Monday, May 27, 2024

Renderings from Deh & Karm - I

Attrition between Conscious and unconcious generates body. This is known through the attrition between linga and yoni. Linga is representative of Aling or Mahaling and Yoni is representative of Mahayoni. But both Mahaling and Mahayoni are One, but for the purpose of creation take two forms to assist nature in creation. They create 8400,000 levels and are thus said to create same number of bodies in nature. So for development of Ego into pure ego all these expereiments are taking place in the vast laboratory of the cosmic creation. From the vibration or spandan of primordial power, Annmaya entity got generated, from that PRanmaya entity came into being and from that Manomaya entity took form. In the same manner also different bodies also got generated.

Before the creation of human body, all work happened under directions of Nature. As written in Christian scriptures, 'God made man after his own image'. It means human body alone gives us the expereince of completness of god. Only human body has the potential to develop into that and none other bodies like animal, birds, insects etc. Ego develops in the gross body only and evolves fully in it too. With the development of mind and ego, Vaikhari Vaak (fourth or grossest level of speech) appearing in the gross body shines with light of atma. Creation and annihilation through varnas or alphabets happen only in this gross body alone. This si the seed of Pragya. The bondu from which naad and jyoti arise that exists in this physical gross body only. In this gross body is attachment and through this only freedom can be attained. Kundalini also resied in this very body and Sushumana and 6 chakras are also found in this very body. Waking, sleeping and dream states exist in animals too but Turiya and turiyateet exist only in humans. Hence the practice of Karm, Gyan and Bhakti can also be expereinced in this gross human body only. The real divine body is also a progressive development of the gross body only. When human body develops fully this alone converts to Bhagwat deh. Whatever is doneto attain this transformation is called 'Karm'. As in human bodies both conscious and unconcious elments are existing jointly same thing is true in higher bodies also but in case of lower bodies it is not so. A part of ego generates light in various petals of different chakras, When all these light bodies being reflected in different petals of various lotuses are collected together, then light of knowledge (ज्ञान ज्योति) arises (This can also be called Jyoti mudra) and divine eye (तृत्यनेत्र) opens up. Meaning of 6 chakra piercing is this alone. Success of this in human life is called self realization of Atma-sakshatkar (आत्म साक्षात्कार).   

All these light rays develop in the physical body, in the form of tej (तेज) or agni/ fire. When all of them joined together then as per Rishis, celibacy was said to be attained. Knowledgeable Yogis also called it as Electricity or Vidyut (विद्युत). Our gross body has been explained to be made of 36 or 24 or 25 or 26 elements. Ot of all earth element, the grossest is maximum for gross body generation. It is basic entity for joining of conscious and unconscious both. When a yogi performs atma karma, then due to its effect the bonding between both gets broken, i.e conscious part gets free and unconscious part gets separated.This process is called discrimination (विवेक). 

As we butter is generated from milk and curd, oil is taken out of various seeds, in the same manner, by karmic churning of gross body, satvansh which appears in the from of light is generated. Till all the satvansh is not generated from the gross body, till that time churning is necessary. Once realized then this churnig is no more needed. As this churnng ends, discrimination arises. When all the karmas of Gross body have been burnt, ego moves into subtle body. As while our ego was established in our gross body, we moved all around to complete varius karmas, in the same manner when the ego moves into subtle body then karmas will be performed by subtle body. At that time we will be able to move our subtle at will in and out of the gross. Thus the gross body will convert to a dead body and Subtle will start riding it all the time, or gross will become an asan for subtle. One would staart realizing, 'I am' in subtle now, while gross will be just felt a bit. When karmas of Subtle body will finish, then feeling of  'I am' will leave subtle and move into Causal (कारण) body. Now one will be moving in Causal body and both gross and subtle will be dead like and felt a bit only. As per above we can say that during aham in subtle, gross was an asan and during ego development in Causal both gross and subtle are asans. Thus we can say that subtle has one asan while causal has two asans

If ones karmas of gross body finishes while in it, one rises to the level of subtle body then he never takes birth in human womb. This is possible only when atma karmas are done all the time and other karmas have been exhausted.  But if not then one would keep taking birth and dying again till the required state of subtle is not achieved. If one completes ones gross karmas, prarabdh in this very body then opportunity of subtle body acquiring dead body as asan in this life are not there. Generalyy when gross separtes from subtle, death is said to take place, but if subtle sits on gross by performing atma karm then it is not death. Because such a yogi even after death of gross does not leave asan of gross and he keeps on performing karmas with his subtle. But time taken to perofrm karma in subtle is much longer thaan thoat in gross. Hence always advisable to complete one's karmas in this very gross body only. Atleast by acquiring atleas one asan in he form of gross body one would get free from the birth in womb and the effect of time and space. Thus through Death alone is the path to Salvation. If karma is not completed in this very life then complete knowledge does not dawn, only fragmented knowledge (खण्ड ज्ञान) is achieved. Om......Shaktanand. Deh & Karm - 'Gyanganj', written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj translated in to Hindi by Vishwanath Mukharjee.

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