Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Renderings from Deh & Karm - II

In state of incomplete knowledge (खण्ड ज्ञान), in what state yogi resides and discharges his karma of evolution. It is sufficient to say that Atma karm never stops, the yogi may keep ascending the higher levels. He may transcend life-death, time-space but still the atma karma is continuously performed by him, first the speed of performance of karma is fast only in mortal human frame under the spell of time or kaal, second the time speed is different in Amar-deh (अमरदेह) and it takes lot more longer to complete the same work here than in the mortal frame. So our main goal is to exhaust all the karmas of the gross and enter the stream of performance of new limitless karmas or atma karma. Till one is able to ascend to Causal body (कारण शरीर) while living in gross, this kind of possibility becomes very remote.

After completing the karmas of subtle body and transferring to Causal body (कारण शरीर), Yogi performing all his actions there, expereinces himself as That body only. He gets free of Mool prakriti and atma karma keeps on being performed. When Chit shakti leaves the causal realm too, then only realization of Purusha state is clearly understood. At that moment, yogi is able to see all the 24 elements of which purush is made of. IF at this point he does not receive the grace of the lord, then he gets established in Kaivalya. Similar state also arises in the realm of Maya. One achieves siddhi because of the two asnas. But this is still not known as Mahasiddhi. For making the causal body as asan, yogi has to keep his ego awake. Now all the actions of the three bodies has been finished, but one's ego is working equally in all the three bodies, hence of activity of the nature has been completed. Now the chitt which was attached with the 24 elements gets free, and it lights up in the form of Purusha (पुरुष) i.e. as a fruit of performance of all the karmas, one achieves self knowledge. Now Kaivalya (कैवल्य) occurs on its own and there is no place of ego in it. Becuase there is no doable work left. This is the final offering of the ego. 

Mahayogi here also dies not feel the end. Final offering of ego is done but still its Agni-nirvan (अग्निनिर्वाण) is performed. Thus inside the final annihilation, non-annihilation is alskept awake. In the same manner, on final annihilationof ego, inside it pure ego is still kept alive, beacause great work (महाकर्म)is still not completed yet. This purfied ego then joins with the pure unnatural realm of truth. Here Purusha now becomes Mahapurusha. Thus establishing himself on all the three asans, now yogi ascends on the asan of pure truth. This is state of pure ego of yogi. Ascending this asan, he engages himself in activity on cosmic level welfare.

His personal goals get finished and are not even desired at all, his only goal is welfare of whole of the creation and all jeevas. If a human can attain this state in his mortal worldly body only, then he is said to have achieved Mahasiddh Deh (महासिद्ध देह). In the cosmic laboratory, a great experiment is being enacted, of which none in the world is aware of or have desire to know that even. Separation of subtle body from the gross body is known as Death. If karma of gross has not been completed before death then one has to come back again to complete the left over karma. For completion of atma karma there is no other way but to acquire human body. If ignorant karmas are performed then one gets bhogdeh (). If one falls down from the level of human bodies it is considered to be greatest misfortune. If in this body apart from old karmas, whatever new karmas are  also generated, they keep accruing in the bank of Sanchit karmas. 

If atma karma of gross is finished then, prarabdh bhog (प्रारब्ध भोग) also finishes immediately, this is actually called death. Now ego moves out of gross and enters into subtle body and converts gross as its asan. He does not have to take birth again. Now he has to convert second subtle body also into an asan. Then he has to experience the death of subtle body too. This is essential for further evolution.

In the realm outside kaal, the karms can be performed but they are very slowly executed because of speed of time is less here as compared to mortal world. Karm (कर्म), anugrah(अनुग्रह), Sanskar/संस्कार (past), all three comprise Prarabdh (प्रारब्ध). It takes form with strong desire. Hence ones life span is fixed, so death is never untimely. But it is true also that it can be increased or decreased too. This can be due to inner storage of power or power from outside. Yogi completing his karmas of gross body, making it a shavasan for subtle body to sit on, performs atma karma in that body and thereby rises to Amal Bhoomi (अमल भूमि). To be continued to part III. Om! ...........Shaktanand.      

Deh & Karm - 'Gyanganj', written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj translated in to Hindi by Vishwanath Mukharjee.

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