'Creation of Gyanganj' from Siddh Bhoomi Gyanganj, written by Pt.Gopinath ji and translated by SN Khandelwal.
Now we will discuss what is the great desire (इच्छा). When creator takes the role of 'Witness(साक्षी)', then first of all dual feeling 'I am', starts rising. This outer manifestation of 'I am", is from his internal power. When power or Shakti is totally internalized , then Mahatapa is Shiv and Shakti or power is in Oneness with him. In this state is not possible to find Shakti. But when feeling of 'I am' starts coming forth then one starts getting glimpses of the Shakti separately.
As ego arises, seer also comes and outer space of 'scene(दृष्य)' is created. Thus outer space is the due to establishment of 'I am'. Now when I-ness has arisen, it is bound to become more and more and evident. As it increase, in the same manner the shakti also stats moving. Once shakti arises and starts moving it is not possible to arrest its movement. Expansion of 'I am' is actually creation of space and this is because of power of desire. Time and space both arises due to power of desire only. In the background if desire both Shakti and Shaktimaan are established as one entity. But on rising of ego, Shakti's dance or lasya on the chest of Shaktimaan (शक्तिमान) starts. Rising of Shakti and rising of ego, both are same. Along with ego, rising of power of desire is Inevitable (अवश्यम्भावी). Rising of I-ness (अहम्), Shakti (शक्ति) and Desire (इच्छा) happen at the same time and this happens in same 'moment(क्षण)' . This moment does not pertain to any sequence and it has no vibration(कम्पन). This is eternal and complete. This basic entity of 'moment' develops subsequently into entity of 'time(काल)'. With the vibration (स्फुरण) of this very moment, the endless ocean of time is perceived.
The Space mentioned earlier is the space experienced by Mahatapa (महातपा) himself and it is as per his desire. This space is conscious and it has been generated by his austerity. This gaze of Mahatapa (महातपा) is his grace. Manifestation of his ego is, alleviation of worldwide pain. For this all pain to appear he had to generate some space. Because without that manifestation could not have taken place from unseen realm into gross scenic realm. The consciousness of Mahatapa (महातपा) from unseen, to be seen constructs a base for itself. Transforming from extremely subtle to little gross entity, gross creation is needed. Even when Lord takes form in the creation, then time, location, people around Him for His leela (लीला) are also enacted before hand.
In the same manner, apart for physical establishment of Mahatapa (महातपा) along with that a physical realm has to be created for his Grace to descend on. The space, which is thus created for the play of Mahatapa's desire, gaze of Grace etc. is known as Gyanganj(ज्ञाङ्गञ्ज). This is the physical establishment of Mahatapa's intangible realm. The gaze (दृष्टि) of Mahatapa (महातपा) which is being talked about here is not at the level of senses. It is before creation of mind and intellect etc. even. Where even mind and intellect has not even come into being what to say of senses there. Here darshan takes place with pure consciousness only. For example, in the egg of a peacock all colour are in the form of a colorless liquid but with time they manifest in the form of various colors in a peacock, in the same manner, in the pure consciousness of Mahatapa (महातपा) all the mind, intellect, senses etc. are there. With his desire, on the stage of time, all of them get projected outwardly. The gaze with which Mahatapa (महातपा) sees here is equipped with full consciousness. Since this seeing of the surrounding is not under the sense experience hence it is called real darshan. In this state there is no difference between Mahatapa (महातपा) and his seeing, both are one. Thus, this seeing in fact is seeing of one's (Mahatapa's) own self. Thus here, Mahatapa creates another entity on itself, though that what has been created or being projected is ONE with him. This is done by power of his Desire............... to be continued to Part III..................Om!
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