Science of Death & Secret of Karm - Part II : 'Akhand Mahayog Path and Science of Death', written by Gopinath Kaviraj and translated into Hindi by Hans Kumar Tiwari.
In the state of Jivan mukt(जीवन मुक्त) only fate/ prarabdh/ प्रारब्ध (it decides the fruits of this life. with gross body one does new actions, these are called sanchit(सञ्चित) or collected actions. Out of these at the time of death separates which are responsible for life span, all that which is to be experienced in the life, birth into a particular caste.) comes into play. Finishing these karmas with the help of yog, one attains great freedom or para-mukti(परामुक्ति), which lies beyond karmas or actions. But none should understand that just by getting free from human body, one attains great emancipation. If in the higher realm, fruit bearing action is left, then by experiencing that very fruit only one has to get rid of it. Because by finishing the fruit, of 'to be experienced karma', one will attain great peace. In the upper realm all will live like lord, it can not be claimed, because in nature some live with a sense of servitude too. Those who are bhakti oriented for them servitude and those who are knowledge oriented for them prabhu-bhav is experienced. But these differences are dependent on nature provided by guru. But some time because of non conformity to either one enters into a state of Brahm jyoti/ ब्रह्मज्योति (light of Brahm) too. All this comes in the fruits of our actions, great freedom or moksha is attained after exhaustion of all the fruits only.
As per Agam(आगम), the experience of a jivan mukt is not like this, he experiences the whole world as one's own power. This is pulsation of self or atma(आत्मा) itself. In this state, jeev experiences himself like Shiva. Whole creation is because of Shiv-Shakti and jeevan mukt person is like Shiv, hence he feels the whole creation as his own play. This is completely true. As per Agam, a freedom attained person experiences state of Shiva everywhere. Hence all his experiences through five senses are accepted as servitude of lord by atma. Shankaracharya has mentioned it as Vishyopbhog-Rachana(विश्योपभोग रचना) in his mental worship.
In the view point of a normal person, Paramukti(परामुक्ति) is establishment in attribute less Brahm but as per Agam, it is state of nishkal(नोष्कल) Paramshiv beyond triad of Kaivalya(कैवल्य). After transcending cosmic creation and Kaivalya, due to the effect of Unmani (a state beyond Ajna chakra, comes after Ardhachandra (अर्ध्चन्द्र) - Nirodhika (निरोधिका) - Naad (नाद) - Nadant (नादान्त) - Shakti (शक्ति)-Vyapini (व्यापिनि)-Samana(समना) one enters Nishkal or pure state. This alone is the state called as Paramshiv. After this Unmani power disappears which is a state of equanimity between Shiv(Purush) and Shakti(Prakriti). Here, everything pauses, power of freedom arises and fullness of Shiva and Shakti exhibits in the form of effulgence of atma or self. Thus, even in the experience of complete state of Shiv, freedom remains elusive. This is known as non fulfilment. At the same hand, with complete freedom in the state of Shakti too, experience lacks, this also indicates emptiness. Only by dual balanced state of Shiv and Shakti, a state of completeness arises.
A person who is jeevan mukt, he alone is known as Guru. He alone is the savior of element of knowledge. All the important actions are completed by Jeevan mukt-purush(मुक्तपुरुष) only. They are known as Siddha. The creation, maintenance and annihilation of the creation is affected by Siddhas. But grace and dissolution depends completely on Parmeshwar. Parmeshwar taking form of a rightful person indulges in various duties. He first appears in One form as Shiv and then in Dual form of Ishwar & Sadashiv and then in Triad of Brahma-Vishnu and Rudra.
A Jeevan mukt(मुक्त) person is beyond the feeling of himself as doer and hence he is beyond the effect of of action. As per view point of Agam(आगम), a Jeevanmukt person is endowed with all kinds of activities and hence he is a representative of the Lord. Natural Jeevan mukt persons are not with mayic body. After Jivanmukt(जीवन्मुक्त) is equipped with Vaindav deh (वैन्दव देह) or Mahamaya granted physical body, in the Paramukt(परामुक्त) state, gross, natural, mayic (मायिक) and Mahamayic (महामायिक) all kinds of forms disappear. At that moment one enters Shakti body or Chinmaya body...Om! Shaktanand.
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