Saturday, August 03, 2024

Tarak Yog (तारक योग)

Tarak Yog (तारक योग) :

Lakshaya (लक्ष्य)  or goal are of three types, Distant (दूरस्थ), Near (निक्टस्थ) and Middle (आन्तरिक). This has been explained in detail in Mandal-Brahman-Upnishad and Advayatarak Upnishad. By Atnar-lakshya (inner goal) is meant that which is not seen by inner and outer senses. In yogis, this is explained as a jyoti (ज्योति) in Sahasrar; in Vaishnavs, it is explained as seeing all beautiful Purush (पुरष) in the cave of inteleect (buddhi guha/ बुद्धिगुहा); as per Shaiv lineage, it is seen as five faced Shiv (पञ्च वक्त्र शिव) with his Shakti and in Upnishdik Dahar-Vidya (दहर विद्या) practice, it is seen as thumb sized purusha.

Humans have two eyes. Star in the left represents Moon and that in the right represents Sun. Inside here only the reflection of outer Sun and Moon is observed. As Sun and Moon are there in the outer world, in the same manner inside this our small body too, which is a miniature universe. They are seen inside our eye brow centre a little on the upper side above Ajna chakra which is know as Tarak Yog (तारक योग).

Unqualified (ayogi) gets his associated with the outer Sun and Moon to see them, while qualified (yogi) sees the inner Sun and Moon by attaching his mind with them. Without association of mind, one cannot see them. Tarak yog is of two types from form (Moort) and formless (Amoort) division view point. Stars with form are seen with the senses and stars without form are seen inisde without outer senses beyond eye brow centre. Formless tarak is also known as Amansak (अमनस्क), without mind. 

Outer goal is equipped with jyoti darshan; Middle goal gives different kind of darshan. Trigun Akash (त्रिगुण आकाश), Parakash (पराकाश), Mahakash (महाकाश), Tattvakash (तत्त्वाकाश) and Surya kash (सूर्याकाश). All are in the form of Shunya/ शून्य. For achievement of pure consciousness one has to transcend all of them too. Left side is Moon, Right side is Sun and in the middle if Agni or Fire. These three are associated with three kinds of air flows and on these three flows are dependent Ida, Pingala and Sushumana. After letting go of Ida/ इडा and Pingala/ पिङ्गला, with the help of power of desire and knowledge, one has to take support of Sushumana/ सुषुमना in where Pranic form Brahmshakti/ ब्रह्मशक्ति is flowing. All the senses are neutralized in Sushumana and they disappear. All the causes of ignorance are removed, piercing of various knots is achieved, leaving behind five kinds of akash or spaces, one is lead into Samana (समना) state. Here the whole creation perceived in the form of kundal/ ring. After this with the help of great science or Vigyan (विज्ञान) one is lead into upper realm of Unmana (उन्मना) where one achieves the tattva or attains equanimity with Paramshiv (परमशिव). Om!.

from Tantrik Vangmaya Mein Shakt Drishti, written by Pt. Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by Pt. Hanskumar Tiwari.


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