Thursday, June 06, 2024

Dhyan (meditation) Methods:

 Dhyan methods as explained by Matsyendranath ji:


Visualize a vast ocean in front and a white lotus floating in it with innumerable petals. Visualize yourself sitting on it wearing white clothes and white ornaments. Try to experience oneness with that lotus. Meditating like this, one will get free of all kinds of diseases, attachments, fevers and even death 


One should meditate on the moon shinning inside Sahasrar lotus and visualize that all the waves of the mind are being saturated by the cool rays of the moon, then one would get free of all kinds of fevers and even death. This practice should be done at least for one year. This also gets rid of old age and diseases too. 

If this moon is meditated upon in Navel, Heart and Crown then one gets free of old age and death.

If one meditates on the downward pointing Sahasrar lotus and see it being filled with the nectar from the upward pointed lotus, and feel that one's whole body is being sprayed with the above mentioned nectar then old age and all diseases get removed.


Visualize a 16 petalled lotus, which is completely white in colour. It's each petal is imbued with the vibrations of Shiv and primordial shakti and my whole body is filled with such flow of nectarial vibrations. All these wave flows are snow like white milk currents which are irrigating the whole body. Such a dhyan will remove all kinds of diseases of old age, disease and death........Om!

from Kaul Gyan Nirnaya Introduction.

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