Monday, July 08, 2024

4/17.04.38 & Mrityu Vigyan and Karma Rahasya

Death and leaving the body are not same. In the mortal world everybody has to die. But every body has not the capacity to leave one's physical body. One who cannot enter a body on his own will, how can then one leave it at will. As ignorant people cannot fix their birth, in the same manner death is also not dependent on their wish or desire. Subtle body atma takes the form of gross physical body due to its past karmas or Prarbdh. It comprises of birth (जन्म), life span (जीवन) and fruits (भोग). Both life and death are under the power of  divinity resposnsible for controlling power of action (कर्म अधिष्ठात्री दिव्यशक्ति). Jourbey to good or bad realm after death is affected by knowledge or ignorance of the involved atma at final stage of death.Good movement is called Devyan or Shukla movement and bad one is called Krishna or Pitriyan.

For a completely realized person at the time of leaving the body, there is no desire, so he merges with the adya satta.Without yog shakti one cannot achieve death by desire. Srong Aishi shakti has effect on our prarabdh, only then death by desire (iccha mritu) takes place.

Death takes place due to four different causes:

1. life span decreased (आयु क्षय); 2. Karmas finished (कर्म क्षय); 3. life span and karmas both completed (आयु तथा कर्म दोनो का क्षय) and 4. Upchedak karm (उप्छेदक कर्म). First is his natural death after completing his full life span, secind is IF due to some main karm, one loses enrgy and then dies its karmakshaya death. When it is  due to both 1 and 2 then it comes under third category. If life span and karmas are both still not exhausted but one dies due to some  opposing force then its called Upcheda mrityu. These causes can be aby vaat, pitt, kaff from inside us and lightening, eartquakes, storms, floods, chemicals, liquids etc. 

Its also said anteh mati sa gatih (अन्ते मतिः सा गतिः). Whatever is the thought in mind at the time of death that is the cause of next birth. 

Householders who perform panch agni sadhana, who are in vanprasth or parivraj but still have not achieved ultimate knowledge, they follow devyan path. Those who live in villages or cities, perform yajnas for desire follow dhoomyaan path and come back to earth. Another realm is of insects who keeps on moving in the cycle of life and death. Generally we talk of achievement of amritava and other is victory over death and consider them to be same but second is much higher than the first. Wihtout defeating kaal or time one cannot attain victory over death. One who has digested teh poison of Kaal koot, only that is 'Mrityunjaya Mahadev'. Mahadev who has won over kaal or time and hence death.

Through dhoom yaan path one attains heavens with good deeds, one only some of his good karmas are left then he attains human birth if all the good karmas are exhausted then he goes to hell. Due to movement through hell many marks on jataks body or it can be a difficult disease even. Heavens have different levels too like 1.Bhu, 2.Bhuv, 3.Swah, 4.Mahar, 5.Janah, 6.Tapah, 7.Satyam. Mahar onwards, these realms cannot be attained without attainment of knowledge. By development of yog and  knowledge upper movement to higher realms is achieved. Movement in Devyan path is achieved with balance of Action (karm) and knowledge (gyan) both.     

Pitraloka (realm of ancestors)👽:

After death, movement of the soul takes place as per the result of karmas performed by him/ her in life here. Every human being has power of knowledge (ज्ञान शक्ति) and power of action (क्रियाशक्ति). Knowledge develops due to 'truth (सत्य)' and action force (क्रिया) or will (सङ्कल्प शक्ति) develops due to 'goodness (मङ्गल)'. Hence, a human beings subject (विषय) of knoweldge and thought is known as Truth (सत्य) and his subject (विषय) of action (क्रिया) and thought (चिन्तन) is known as auspicious (मङ्गल). 

When a person thinks, then that may not be his basic will (स्वभाव) but when he enters into action phase then it is based on his will. With the help of knowledge, he can think, understand truth and auspicious acts.

Understanding - Thought: When a person does not want to some work or activity, then one is aware of truth and auspiciousnesss (माङ्गलिक).

Will - Thought:- When a person wants to perform some work and he performs, then though is like this.

When he works with will and truth filled knowledge only then he is human. 

Will of humans, right from birth is attracted towards evil, therefore he thinks of wellbeing of his own self only and not all. As a result, if it serves him well, he feels good in seeing others in pain even. This is known as स्वार्थभाव/ self centred thinking. One has to purify or rectify this kind of thinking. With truth and knowledge only, this kind of bad leanings can be removed. 

Thus a human being can meditate on truth, its explanation and follow it. But still from his basic will (स्वभाव), at first instance, contemplation on truth does not occur. But it develops slowly in his heart, thus his contemplation of  knowledge changes in to faith. Then love develops. Hence like knowledge or understanding (ज्ञान) and  action (क्रिया), faith (विशवास) and love (प्रेम) also come together.

With good affection and truthful knowledge pursuit, heavens get developed inside his own body, because heaven is a combination of truth and good. On the other hand, if ignorance and evil join together, then hell is generated. 

When goodness of truth of knowledge does not match with the will of the the person, then he remains in realm of ancestors (पितृलोक).

One pointedness is there in both heaven (स्वर्ग😍) and hell (नरक/ न-अर्क😱 ). What ever one thinks, one acts according to that in those realms. Understanding and will 'work(सङ्कल्प)' simultaneously and are not separate. In the hell  those who 'will (सङ्कल्प)' evil, he thinks ignorantly; while in heaven he who wills(सङ्कल्प) good he thinks of truth alone.

In the middle state of realm of ancestors, ignorance is removed with the help of good intentions and truth is established which gets connected with good. Similarly with bad spirit, truth is removed and ignorance is provided.

In the present time none goes neither direct to heavens nor to hell because human nature is not pure of one kind but a mix of both. He first stays in realm of ancestors, those who have to ascend to heavens they are joined with good and truth while those, who have to fall into hell they get associated with ignorance and bad. Present times people have started assimilating some knowledge, due to which many do contemplate (चिन्तन) on truth but very few follow it in proper manner. Some follow more some less and some do the opposite. 

There are great many jeevas in realm of ancestors (पितर), as all have to go there first. Everyone is tested there. Some are transferred to either heaven or hell very quickly, some may have to wait for a week and some may have to wait for years. But none remians there for more than 30 years....Om! 🙏

from Svasamvedan and Akhand Mahayog ka path and Mrityu Vigyan written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj, translated in Hindi by Pt. Hanskumar Tiwari;;

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