Science of Death & Secret of Karm - Part I : 'Akhand Mahayog Path and Science of Death', written by Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by Hans Kumar Tiwari.
Jeevanmukt and Videhmukta:
If one attains the final goal of life while living in this very body and if it is not just an inkling of it, then its known as Jeevanmukt state. Videhmukti state is achieved only after leaving this body but for a fortunate one, Jeevanmukt state can be achieved by a person while living in this very body. As per the popular path of knowledge, there exist seven states. Out of these 5th, 6th and 7th are known as Jeevanmukt state. The knower of the 5th state is called Brahmvid, knower of the 6th state is known as Brahmvid Variyan and knower of the seventh state is known as Brahmvid Varishth(senior). All three of these have some differences.
During the 4th state indirect Brahm knowledge arises but with this even Jeevan mukti state can not be said to be achieved with certainty. In the state of indirect knowledge one gets sakshatkar, but till its effect does not take place on the level of intellect and physical body, Jeevan mukt state can not be achieved. For its effect to take place at the level of intellect, Chitt Shudhi(purification) is essential. while for that knowledge to appear at the gross level, Bhoot Shuddhi(Elemental purification) and Dehshudhi(Body purification) is necessary. Without these purifications, Brahm Gyan's indirect knowledge is not experienced. The direct perception which is achieved in the fourth level, that is a self proven knowledge of Brahm. Till that is realized in life, one can not attain Jeevanmukta state. For example, even if Sun is there in the sky but if its covered by clouds it is not seen, in the same manner in the Jeevanmukt state too, one should be able to experience same at mind and body level. For this purification of body and mind is essential.
As per Vedant practice, two paths are referred to, first is Upasana/ worship path and other is Vichaar/ thought path. Through worship path, Bhootshudhi/ Elemental cleansing(it is a method by which five elemental cleansing in our physical body is undertaken. It may be done through Yog or Tantra.) and Chitt Shuddhi/ cleansing(this is done at the level of thoughts and can be achieved through yog, kriya or meditation process) takes place due to which along with the arising of indirect knowledge, one moves from 4th level to 5th level and dawning of Jeevan mukt state starts. As it becomes more and more stronger, one achieves 6th and 7th state respectively. In the 5th level, world is perceived as a dream. The way an ignorant perceives the world that kind of thought disappears. But still one can deal with people. In the 6th level this becomes extremely deep. The world now is just like a feeling and knowledge becomes more sharper. In the 7th state(Turiyateet), the world existing around is not experienced at all. At the time normal dealings are extremely difficult, after this one leaves the body and merging into Brahm occurs.
5th and 6th level are called Turiya state and during it Jagrit/awaking, Swapana/ dream and Sushupti/ sleep state exist. 7th is called Turiyateet state experience of above three states is very difficult. If awakened, Dream and Sleep state exists , it can not be called Turiya. Question arises that during 4th state when due to indirect knowledge Brahm(अपरोक्ष ब्रह्मज्ञान) arises, why Jeevan mukt state is not achieved. One can say that when experience of Brahm is through indirect knowledge, Jeevan mukt state can not assured. But here real Videhmukti happens. The Videhmukti, which happens after leaving the physical body, its other name is Kaivalya. The Videhmukt state which is achieved in 4th state is due to indirect knowledge perception, but the practitioner is not able to comprehend it because presence of body consciousness. Due to grace of Sadguru, when ignorance gets removed then indirect Brahm is experienced but due to non-purification of intellect, effect of that Brahm does not percolate into intellect. Till this happens, Jeevanmukt state can not be achieved. For this Upasana/ worship, Tapasya/ austerity and Yog etc. is needed. By worshipping, intellect gets pure, due to grace of Guru, indirect knowledge dawns on it and one experiences himself as Shiv and Jeevanmukt starts form here......Om!......Shaktanand.
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