Saturday, June 29, 2024


     When invoking divinities, they have to be offered seat, washing of feet, offering water to drink and food to it. All these are to offered if not physically but at least mentally. When they are not manifested then nothing is required but when they appear then everything is needed. When they awake, then only they are felt. There are three stages during this process: 1.Awakening (manifestation of non-manifested); 2. To bring in front; 3. Communication. 

They are asleep when impurity prevails but when satva is completely purified, then their as well as our sleep disappears too. It means on attaining complete purification, there is no need to call or awaken. They are always awake, when to call them or not is dependent on our desire. 

ज्योति or light, when non-manifested, then it is inside atma. It is referred to as non-light (a-prakaash). In this state both Shiv/शिव and Shakti/ शक्ति are one. When it moves outward, it falls in Satva, it is seen and objects and forms are seen all around. When it moves from outside to inside then we cannot see it. 

Pure satva is solid, from their no light issues. Boundary outside Satva/ सत्व is Rajas/ रजस, there jyoti is felt in the form of collection of light particles (प्रकाश कण). From there, feeling or light rays (प्रकाश किरण)  gets issued whic represents tamas. Its represented by great darkness. The space between light and darkness is mixture of the two.   


To check what is there in the chitt of a person, one has to introduce a little ultimate (divine) radiance (ब्रह्मतेज) into him. This is known as 'seeing (इक्षण)'  or gaze. It creates upheaval in the chitt and sleeping vrittis (five in number, 1.Valid cognition/ प्रमाण,  2. Misconception/ विपर्य, 3. Imagination/ विक्ल्प , 4. Sleep/ निद्रा and 5. Memory/ स्मृति) or past impressions or sanskar get awakened. The essence of divine radiance is to wake up and annihilate. All this happens in progression. If this gaze is directed for a longer duration then it will wake one up, annihilate and thereby purify chitt. After this if the radiance is introduced still more than it will break up chitt too and mind will disappear (निवृत्ति). But after the removal of mind, still one veil will remain which is called Ignorance (अविद्या). On purification of chitt naturally, still it remains. When divine radiance is directed more strongly then this ignorance too is overcome but chitt also is sacrificed in it. Because chitt (चित्त) can not survive after removal of avidya but consciousness (चेतना) does

Hence we can say that falling of the gaze of radiance is for decimation of sanskar/ संस्कार. If gaze is directed in association with pure Satva then one does not have rise above the surface of the sanskar but now the gaze itself descends and sees everything. But sanskar cannot be seen easily by a person, it can be only felt when sanskar/ संस्कार converts to vritti/ वृत्ति.  

Normally three attributes (गुण) prevail, Satogun, Rajogun, Tamogun. With the effect of initiation (दिक्षा), all these three gunas are separated. Diksha or initiation takes place with the help of Rajogun (dynamic force). Which is activated on the tamogun and tamogun cannot be destroyed. 

Bindu is beyond time and space. When creation starts, a line appears from it. This happens in one dimension. With the help of this only various yantra and chakra etc. are drawn. At the base of all of them is the equilateral triangle which is known as Causal body (कारण शरीर). After this comes the Lingdeh (लिङ्ग देह) which is flat, hence two dimensional in nature. It is like  shadow on the mirror. After this comes the cube or gross which is of three dimensions. 

Yantra is called body of divinity (देवता). What we meditate on is of ling and gross form. Since divinities are from causal realm so is their bodies. Causal body merges into great causal (महाकारण). This is equilateral or square or circle. It is eternal but on contraction attains form of bindu or point. When it expands it becomes triangle etc. 


On waking up, divinities require food. If they do not get it, they go back to sleep. Food or material to sustain life is one and same thing. Jap, dhyan, poojan and devotion are all foods of divines. Like wood is food of fire, without wood it cannot exist, so we can say that what we term food is basically existential requirement. This alone is the base. That, which is without base or manifested consciousness, no poojan is done of that entity. That which sustains, require kriya. Food is tamas, action is rajas. Rajas and Tamas are connected with each other. If there is no connection between Raj and tamas, then satva cannot bear consciousness. Manifested consciousness needs food. When food finishes, consciousness becomes non-manifested or disappears orr goes to sleep. Then satva (सत्व) also does not remain satva but becomes Asatkalp (असतकल्प). 

But we want satva to establish and do not want rajas-tamas to stay. But if Satva is there and raj and tam also exist, which are essentially food for the consciousness held by satva, this is known as gross samadhi (जडसमाधि). In this state there is no knowledge. Second is knowledge of the Vrittis. Since vrittis are mentioned, they need senses to experience the subject of its desire, though knowledge (ज्ञान) is there in it but still it is not free of pains and pleasures. Hence we do not want even this state.

What do we want:

We want Satva to remain established but without Rajas and Tamas. For this we need, 1. Pure satva without any impurity; 2. Joy or compatible consciousness, this will be possible only when the flow of pure satva will be inward instead of outward. When there is no impurity, then there is no connection with any object, which means dispassion will surely be there. In such a state whatever flow that will happen, it will be of आत्मसुख (joy of self). Flow of chaitanya alone is called Anand.

What is manifested or non-manifested consciousness? Non-manifested consciousness or intelligence is known as Shiv, while manifested consciousness or dynamism is known as Shakti. Firs tin known as Bindu while the second one is represented by rekha or line. When expansion takes place, bindu develops into a line, when contraction takes place line becomes a bindu or point. Line expands and falls into pure Satva, there Satva is known as 'Sat'. If line contracts into a bindu, the pure satva also is non-manifested but stable. The flow mentioned above keeps on moving eternally from bindu to line  and line to bindu, hence we can say that there is never absence of line, thus connection with pure satva is always kept and never dissociated and consciousness is all time manifested. Hence flow from Pure satva is kept always, therefore eternal bliss or nityanand prevails. 

The flow which coming from Bindu falls into Satva, if that is not continuous then increasing joy or anand experienced from the flow of satva while returning from Bindu, keeps on increasing and merges into bindu, is known as poornanand. After merging, no anand exists. Because at the time, then due to non-existence of connection with Satva, shakti also looses its character of line or rekha, becomes non-manifested. Only Bindu is left behind, thus Shivatva (शिवत्व) prevails. At that time it is difficult to state it as bindu and it may be called a 'witness' (साक्षी). 

But due to continuous flow of Satva from Bindu (बिन्दु), nitya chakra (नित्य चक्र) will manifest, this is known as Leelaras (लीलारस). One should remember, shakti falling into Bindu may still be unmanifested, but when it falls into Astva then it appears as line or gets manifested. But state of self effulgence, manifested - consciousness or joy's pinnacle is expereinced just before mergence into Bindu. (a dying flame also brightly shines forth just before it gets extinguished). After merging of shakti in bindu, Sat-Chit-Anand, all three are in unmanifested state. This is known as poornatva or attainment of Completeness. That which is called Satva is also Bindu. That alone is Sadasiv, Consciousness and Ishavar, all three. Shiv is mahabindu. Sadashiv (सदाशिव) or Satva is known as Pretasan (प्रेतासन). When Consciousness rides pure Satva, this is called state of Shakti above Shiv or Vipreet-rati-state (विप्रीतरति). from Svasamvedan, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj, translation into Hindi by Pt. Hans Kumar Tiwari.....Om!

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