Sunday, June 09, 2024

Baba Vishudhanand and Surya Vigyan (Part-I):

  By strong self karma, natural karma can be neutralized. The significance and importance of such karma is immense. Practice of Yog is main self karma. Regular practice of same with full respect and devotion, as per the instructions of one's guru, with power provided by him purification of Chitt occurs (चित्त शोधन). Due to purification Chitt, knowledge arises. When this knowledge becomes established then Bhakti flows. When Bhakti ripens, love sprouts. When love is strongly established heart melts which is the only way to attain the Mother.

Reading of any scripture for millions of life times will not help generate knowledge. Scripture can only show a path, without traversing on it, one can not attain anything at all. It was seen that through intense kriya practice, Baba's whole body changed. For breathing, he never needed outside air. His breath will neither go out of his nose nor he will attract it inward. With the help of subtle pure internal air only his breathing process will keep performing inside. His body was extremely pure and hence his internal air will never get impure. His breath was always filled with fragrance of lotuses.

With intense kriya whole house will get filled with lotus fragrance. By purification of body, air and Chitt, fragrance of lotuses develop inside our body. It is heard that Lord Buddha and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also depicted the same attribute. When this fragrance, joined with the outer air it converted into different other fragrances like that of Roses, Khas, Champa and Yuthika etc. In case of Baba, the clothes which he would wear for 2-3 hours, they also retained than fragrance, even whole house use to be filled with that fragrance. Collecting his sweat in a bottle also exhibited same fragrance. Same fragrance use to emanate from his navel. Whole of his body at all times was so much charged that if any mosquito tried to bite, it will get killed. He ate extremely little and hardly slept during night. Mostly he will be sitting in his asan. He had many powers but he considered all of them of no value.   

Because of dharma of time, we forgot the science of Sun or Savitri-Vidya but this knowledge was the main component of Brahman’s dharma and Vaidik Sadhana. Cosmos is up to Sun, without piercing the realm of Sun, ultimate freedom cannot be attained. This was known to all the Risi’s of ancient times. Ved and Shabd Brahm is up to realm of Sun. Without transcending Shabd Brahm and piercing Sun realm truth cannot be attained. Whole the creation takes place form Sun. Due to this quality only Sun is also known by the name of ‘Savita (सविता)’. As per Acharya Shaunak, from Sun itself all the gross and subtle creation takes place in past, present and future. He alone is Prajapati and womb of Truth-untruth, eternal brahm. All divinities are its rays. Sun was there before all hence t is known as Aditya (), it is the cause of every thing hence is also called Savita (सविता). It is said Sun is associated with Rik-Ved during morning, with Sam-Ved during mid day and Yajur-Ved in the evening. Rik is considered realm of Sun while Sam and Yajur are considered its statues. Pranav or Omkaar or Udgeeth is Sun, it is Naad-brahm, since it continuously generates sound or Rav, its called ‘Ravi’. Three vedas encircle it and outside them, falls the realm of death. So divinities from the fear of death first of all took refuge of Vedas and generated their defenses by creating chandas (छन्द). Since death saw them, so they came out of Ved and entered Naad, that is why at the end of the vedas one takes refuge of the Naad (नाद). This is the state of eternity. In Chandogya upnishad it has been stated that pranav itself is Sun  and it continuously generates sound.

This Pranav-Sun has two states. In the first stage its light travels all around in the form of rays. As we move from one city to another with the help of roads of paths, in the same manner these light rays extend from this realm to that realm. One of it is realm of Sun while on the other side is Nadi chakra (नाडी चक्र). During Sushupati, a jeev enters into this Nadi chakra, at that time there is no dreaming state and peace is experienced. This is the place of tej (तेज) or effulgence. After death, taking the support of these rays or paths, one rises up with Omkaar. Mind travels with the help of Sankalp and rises up to the Sun realm. Sun is the gateway to and from Cosmos. Knowledgeable people piercing it reach truth while ignorant cannot pierce it. Around our heart there are innumerable nerves. Only one of them through a very subtle path leads to our crown, following which one pierces the realm of Sun. Following other paths one has to be limited to other realms only. Though the centre of all the bhuvna realms is Sun only, but it becomes impossible to go out of them because of incapacity to pierce Sun realm.     

While in the second stage they come together inside a Bindu, which is known as the pure state of Kaivalya in yog. So first stage is under creation while second stage is spiritual and Risi’s took shelter of it. Hence Sun itself is oldest divinity and hence is also called Pran (प्राण).  By doing dhyan of Pranav till time of death, one attains different realms. This Omkaar is Par and Apar brahm. By following one matra of it, one attains Jagati or Earth. At that time Rik leads him to human realm. There through austerities, celibacy and devotion he experiences majesty (महिमा). Due to atainement of 2nd matra, one achieves mind. This time Yaju guides him to realm of Moon and enjoys greatness (विभुति). With the help of Om-kaar, one gets connected with Sun. Then Sun removes all the impure coverings of the atma from where he is taken to Brahmlok where he gets darshan of sleeping Purusha. Thus we can say that three individual matras of Om-kaar are mortal but when they join together to provide eternity. Thus Vedas, separately on their provide different realms, Rik- realm of Earth, Yaju-Ankariksh or Sky and Sam-Swarglok or Heaven. When all the thre Vedas join together, Om-kaar is generated. By joining of the three Purushottam is attained. If all the three vedas represent Sun, then Om-kaar is also Sun, there is no doubt about it. ……to be continued to Part-II.      

Yogiraj Vishuddhanand Prasang and Tattva katha/Chap.13/14.

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