithi = 4th, Day = Wednesday(Sun=1,Mon=2,Tue=3,Wed=4,Thurs=5, Fri=6, Sat=7), then calculation becomes
(4+4+1)/4= Divisible by 2 and remainder left is 1.
(4+4+1)/4= Divisible by 2 and remainder left is 1.
If the Remainder is ZERO or THREE, then Fire is on EARTH and good for Havan.
If Remainder =1, fire in SPACE or AKASH, it is worst and do not perform any havan at all.
If Remainder =2, fire in the PATAL or nether world, it is not at all beneficial, no havan should be performed.
E. Rahu Kaal
No auspicious work should be generally started in time of Rahu. Its time is fixed for every day of the week as detailed below. Hence before doing any thing important one may consult the timings.
Monday 6.30 am to 8 am
Tuesday 3 pm to 4.30 pm
Wednesday 12 noon to 1.30 pm
Thursday 1.30 pm to 3 pm
Friday 10.30 am to 12 noon
Saturday 9 am to 10.30 am
Sunday 4.30 pm to 6 pm.
Hope all will benefit from this small information….Om!
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