Initiation or Diksha(दीक्षा) - written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj, translated into Hindi by Vishvanath Mukharjee.
दीयते विमलम् ज्ञानं क्षीयते कर्मवासना, तस्मात दीक्षेति सा प्रोक्ता ज्ञानिभिः तन्त्र वेदिभिः।
(Deeyate Vimalam Gyanam Kshiyate Karmvasana, Tasmat Dikshati Sa Prokta Gyanibhih Tantra Vedibhih).
Till pure knowledge and annihilation of desire for karma does not get removed, up-till then the real meaning of 'initiation' does not dawn. The knowledge by which sins are eradicated and state of Shiv is achieved, that actually in essence is divine knowledge. Achievement of Kaivalya(कैवल्य) is not the end goal of initiation. In the absence of initiation, when the understanding of difference between atma and anatm state is perceived, Kaivalya can be achieved. But with this the yog to join of Atma with Paramatma(परमातमा) or super consciousness is not possible. One has to negate the consciousness that 'I am this" and intellectual logics, till then one cannot realize the Shiv consciousness in one's self put inside by the Guru at the time of initiation. Thus through sadhana or austerity one has to generate intellectual knowledge and then one has to transcend that too, then with the grace of Guru only jeev experiences his Shiv consciousness. When that form appears near one by Guru's grace, then only he experiences his Shiv state. Then he experiences Jeevan Mukt(जीवन मुक्त) state. After tasting the fruits of all the previous karmas, while leaving the mortal frame, the knowledge of Purusha(पुरुष) arises, only then real establishment in Shiv state is achieved. Whatever is the fruit of the piercing of all six chakras in our body, same is the fruit of 'initiation' by sad guru which opens our eye of discrimination and knowledge. In chakra piercing one has to put lot of effort but in case of initiation through a 'Sadguru', this work is accomplished easily without any effort.
Now question comes, who is Sadguru(सदगुरु). He is an entity during presence of whom all the veils of ignorance are cut asunder and truth is established in all its glory. Those who are capable in producing partial awakening are known as 'Guru'. The body with whose support, the all powerful force works is known as Guru. This is also the body of 'Acharya'. Acharya is only as instrument but actually Lord Himself is real savior. His grace distribution is of 2 kinds: 1.Sa-adhishthaan, this is for people who are under the snare of nature, maya or illusion, as they are not equipped to get grace of lord directly. 2. Nir-adhishthaan. These are jeevas who due to eye of discrimination has transcended their ignorance, generated divine knowledge, those Videh-Kaivalya (विदेह कैवल्य) atmas whose impurities have ripened, Lord himself provides grace. Thus we can say that ' Grace of the Lord itself is known as 'Initiation'.
By complete grace 'Shiv' state is achieved and by partial grace other less higher states are achieved by jeeva. The jeev who has experienced Shaktipaat (शक्तिपात) previously is fit for receiving initiation. Those who have not received this Shakti part, learned Gurus do not give initiation to them. The process of initiation is the work of Kriya-Shakti (क्रिया शक्ति). At the back of all, this is trade of Knowledge and action in the form of Chitt-Shakti (चित्त् शक्ति). In diksha five elements are used. Diksha is of two kinds,
1.Inner: This is also known as 'Vaidh-diksha (वैध दिक्षा)'. In this process Fire/ Tej(तेज), Air/ Vaayu(वायु), Space/ Akash (आकाश) and Mind/ Intellect/ Mann (मन) are used.
a. When Tej or Fire element is used for Initiation, since tej (तेज) has form and is seen through our eyes, this is called Chakshushi(चाक्षुषि) (pertaining to eyes) initiation. Here guru just focuses his gaze on the disciple. This is a very good diksha process because both eyes are divine paths. In this kala coming out of the eyes enters into the disciple.
b. When Vayu/ Air element is used, it through skin whose quality is touch, hence its known as 'Sparsh Diksha'. Here guru touches a specific part of the body of the person with his hands.
c. When Space/ Akash element is used, its natural trait is sound or Shabd, then 'Mantra diksha' is given through ears. Here he breathes the mantra into the ear of a person.
d. When initiation is given through mind its called 'Dhyan Diksha'. This is known as Vedh-diksha, here guru provides initiation to the person through dhyan only.
'Dhyan-diksha (ध्यान दीक्षा)' is most subtle, lesser than that is 'Shabd-Diksha (शब्द दीक्षा)', lesser than that is 'Sparsh-Diksha (स्पर्श दीक्षा)', lesser than that is Chakshushi-Diksha (चाक्षुषि दीक्षा). Thus we can see that Chakshushi-diksha is grossest and 'Dhyan-diksha (ध्यान दीक्षा)' subtlest. Actually all the dikshas involving different elements are gross and Chitt Shakti (चित्त शक्ति) usage in initiation real power.
2.Bahiya or Outer: This is known as Kriya Diksha (क्रिया दीक्षा) and here water and Earth element are used. In kriya diksha one uses Hom (होम) etc. outer gross procedures.
Thus we can say that all diskhas are procedure of putting Kala (कला) into the disciple by Guru. When impurity is implanted inside, that has potential to come our but Purity never leaves the physical frame. Since the fruit of impure kala tasted by the disciple, it accrues slowly slowly till it arrives at the level of pure kala. This can get veiled but will never be annihilated. Focus and knowledge are essential. If we do not have knowledge there is no use of focus. Focus increases with practice and knowledge is imparted through initiation by Guru. Thus initiation is essential for awakening of seed of knowledge. If it is not inside, Guru can not implant it from outside. Hence first guru has to provide the beej (बीज) inside, which will overcome all other lower kinds of beej/ seed in side the disciple, then disciple will perform his karma and rear that seed inside himself. Thus knowledge sprouts and develops inside the disciple. As knowledge arises, his body, his breath, his pran, his senses, his mind, his intellect, his ego become stable. Then he achieves the fruit which is Sakshatkar (सक्षात्कार) / witness/ seership. Shaktipat (शक्तिपात) is power of desire and Diksha is Kriya Shakti.
Diksha in essence is coming together of Seed-Shakti/ Power-Jyoti (ज्योति)/ Effulgence and Naad (नाद)/ inner sound. This alone is devta (देवता). Chitt (चित्त) is the mirror. Various scenes are seen here which are due to different states of our mind. Till stillness of the Chitt is not achieved, one can not get a stable scene in the Chitt. The mirror mentioned here is only Subtle body. This subtle body in-fact is the effulgence which is extracted through gross body. This light coming out of the third eye, appears in front of us. When shadow of gross falls on it then it appears as gross. Different colors and scenes keep on arising in this form but none remains stable. This non-stability is due to afflictions in our mind.
During initiation, Guru put the seed in and wraps it in to Chitt. Then a chemical reaction takes place, Chitt starts depleting and seed starts growing. Since Chitt is alive thus seed keeps growing. First a Jyoti develops, which is seen in the body of initiated. Though many mental anguishes may arise, but this light will not disappear. Slowly it becomes strong and pure. Then it takes the form of practitioners desire in the form of Beej put inside him and in the state of practitioner becoming Drashta (द्रष्टा)/ seer 'Brahmbhav (ब्रह्मभाव)' arises.......... Om!....... Shaktanand.
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