As per Varah Bhagwan in Varah Puran (page
243) one who smears the temple floor with cow dung the accrual of good fortunes
from this act is difficult to explain. The no of steps one walks while covering
the floor with cow dung, that many thousand of years one lives in various
divine realms and enjoys everything there. If a person does it for twelve years
continuously then he gets great wealth, food, takes birth in a great family and
is greeted by all the devtas. He goes to Kushdweep and stays there for 10,000
years. One who performs this act himself or gets it done by others, ultimately
goes to the realm of the lord Varah.
As per lord, ‘The no of steps he walks to
bring the cow dung to the temple/mandir, for that many thousand years, he lives in heavens. Then he is born
in Shalmalidweep and enjoys everything there for 12000 years and after that he
is born as a king on earth. He becomes pious and a great devotee of mine. In
next life because of his previous karmas he again does the same thing in
temples and then in the end comes to my realm.’
According to Lord Hayagriva, ‘Anyone who brings
water for such a work also resides in heavens equivalent to no. of thousand years
for every drop of it. After that he takes birth in Kraunchdweep and then on the
earth as a king.’
One who sweeps temple floor gets free of all
the wrong deeds committed and resides in heavens equalent to a thousand years
for every dust particle and then takes birth in Shakdweep. After that he takes
birth on earth in the form of a king and then later goes to Shwetdweep.
One who sings in the temples, he goes to
Indralok for a period equal to 1000 year for every letter in the sentences sung
by him. He roams around in Nandanvan and then is born as a Vaishnava on earth.
He keeps on singing for me. In the end his antahkaran gets cleansed and he goes
to the realm of lord.
C.Playing of musical instruments:
One who used Shampa and Taal for lord in
temples goes for a period of 9009 years to the realm of Kuber and lives there
comfortably. Then along with his instruments, he roams freely in the realms of
the lord.
One who dances in the temples, he is born as
a king of kings in Jambudweep. He becomes the guardian of all the dharmas and
hence on the whole earth.
One who listens to all the above in the morning right after getting up from bed, he makes ten earlier and ten upcoming lineages FREE (mukt) of this world affliction.
E.Temple Making:
One who makes temple, he resides in the
realm of lord Vishnu for a period equal to 1000 years for every atom of the all
the material used in the construction.
F. Flag:
As per Agni Puran 61st chapter,
page 124, Flag should be known as Prakriti and its dand should be taken as
Purusha. The mandir should be taken as the statue of the lord Vishnu itself.
A temple keeps the lord, that is why it is
Earth element. The space inside the temple is Ether element; whatever tej or
light that is there inside it is Fire element; what ever air that touches
inside is the Air element; what ever water is present in the stones is the
Water element and whatever sound that echoes inside is the Shabd. Solidity felt
in touching it is the Sparsh; feeling of great devotion there is the Ras;
Kalash at the top is the Head; Vedi is the two shoulders; two water paths dug
out in it are anus and upasth; what ever whitener ( Choona) smeared on its
walls is known as its Skin; Gates are its Mouth; Statue inside is its Jivatma
while Pindika is Jiva shakti. Its steadfastness is its Womb and presiding deity
is Lord Vishnu himself. It is said that lord Vishnu himself is standing in the
form of temple.
Flag should have a symbol of the lord on it
that is how the devtas won over the daityas. Its dand should be of bamboo. The
bamboo should one piece and not eaten by anything. Length of the flag should be
half the length of the bimbmaan. From 1/3 rd length of the dand one should make
Chakra. The Chakra should have 8 or 12 edges and in the middle of it should be
the form of Narsimha or Garud. Dand can also be equal to 1/3 of the height of
top, or it can be equivalent to the width of the temple, or it can be double
the length of its door height. The flag should be on North-East or North-West
side of the temple. The flag should be made out of silk and preferably with
single colour or made with various clothes. It should be embellished with small
small bells.
One who puts up a flag atop a temple he goes
to heavens and is reborn on earth in the form of a king. When the flag flaps in
the air, then all the sins get burned. Full procedure of installing a flag is
given in the scripture. Further it is seen many times the flags are plain and
the respective symbol of the presiding deity is not drawn on it. As
per the page 80 of Narad Puran, the time span till which the flag keeps flying
in the wind, till that time the sins of the flag provider gets burnt. A person
who is affected by pataks or even mahapataks, just by putting up a flag on the
temple of lord Vishnu gets free of all of them. Any religious person who bows
down even to that flag, gets free of many sins. The moment a flag mounted on
the top of the Vishnu temple starts flying within a time span of half a pal, it
burns all the sins of the offerer.
Still………..there are great many benefits of
same…..praise be to the lord…Om!
All this sounds fantastic but people should think beyond Arthavada. If only by bowing before flags and building temples one could go to heaven! Why systematic sadhana or Atmavichara is required then? Puranas say a lot of things, they need to be taken with a pinch of salt. Moreoever, mst puranas were written in stages from eighth century onwards.