Monday, April 27, 2020

Contemplating Mendicant – YV-II-60/163

This whole world is an illusion. One who considers it as real is nothing but foolish. Seeing this all illusion he develops great attachment. As any antelope which falling in a ditch experiences great pain, in the same manner a foolish person who falls in the ditch of this creation sees many illusions and thus moves from one dream to another. Listen to the following story regarding it.

Once a contemplating mendicant established in the 8th stage of Yog, Samadhi. His mind became purified due it. He used to spend his day in Samadhi and when he will come out of it, he would again sit in asan to again achieve that state. When a long time was spent like this once when he came out the Samadhi, he thought to roam around like any ordinary person. Thinking like this he envisioned a creation as well as a form for himself as boat-man (झीवट). In that form he will drink and perform service to Brahmins. Doing like this he fell asleep. During dream he thought of body of Brahmin and acquiring that started study of Vedas and scriptures in it. When a long time passed like this, again another dream came to him, he saw himself as King of a great entourage and started roaming around established like King.

After spending some time like this he again envisioned himself as a great king under whose command was the whole Earth. He ruled all places. After some time he again saw himself in a divine female form and roamed around in the male divine company. After spending some time like this, he again saw himself as hind (मादा-हिरणी) roaming and grazing in the jungles. After that he saw himself as a creeper in the divine gardens. After spending some time like this, he again saw himself as a bumblebee and started experiencing fragrances. Then again in his dream he saw himself as a lotus. One day an elephant came there and ate it. As a foolish child breaks anything, in the same way that elephant ate the whole creeper. Then acquiring the form of elephant, he fell in a ditch and experienced great pain. After sometime, the elephant dreamed of being a bumble bee flying around among the lotuses. After sometime again he became the creeper and got trampled under the feet of an elephant. Then a Swan ate that creeper. Then that creeper in the form of a swan, roamed around great Mansarovar lake. Then that Swan with its resolve became Brahma’s Swan as wave is close to water. Then with the sermon from Brahma, the Swan realized his true self. Thus by falling in illusion, he roamed around in so many forms and on receipt of knowledge realized his self. Then he became free. Once when that Swan was flying on the mountain Sumeru, he wished to become Rudra, due to his pure resolve became one. As in the clean mirror, face is easily seen, in the same manner in pure mind, the resolve fructifies immediately. One who has the highest knowledge is called Rudra and once achieving that knowledge there is nothing else to be desired. Then the Rudra thought that due to ignorance he went through so many states. This illusion or maya is really surprising. I should go and see my earlier body. Thus Rudra got up and proceeded to his place. He saw the body of the mendicant and with his power raised it and knowledge dawned in the form of the mendicant that I alone am established in all. But he thought that Rudra has awakened him and I have many more bodies. Then both of them walked together to the body of the Jheevat which was lying like dead. Utensils for drinking liquor were lying all around. They raised the Jheevat and he stood up. He thought that they have awakened him. Then he realized that he also has many bodies, so all three of them together walked and started thinking why did they acquire so many forms. First I was a sanyasi devoted to god, then I became a liquor drinking Jheevat, then became Veda studying Brahmin, then I became a king and after that due to greater fortune became great king ruling the whole Earth. When desire arose in the mind of that king, I became a female married to a divinity. In the body of a female, her eyes are full of love so became a deer. Then became a bumble bee, then a creeper and thus acquired so many bodies because of ignorance. In this movement so eons passed. From mendicant to Rudra all the births were acquired due to desire. After so many births became Brahma’s Swan and achieved realization because of previous practice and because of that sudden company is achieved. Then they flew from there to the realm of the Ved-studying-brahmin and they saw him lying there like a dead person. They raised him and all four of them flew in to the realm of the king and found that Kings body is moving. Kings body was shining like gold and was sleeping on his bed with his queen and many maids were moving whisk over it. Then with their inner power, they made the King wake up. He observed that whole world is his extension only and he has taken so many body forms. Then Rudra, mendicant, Jheevat, Brahmin and the king moved together from there and raised all the bodies of elephant etc which were experienced. They experienced this only in all the states that they are without any kind of ignorance and self only. Though all the bodies were separate and their actions were also separate but their thoughts were same. So, whole creation cosmos has been generated from ignorance but when seen with the eye of realization everything vanishes. All those forms are called Shatrudra.

When one would see, he would experience that all forms are mine as different waves in an ocean look different but actually they are one ocean only. Like this a realized person sees the whole world as his own extension only but an ignorant person sees it as different and his many forms also as different. Thus this whole creation looks separate with ignorance but same as one self with realization. When chit vibrates it creates the world and when it becomes still, oneness dawns. So leaving aside all the attachments establish in self. Thinking itself is pain and to be relived of it alone is happiness. By the thought process the creation exists cessation of it causes it to disappear. As a sculpture imagines all the statues in a rock piece, in the same manner the cosmos is imagined in the chitt. When Chitt is annihilated then the world is nothing but our own self. Where ever one goes with chitt, one sees the five elements there and where one approached without it, one sees the self. When chit becomes outward bound, the world is experienced and when it goes inwards then only self is seen. All these objects can not appear with knowledgeable self. First one experiences oneself only then world is experienced.  

All the different bodies of King, Brahmin etc. became peaceful when they awakened Rudra. Then Rudra told them to go to their respective places and spend some time with your families and later you will join me as my close ones and later becomes Videhmukt and free. Then Rudra also disappeared. The question comes if all those bodies were experienced then how dii they and their creation became true? The answer to it is that Atma is omniscient, omnipresent, pure and is experienced. Whatever thought comes to the mind that is experienced. One whose mind is pure, his resolve happens immediately. The question comes that if ones sankalp is pure then why will one be struck in different bodies. The answer is that if chitt or resolve is pure then what ever is thought of happens. Desire only takes one up or down. When practice and yog join only then purity of the jeev takes place. If anything is lying near and one has no desire for it then it is as good as lying far off. On the other if something is far off but the desire for that is very strong then despite its distance it is nearby only. Now the question is that mendicant was only one but how did he get so many bodies? All the yogini and yogis are with pure resolve and whatever they desire they become. Thus one who has pure resolve sees oneself in many forms……..Om!.   

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