Renderings from Super-Science of Sun of Gyanganj - (Part-I) - from 'Siddhbhoomi Gyanganj' written by Gopinath Kaviraj translated in Hindi by SN Khandelwal.
The people who have not the good fortune to get connected to Paramhamsa Vishudhanand ji, they will not be able to have any inkling of this science. Gopinath Kaviraj ji had first glimpse of Paramhamsa in December month of 1917. Paramhamsa was a great yogi with divine powers which he developed during his stay in Tibet for many years learning yog from his Paramhamsa Bhriguram ji. These teachings were almost unknown in India at that time. He learned another aspect of great super science there, which we may call as Vigyan(विज्ञान). Whole creation can be created with help of both Yog and Vigyan. But it is extremely difficult to understand the difference in both from outside. Those who do not know Vigyan, they understand all the thigs done by Vigyan(विज्ञान) as achieved through yog. Actually both are basically different, without having high qualification in the field on can not know the difference.
Here by the word Vigyan we mean Surya Vigyan(सूर्य विज्ञान)/ Super Science of Sun. There are other sciences also like Vayu Vigyan(वायु विज्ञान/ Science of Air, Chandra Vigyan(चन्द्र विज्ञान)/ Science of Moon, Nakshatra Vigyan (नक्षत्र विज्ञान)/ Science of Nakshatra etc. But out of all of them Surya Vigyan is main and most important. According to Paramhamsa ji, same thing produced by nature and by Surya vigyan though look outwardly same but are not same. In the same manner if a thing is made through Surya Vigyan and same is made through other sciences too, there will be differences between them. Camphor produced by nature and that produced by Sun science, or any other, from outside will look similar but when observed on subtle level then differences will be observed. Anything produced outside or in the world by nature is impure but things produced by Surya Vigyan are pure. Such things were amply demonstrated by Paramhamsa. Even life form animals could also be produced through this science.
Only Surya Vigyan is being discussed here as other sciences are not point of discussion here. Science of Sun is based on the rays of the Sun. By joining and separating different parts of various things can be generated. Ray of sun is the basic building block from any thing. Understanding of various rays of light and their combination is the secret of this super science. With the help of this, both creation and destruction can take place; if need be it can defend too. In the base of creation by Vigyan, there is process control on the things of nature. Opposite to this when creation is accomplished with the help of Yogic(योगिक) power, that is not like Vigyan(विज्ञान). In yogic creation power of desire is the main ingredient or force. Apart form this no other thing is required in it. In this, desire of the creator in itself is required. We can say that the cause and ingredient for creating anything here is nothing but Atma itself. It means here yogi is using his own self power for creation and not taking help of anything else. He generates the desired object due to the effect of power of his desire. The object of desire lying inside the atma is made to appear outside with will power is known as Yog Srishti(योगसृष्टि) or creation through yog. As par tantra this is known as play of Bindu dividing into Visarg. Yogi established in oneness creates with the help of power of desire. As per Shaktisutra, 'स्वेच्छया स्व-भित्तौ विश्वम उन्मिलयति'.
As per Shankaracharya, the scene seen in a mirror resides in the mirror itself and is not different form it, in the same manner whole cosmos is reflected in our atma only and not separate from it. A realized person sees the world as an extension of his own atma while an ignorant perceives it as different from his self, cause of this is maya or illusion. Maya through creation of space and time, present the whole creation connected with our atma as something different from it. Ishwar is the creator of Maya shakti or power of illusion. A yogi equipped with sovereignty is also like Ishwar. Thus yogis taking the support of maya, can reflect anything in the outside world. This is know as the trade of desire of a yogi. Desire or power of freedom is a form of power of illusion. Its outward projection is seen as creation or destruction of any thing by ignorance ruled world. But it is actually outward projection of power of atma alone. But this outside thought is not their in the gaze of knower(Gyani) and yogi, both.
As per Vigyan(विज्ञान) in the base of Icchashakti(इच्छा शक्ति) or desire, there is no power of action operating. In the view point of Vigyan(विज्ञान) there are two divisions, one is in the gaze of knower and yogi while other is in the understanding of ignorant and non-yogi. Yogis and knowers, do not perceive in the base of anything of the world, any entity other than atma or self and they are able to perceive it as different even after creating with their own desire. While those who think that the world is different from the self, they taking support of this dual understanding busy themselves in the activity for creation taking support of the nature's activity. Those who understand nature as indifferent from their self, the create taking help of their desire. Thus, we can say when one thinks that natural creation is different from Atma then creation is done through Vigyan(विज्ञान) and when it is perceived as extension of one's own self then creation is done through Desire(ईच्छा)......Om! (to continue in part II). Shaktanand.
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