Creation of Gyan Ganj - Part III, Siddh Bhoomi Gyanganj, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by S N Khandelwal.
The realm of Mahatapa exists in Daharkash/ दहराकाश (subtlest of ether which is not destroyed even during pralaya like all the other five elements). Daharakash is the space of eternal Guru like Mahatapa (महातपा). It is located even above the Sahasrar (सहस्रार) lotus pericarp and is having 8 petals. Here the play of Mahabhav (महाभाव)takes place which is beyond mind, intellect and ego etc. The cries of pain, due to which duality arose in the oneness of Mahatapa (for showering his mercy on jeeva/जीव), love starts to descend in the lap of Mahabhav. This in turn raises the consciousness of creation in the mind of creator Mahatapa. Creation can not be experienced with mind and senses and can not be experienced in a state where there is no mind or senses involved. Because of joining of element of love, slowly Mahatattva, intellect and mind starts to take form. When the inner power of Mahatapa arises, leaving aside its oneness with Mahatapa it accepts duality, seeing its omnipresence and endless spread gets enraptured. As he directs his gaze on this inherent shakti/ power of his, Mahabhav appears. Mahabhav is that gaze of Mahatapa with which he looks at the elated state of his shakti. At the moment, his shakti alone is present as 'scene' (दृष्य) for the 'seer' (दृष्टा). The power which was once one with Mahatapa, it now becomes a subject of his own gaze. This 'state of seer' or 'witness' starts appearing as Mahabhav. Power can only be seen from outside. This is the boundless darshan of Mahatapa. Now here both sight and seer are boundless. When this happens only there Mahabhav arises. In bhav there is both contraction and expansion but in Mahabhav, there is no such thing but only one state prevails. That which is bound in that entity only changes take place but that which is boundless, complete, there differentiation does not exist.
The gaze of Mahatapa which is talked about is of Mercy. Where there is gaze mercy, gaze of equanimity can not exist. Gaze of dharma is boundless and omnipresent. In there, no mercy exists. This is unfragmented (akhand) state. From dharma point of view, a jeev is always feeling fearful. In the dharm form Ishwar there is no mercy and hence mahabhav can not establish there. The gaze of Mahatapa is just mercy and from his gaze alone, a jeev can be redeemed. With such a gaze alone one can transcend the realm of jeev and dharma. Where there is mercy rules of dharma and regulations etc are all set aside. It is said when the gaze of lord befalls a jeev all his karmas etc of past present are burned that very moment. Hence lord's gaze is filled with mercy. Gaze of Mahatapa is also mercy filled. No rules are applicable there only mercy prevails.......continued to Part
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