Evolution I (from 'Siddh Bhoomi' written by Gopinath Kaviraj and translated in Hindi by SN Khandelwal).
Human form is extremely rare. Without it, its not possible to attain completeness and realize god. Union of nature and purusha leads to creation. In all the 8.5 million of life forms, humans are at the top of the rung. The lowest form to the highest form, life forms evolve stepwise. In every form, the ultimate consciousness establishes in the form of Atma and lower grosser part establishes as physical body. During this process, along with not only atma or consciousness but body also evolves progressively. This evolution is called evolution from Annamaya kosh to Pranmaya kosh. Innumerable complexities arise in each Kosh. After complete development of Pranmaya kosh, development of Manomaya kosh takes place. The fruit of Pranamaya kosh development is that premonition of mind takes place but still complete development of Manomaya kosh takes place only after completing the cycle of 8.5 million life forms. The physical form in which Manomaya kosh has developed, that alone is human form. While evolving through 8.5 million life forms, different levels of Annmaya kosh and Pranmaya kosh develop. Mind is not developed in all the life forms and hence they are not open to evolution. Human form is the best example of natural sequential evolution.
Pride of human form is accepted by all religions. The physically manifested form of God is also like human form. In Brihadaranyak Upnishad, Atma is known as form of human body. The six chakras and various centers connected up to manomaya kosh are developed only in the human form. In wisdom and thinking, human form is the highest evolving entity. This power develops only in human forms. But this must also be noted that just by achieving human form does not mean that full evolution will be realized.
In the first stage, humans are better than animals in the physical form but still his nature is like animals only. Anger, greed, attachment, lust like animal traits linger in the primary stage of humans. Gradually, as they get removed, true human nature arises. In animalistic state, moral ideals do not exist in humans. Though the seed of moral ideal exists in human, but its evolution is dependent on time and spiritual practice. Hence in the primary stage, the main goal of humans should be development moral ideals in life. In Yogic scriptures, Celibacy, Non-violence, Truth like Yam and such groups laid are precursors of morally idealistic life. This is the sovereign religion. This is applicable for all kinds of people in all the religions, in the same manner. On these moral principles only, the building of dharma is standing. Buddhist scholars instruct for Sheel (morality), Samadhi and Intelligence filled life. Practice of 5-sheel and 10-sheel is considered the main support of life of spiritual practice. There is no difference in it from the point of view of variance on time and space. This is sovereign religion. Gyanganj also approves it.
This is the inner most practice of each and every caste, stage of life (four stages of life as per Sanatan dharma; Brahmcharya, Grihast, Vanprasth and Sanyas). In this very discussion, for a qualified seeker, as eulogized in Gita, there is provision of non-attached karma too. By this, apart form self welfare, welfare of society also takes place. Leaving aside the desire for fruit of action, one's binding to the karma is severed and self becomes pure. Here, the bonding between atma and gross gets lose. The ego that 'I am the doer', also gets removed. The snares by which a jeev is bound, ego is most prominent of them. One, who does not believe that all happens due to nature, gets bound by the ego ' I am the doer'. Humans are under this ego. Till this pride is severed, he will always think himself as the doer.......Om Shaktanand. (to continue in Evolution II).
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