Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tantrik Peeth


When Para Shakti/ पराशक्ति tries to see the creation, which is one with it, then it divides by matra joining with Shiv and converts itself into a 'Bindu/ बिन्दु'. This bindu in Tantra language is called 'Kamroop peeth/ कामरूप पीठ'. The consciousness depicted in the peeth, in the form of a jyoti, is called 'Swayambhu ling/ स्वयम्भु लिङ्ग'. This peeth is made up of 1 matra of Shiva/ शिव and 1 matra of Shakti/ शक्ति. From Shiv comes Shanta Shakti/ शान्ता शक्ति and from Shakti comes Ambika Shakti/ अम्बिका शक्ति respectively. Both join together to give rise to Paravak (परावाक).

Kamroop Peeth: 1 Matra Shivansh        +        1 Matra Shakti Ansh/ अंश (part)

                                  Shanta Shakti             +        Ambika Shakti --> Paravak    

Here light of Mahashakti is in the form of Paravak/ परावाक and from here Shabd/ शब्द creation starts. 


After above state, Shakti develops further. From Shanta Shakti, Iccha Shakti/इच्छा शक्ति (power of desire) arises and from Ambika, Vama Shakti/ वामा शक्ति arises. Iccha Shakti/इच्छा शक्ति (power of desire) and Vama Shakti/ वामा शक्ति join together and Bindu created by them is responsible for the consciousness to appear in the form another Shiv ling which is called Banling (बाण लिङ्ग). This is the state of Pashyanti Vak/ पश्यन्ति वाक. 'Pashya' means to see, thus here the thought is seen before spoken in Vaikhari. This is also represented by Jyoti Mudra, because one would see when a form manifests. This also represents the Chitrani Nadi in our Sushumana, as Chitra also means a 'scene', that also is seen and hence is to be 'Pashya' and can be expereinced only in Jyoti mudra in sadhaks chitakash. What is seen does not have any other aspect to it, as it is seen as it is, hence it is a state of oneness.

Poorngiri Peeth: Iccha Shakti        +        Vama Shakti -->    Pashyanti  --> Baan Ling -->Rik Ved

Here the creation created in the womb of Kaamroop peeth/ कामरूप पीठ is seen as eternally present creation. There is no obstruction of far and near or past and future in this state. There is no veiling in this realm, no agitation, its completely peaceful state. 


After the above state, apart from desire or iccha shakti, second level of creation from the sound/ shabd (शब्द) takes place. This is also known as Nitya (नित्य) or eternal mandal and is in the form of seed (बीज)  in the womb of the Shakti. Pashyanti represents 'A/अ' of Om, trilok (triad of creation realms)/ त्रिलोक, creation, Brahma/ ब्रह्मा respectively. 

With the effect of desire, when anything gets created that is called Creation or Srishti (सृष्टि). From here the effect of Kaal/ काल or time starts, hence its not happening in a moment but it develops in steps. In the final stage of it from Iccha shakti, Gyan Shakti/ ज्ञान शक्ति (power of knowlege) arises and from vama shakti, Jyestha/ ज्येष्ठा arises. 

Jallandhar Peeth:  Gyan(knowledge)    +       Jyeshtha --> Madhyama -->Itarling--> Yajur Ved

When Gyan and Jyeshtha mix together, another kind of consciousness arises which develops in the form of another bindu known as Jalandhar Peeth/ जालन्धर पीठ. This bindu's consciousness is represented by Itarling (इतर लिङ्ग). At the level of Shakti it is known as Madhyama Vak/ मध्यमा वाक. It represents 'U/उ" of Om, Tridevta, Vishnu/ विष्णु and Kriya/ क्रिया respectively. This is a state of establishment or sustenance. Madhyama is also represented as grosser form of speech. We can say that after thinking of speaking any thought, first we see that thought in our mind and then we create a grammatical structure of it inside before speaking, ths level of vibration inside us is known as Madhyama Vak. Madhyama is dual-non-dual. 


When sustenance gets weak, then work of annihilation force starts. Then power of knowledge converts to Kriya Shakti/ power of dynamism and Jyeshtha/ ज्येष्ठा converts to Raudri/ रौद्री Shakti. When power of action and Raudri join together, the resultant bindu is called Uddiyan peeth/ उड्डियान पीठ. The consciousenss appearing form it takes the form of Parling/ परलिङ्ग. This represent the fourth stage of speech called Vaikhari/ वैखरी. Its represented by Rudra, Trikal/ त्रिकाल.

4.Uddiyan Peeth: Kriya Shakti        +        Raudri --> Vaikhari --> Saam ved/ साम वेद

Vaikhari represents the grossest form of speech and its fully in duality. Anyone can make multiple meanings of  whatever has been spoken through words. Though Bindu carries parts of both Shiv and Shakti inside it but still bindu is predominantly called Shiv and the triangle around is the cause of creation. Knowledge of self or Aham/ अहम् is the form of Shiv. Without taking the support of Adya Shakti/ आद्या, self realization cannot exhibit. Like a person cannot see his form without going closing to a mirror, in the same manner, Shiv also cannot create without proximity of its own form  Parashakti/ पराशक्ति. Hence for the process of creation both are essentially, still for the purpose of destruction Shiv is needed and for creation Shakti is needed.     

Thus, triangle of creation is generated with central point as Para/ Kaamroop Peeth/ कामरूप पीठ, and three apexes as Pashyanti (पश्यन्ति)/ Poorngiri Peeth (पूर्णगिरि), Madhyama (मध्यमा)/ Jallandhar Peeth (जलन्धर पीठ) and Vaikhari (वैखरी)/ Uddiyan Peeth (उड्डियान पीठ) ....shaktanand.blogspot.com

from Tantrik Vaangmaya Mein Shakt Drishti, written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj, translated into Hindi by Pt. Hansmumar Tiwari.

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