Friday, September 16, 2022

Gita Rahasya - Some incites


Srimad Bhagvad Gita, Chapter 3, Sloka 19.

तस्माद्सक्तः सततं कार्यं कर्मं समाचर,

Tasmaadsakah Satatam Kaaryam Karmam Smaachar,

असक्तो ह्यचरन् कर्मं पर्माप्नोति पूरुषः।

Asakto Hyacharan Karmam Parmaapnoti Purushah.

Word meaning:- Hence without attachment, perform your actions. Because one who performs action without attachment only achieves final salvation.

Interpretation:- A knower like this, need not perform any action but it is not for others. Since they are not having this kind of knowledge, so they must perform their actions. Try to follow the karm path without attachment, because doing like that only one’s chit gets purified, then knowledge dawns and one realizes or achieves moksha.

Spiritual Understanding:- One has to perform action but without attachment. But we all perform work with some motive. This happens because of our ego and extreme attachment to things around us. While performing action many of us thinking of the end result. We have lost many births in satisfying our senses, should we not this time, try to perform some kriyas or sadhanas to overcome our past failures to achieve the highest state of evolution..

By performing unattached action, in a short period of time, one achieves high state of kriya or action, achieving the best state of this active-state, one gains entry into param purush. The ultimate state of the kriya itself is called Parampad. Hence a human must strive to achieve this very state during this very life time.......Om!     

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