Monday, January 21, 2013


Naad is eternal and there is no breaking of it. But our mind some times is not able to associate with and hence it is felt that the flow has broken.

Till mind is vikshipt, we can never attain naad. It can be achieved only when the mind becomes completely focused.  Movement from the worldly state of mind to the focused state is called naad sadhana. Naad flows in the form of a wave/tarang. It emanates from Chidakash or Kundalini only. Kundalini itself is Mahamaya in the form of Bindu in our body. When the grace of lord ( kripashakti/chitshakti of bhagwan) flows in mahamaya then because of this agitation Naad is formed. We can say that cause of Naad is striking of chitshakti in the chidakash. This is the form of exceptional grace(maha-kripa). Even if naad has established, it won’t be heard till our mind is associated with it. It is achieved with the help of perfection in certain methods or very strong desire due to which mind becomes introverted and naad is heard. After this, naad itself starts attracting our mind. By the percentage mind is attracted by naad in the same percentage focusing of the mind is achieved. Naad arises in chidakaash and it dissolves also in chidakaash. When naad is retreating it drags the mind along with it. Bindu is chidakaash. When mind reaches bindu, its capacity to run here and there (chanchlata) is removed. It becomes still and is called one pointed or focused. In this state, mind is not annihilated but it is fully aware(chaitanya) state of mind. This is called Jagrit state of mind or Pragya.

Till mind gets help of naad, it can not ever enter Bindu. Even if it is attained but still it will not be a awakened state but a state of sleep called Sushupti. To take the mind to bindu one has to follow a path and that is called NADI PATH. Innumerable rays of light are issuing from Bindu. Whichever ray our mind associates with, is his path of sadhana. From that particular path only, mind will rise slowly upwards, getting hold of the nivritidhara of SHABD to reach Bindu. Some can reach this place directly but such people are exceptionally rare. This is because Chit shakti is not moved directly by Maya but is directed by Mahamaya through maya. At that moment agitation arises in maya. Shabd ,which arises from mayakash( space of maya) is impure (ashudh). From there, dual knowledge or bhedgyan arises which is the cause of bandhan or wordly noose. From here only various desires arise. This varn mala, in the form of matrikas, creates a web and the jeeva is caught in it. To get out of this web of the world, it is essential for the jeeva to take the support of pure(vishudh) naadmaya shabd. This naadmaya shabd is called MANTRA. This mantra makes the knowledge to rise and severe the web of impure letters( ashudh varnatmak shabd jaal).

Thus, we can understand that without taking the support of chaitanya, all the efforts to annihilate mind are nothing but Tamobhawa. Naad, which is flowing outward in this cosmic creation can not be perceived with knowledge as this creation is due to ignorance. That is why the flow of creation is called the flow of ignorance. At that point, our mind is asleep and seeing dreams in the lap of sleep. But by attaching itself to this flow only, the flow of ignorance gets converted to the flow of knowledge. Then from that very place in the form of knowledge, naad starts flowing. Slowly and slowly it diminishes and touches the bindu and converts in to a soundless state (ashabd avastha). This is the rising of Chaitanya. Actually this is not soundless state but a completely focused state where due to arising of Pragya one feels in proximity to knowledge. This is also called the great sound or Mahashabd.

Till chit shakti falls in to bindu, naad can not arise. In the same way, till naad falls in to bindu one can not get chit shakti. When mind enters bindu at that very moment its agitation stops. Then mind experiences chit shakti. Chit shakti is called chit kala or kala. Kalatmak mind finds refuge in the kalateet( beyond kala) atma. The mystery of Naad, Bindu and Kala is this.

Such is the beautiful explanation given by ever remembered Gopinath Kaviraj ji………….Om!....Om!....Om!.

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