Sunday, June 30, 2024


When Kundalini is awakened and it is raised chakra by chakra upto Ajna chakra (आज्ञा चक्र), 50 varnas (वर्ण) or alphabets are completely raised and joined together, at that moment ling /लिङ्ग shareer/ शरीर (body) gets separated from the gross body and moves out. In normal state in an ordinary person, ling shareer remains inside the gross body attached to its grossness. The practice of chakras is to break this gross bonding of ling shareer with physical bod and let it get separated. It is important to take the crux of physical body out of it and afterward when it will remain inside the physical body then its attachment to it will be much less as compared to earlier state. But if its not separated then passage to 7th chakra of Sahasrar is not possible.

Ling shareer is experienced slowly through spiritual practice or sadhana, till then its just a 'scene or seen or दृष्य'. The gross covered self is the 'seer or द्रष्टा'. When the process of generation of ling shareer is completed then the ego immediately moves into it and thus one becomes the seer or drashta. Actually at that moment ling shareer also is 'seer/ द्रष्टा'. It is actually possible to divide the ling shareer into two parts, one of which becomes the 'seer or द्रष्टा' and othere becomes the 'scene or seen or दृष्य'. 

Creation is generated by nature/ प्रकृति. It takes place from 'womb or योनि'. Who enters into this yoni or womb is 'purush/पुरुष'. 

                     ling/ लिङ्ग -----> Yoni/ योनि

                            |                |

                         lingansh     Deh/ body 

                         or Jeev        |

                                           Dehi (one who resides in body)

Which ever kind of kala seeds are energised in the body, they attracts that kind of kala from outside.  When Kalas get complete they appear as an effulgence of Bindu. There are supporting factors for every thing as Desire, Anger, Devotion, Love, Knowledge or ignorance. During creation all of them are with form, but when kala completes, they manifest fully. 

from Svasamvedan, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj, translation into Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.....Om!


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