Evolution II (from 'Siddh Bhoomi' written by Gopinath Kaviraj and translated in Hindi by SN Khandelwal).
After getting lords support, purification of chitt occurs and now he has no need of process of karma. Lord himself clears the jeev of all the sins. This is called EKAYAN marg(or path). As per Gyanganj this is known as Shad Adhwa Shuddhi (its also mentioned in Shiv Puran). Now lord takes up all the responsibility of that Jeeva. Jeev now becomes a witness to lords past-time, Now Jeev is Witness and Lord is the Doer. Now no separate responsibility onus lies on the jeeva but all his responsibility is taken up the Lord himself. This is natural spiritual life. This is known as highly evolved state of moral life. In this state, Lords power keep moving un-interrupted through the sadhak.
This is the power of grace also known as Bhagwat Shakti(power). This purifies the sadhak (spiritual seeker) and makes him as its own. All his impurities are thus removed and his pure enlightened state arises. A great transformation starts taking place in him. This not only happens in his physical body but it starts lighting up at the level of great elemental entity of his ego too. now he is not snared jeev as he earlier was. Now his body transforms in to a divine body. This is premonition of state of attainment of nectar(amrit). The power of kundalini which was covered by sleep now gets awakened and becomes fully awake.
This is the secret of Spiritual life under moral life. When spiritual life is attained, it means lords grace has been received and now one embarks on path of divine life. Now activities of nature, maya etc. stop all together and only power of awakened consciousness operates.
One should understand that progress in one's spiritual life the biggest obstruction is ego that 'I am the doer'. When this ego vanishes, kundalini arises from its stupor and starts upwards movement towards Sahasrar Chakra or7th Chakra in the crown. There, after melting the Bindu it purifies the physical and mental potentials. This conversion means awakening of primordial power. This is said be the most important triad of development of spiritual life. This way one graduates from moral life towards spiritual life. Then from spiritual life one rises in to divine life. Rising from moral to Spiritual, from Spiritual to Divine life is natural. In Moral life doer considers himself as doer, while in spiritual life one's ego gets purified and body ego gets clearly visible; as a result of it cosmic ego arises. This is pure ego. During this phase, spiritual life starts transforming in to Divine life. Transformation of Divine life is full natural development of ego.
The ego develops by steps in 8.4 million forms of life. With the development of Manomaya kosh, , by attainment of human form, one gets information of natural spiritual life. After this on transformation of it, divine life starts. The completeness of divine life is attainment of Soham(सोऽयं) or Poornoham(पूर्णाहं). After this no change is possible. This alone is known as 'Sa Kashtha Sa Paragatih' (साकाष्ठा स परागतिः). After manomaya kosh when Vigyanmaya kosh develops then development of divine life starts.
The divine life which has been discussed here is individual attainment on the worldly level. During this only a particular atma or soul develops(that which is following this path). Whole world is left bereft of this attainment. Though being of such high state but still it has no value. Many souls who have achieved this state, after knowing this are trying to follow the Akhand Mahayog path of Gyanganj. This also true that after reaching the state of divine life, the work of Akhand Mahayog is being done them is proceeding as earlier.................Om! Shaktanand.
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