Friday, January 18, 2013

Kamakhya Singers

On 23rd December one embarked on a journey to Kamakhya, Guwahati, Assam. One stayed there for three days i.e. 26th to 28th and took a train back on 29th morning. Gurudev had kindly agreed to be there with us. Right from morning till late night one savoured his company. Eight others were also there. Whole day was spent in poojans, satsang while at night also one was busy till almost 1 pm in Chakra.

The day one reached Kamakhya on way to the dharmashala where one was supposed to stay, on the steps leading up to the main mandir one caught a note of melodiusly sung song in the praise of the Mother in local language. One turned ones gaze towards that side and found four blind men sitting there, singing and playing there musical instruments. One was immediately touched by there simplicity and devotion. There and then idea came to videograph them. People were walking up and down the mandir steps and some would go to them and leave some money in front of them. Some temple priests and a baba in local nearby temple got them food from the bhandara and water bottles. Thus they were being looked after. 

Next day, when one came down the dharmshala and temple steps to receive some one coming from airport one took one's camera along. On coming up back with the guest bhakta, one requested the group to sing again and allow one to videograph, to which they readily agreed and sang their bhajan. A link to the same is being shared here for all of you to listen to them and enjoy the bliss as language is no barrier to subtle emotions.............Om!


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