Monday, June 10, 2024

Baba Vishudhanand and Surya Vigyan (Part - II):

According to our ancient Rishi’s to enter from the pure realm into the realm of Earth and for exiting from Earthly realm to the pure realm, realm of Sun is the only gateway. Rays of the Sun are innumerable in their numbers as well as attributes. The basic colour is white only, though blue and red etc. different colors are also there. Their inter mixing also generates many shades. From white, first of all red and blue shade gets generated. The The color shade which is beyond white, when they join, first realm is generated. This is the result inner attrition. This element beyond varnas’ is chid (चिद)-form-shakti (शक्ति). When this first realm interacts with the outside realm then second level of realm is generated. In comparison, first level is purer and second level impure creation. Brahm is one and Un-fragmented. They being one exist in the form of Purush and Prakriti. This is the creation generated from self division. Lower realm creations are generated from the attrition between Purush and Prakriti and hence are called impure maithuni creation.

To understand Sun principle, we have to divide it in to four states as follows:

Avarn/अवर्ण (shadeless)

Shukl Varna/शुक्ल वर्ण (White shade)

Maulik Vichitra Varna/ मौलिक विचित्र वर्ण ( basic quaint shades)

Yogic Vichitra Varna/ योगिक विचित्र वर्ण (Quaint yogic shades).

Shukla varna mentioned above is the pure satva on which all the play of different shades takes place which is known as play of creation. As it is outside, same is inside. First as per the instruction of the guru, one has to find the vibration (स्फुरण) of the basic white shade, then one has to find different basic varnas created by combination of different yogic shades over it. For understanding the basic varna, one has to take help of the white varna. Because when we have to recognize the colour of a light, if that itself is coloured then it will be very difficult to understand the varna combination I it. It is same as we see the world through our goggles shade which is different from the original scenery. As in yog without chitt purification, tattva darshan can not be attained on the same manner iin Surya Vigyan too without varna purification, the secret of difference in varnas is not understood.  What ever in the world we see all around us, is generated by combination of different things. After analysis we are able to fid the basic varna which caused all other varnas. All varnas are to recognized by imposing them on the basic simple varna. Inside the creation basic white varna or color is nowhere. Whatever is there that is expected. First with skill one has to generate pure white colour, Stopping the play of different colors at any place immediately generates the basic white shade there. After freezing it for some time there,one has to earlier explained different shades are to be recognized. Thus understanding all different shades, one can generate control of  joining and breaking  their combinations.Certain fixed sequence is necessary to generate any specific thing, without knowing that it is not possible to create.  Thus by generating the correct sequence, one can surely generate a particular thing through this science.

Normally what people call as Varna that as per Surya Vigyan is just a shade of it. Without taking the support of pure Satva (सत्व), it is not possible to find the real varna. Creation is not done by one varna alone it is done through a combination of different varnas.  

देवधीनं जगत् सर्व, मन्त्राधीनाश्च देवताः, ते मन्त्रा ब्राह्मणाधीनाः तस्माद् ब्राह्मण देवताः।

(Devadheenam Jagat Sarva, Mantradheenashch Devatah, 

Te Mantra Brahmandheenah Tasmad Brahman Devatah.)

Whole wolrd is run by divinities. Whatever happens anywhere at the base of it is the power of divines only. They are the manifestation of the mantra. Mantra chanted by a sadhak only appears in the form of divine. As without a seed (बीज) no tree can  manifest, in the same manner without mantra, divine manifestation is impossible. Those practiotioners, who could join varnas to generate mantras, or are mantreshwar (मन्त्रेश्वर), they are controllers of the divines (देवता). Hence whole of the creation is under knower of the mantra and mantreshwar (मन्त्रेश्वर) Brahman (ब्रह्मण), there is no doubt about it.

As on the वाक/speech level Varna/वर्ण develops into Mantra (मन्त्र) in the same manner on Vachya (वाच्य) level from ‘Kala/ कला’, ‘tattva/ तत्त्व’ is generated and from tattva ‘Bhuvan/ भुवन’ is generated and thus all things are generated from it. Speeh and meaning, those who accepted varna, they also accepted ‘Kala’. Thus the have unobstructed movement in gross (स्थूल), subtle (सूक्ष्म) and causal (कारण) realms  Earlier, the Shukla (शुक्ल) pure tattva what has been described, is the ‘Bindu/ बिन्दु’ in Agam shastra.  This is called Chandra Bindu. This is Kundalini (कुण्डलिनी) or Chidakash (चिदाकाश) or Shabdmatrika (शब्दमातृका). From its vibration only, Naad (नाद) and  Varna (वर्ण) arise. A-kaar etc. Vowels (स्वर) emanate from the pure white effulgence of this Chandrabindu.( A/अ, Aa/आ etc varnas (वर्ण) are generated from the melting of Chandrabindu in sahasrar. This melting takes place when the energy sleeping in Mooladhar chakra (मूलाधार चक्र) awakens, rises up to the Sahasrar and touches Chandrabindu (चन्द्रबिन्दु) there. From this only rays spread. But its connection with the mool remains unbroken. That is why all alphabets or varnas are called Akshar (akshar), those which never die. The basic ‘A/ अ’ which is in all the varnas, is the basic varna. This A/ अ is also known as Shiv or अमाकला). Those who do not know the generation and expansion of these varnas, they do not know the other details about them. Those who do not have the ability to connect and disconnect with Varnas, how can they generate mantras.

Modern Scientific creation is not the main basic creation. For example suppose we want to generate Camphor (कर्पूर). Let us say that as per Surya Vigyan, it is made up of four rays of the same namely, Ka (क), Ma (म), Ta (त), and Ra (र) respectively. First all four can not be super imposed together and further they have to applied in the mentioned sequence only to generate Camphor. Sequence is dharma of Kaal and it cannot be altered. First one would attract Ka (क) and establish it over the pure white base. One has keep it there for some time and this is possible only when one is also in that similar frame of mind.  After that other rays are superimposed one by one to achieve the final result of Camphor. Ra being the last ray, the moment it is imposed, Camphor manifest. It is difficult to keep it for a long time, as time is fleeting. But whatever gets manifested, for it to stay some yantra (यंत्र) is essential. The other name of it in scriptures is ‘Yoni (योनि)’. Shakti of Yoni is redness of the nature.  Like all the varnas, this redness is also worldwide, but it also has its manifestation. When in the end, the last varna is getting imposed. Then due to vibrations (स्फुरण), when unmanifested form of Camphor (कर्पूर) starts manifesting at that very moment redness (लालिमा) also starts appearing. This redness alone accepts the Camphor and brings gross Camphor out of its womb. In the cosmic creation play this process of birthing keeps on moving all the time. Those who know of this science, they try to establish right over this process of creation in the nature. One is the creation process, which is not easy but second process of increasing its quantity, that is relatively easier. Because nature has everything in abundance. After getting connection with it, one can get as much as they desire. (When we multiply anything with ZERO, resultant is always ZERO. But if we multiply any positive number with another one then there is multiplicity of that quantity. In the same manner, if a disciple has an iota of goodness in them, then Mahapurushas can increase it multi-fold. Thus to multiply anything , one must have something first. When there is nothing, then Sadhak with his own great efforts, has to raise that element in himself, this is called Paurush (पौरुष). Without this effort, Kripa (कृपा) or mercy has no value.)

The basic seed is un-manifested, eternal, atma of nature. There are many such seeds and each is covered by skin or covering. Due to this covering these seeds do not develop impurity in them. Thus basic seed can not get converted into gross seed on its own. With Surya Vigyan with the help of rays of Sun it can be converted and one can generate creation out of it.  But one must have the skill to manifest the seed too. It can be generated through other sciences too. A knower of these sciences can easily tell through which science a particular object has been generated.

Talking of creation, there are three types evident, first is Para-Srishti (पराशक्ति), second is Aishvarik Srishti (ऐशवरिक सृष्टि) and third is called Brahmi (ब्राह्मी) or Scientific Srishti (सृष्टि) or creation. The creation which is generated by Surya Vigyan is third one only....Om! 

Baba Vishudhanand and Surya Vigyan - (Part - II): fromYogiraj Vishuddhanand Prasang and Tttva Katha writtn by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj ji.

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