Saturday, May 25, 2024

Some Insight - Yog and Tantra

Thought (विचार) is connected with Yog and Bhav (भाव) or emotion is connected with Tantra. With thought and discrimination (विवेक), Chitt vritti (चित्त वृत्ति) or desire is stopped. Through this, one enters in to thoughtless state, which may lead to Samadhi. Samadhi is the entry gate of realm of emotions or bhav. In the realm of thought, Pran shakti is the basic power while in the realm of Bhav or emotion, power of mind is the principle force. In the realm of thought, speed of time is fast, Conscious (चेतन) - mind (मन) does gross creation, while in the realm of Bhav, Unconscious-mind does the necessary work. Here the speed of time is slow.

For example lets say, one wants to make a house for oneself. In the realm of conscious mind, one would have to think of the house, design, draw plans on paper, then arrange land, buy raw material and with the help of labour errect as per the drawings. This all will take time.


In the case of emotional (भाव) realm, one would just think of the house and it will be made. A human soul or atma, goes through three states namely, Jagrit (जागृत ) - awakened, Swapn (स्वप्न) - dream and Sushupt (सुषुप्त) -Sleep. During Jagrit state oe needs gross body to act; while in swapna state one needs subtle body and in sleep state one needs mental or manomaya body to act. Human atma travels through the journey of life through these three bodies and hence it is called Kaal chakra (काल चक्र) or Bhav chakra (भाव चक्र). 

Body - which is continuously getting old, Deh (देह) which is burnt, Tan (तन) which is tanu or small, Kaya which comes under the control of Kaal or time and Ghat (pitcher) which will ultimately break. No body can easily expalin this pran powered body easily.

As per Hatha yoga, 'Shariramadyam Khalu Dharm Sadhanam (शरीरम् आद्यम् खलु धर्म साधनम।)'. To achieve dharma in life, the only effective tool available is this physical or gross body. It is one with the nature. It never lies, it has its own language. Tantra practitioners have great awareness towards it. Whatever the body expresses its need through its own langugage fulfilling of the that requirement is foremost essential. Mind is closely sticking to this body frame. As these two come closer and closer, ailments of the mind get reflected in the physical body. Physical body is developed by nature and mind is developed by Sanskriti or culture. Hence let the body rule the mind. Where there is body, there is life; where there is life, there alone one can think of highest state of conciousness. This is known as divine state.

Bones form almost 1/5 th of the total weight of ones body. Brain weights 1-5 kgs, Skin is about 1/5th of an inch thick and contains 'Melanin'. It saves body from heat, more its presence in the skin darker will be the colour of the skin. As outsode temperature rises, it sends a signal to the hypothalamus gland about it, which in turn informs the sweat glands and blood vessels in the skin to increase its functioning. As our temperature falls, it reverts to normal functioning again. Spine is filled up with CSF, cerebro spinal fluid, also known as intelligent liquid. It moves from base of the spine up to the brain and anatomically covered by three layers of Dura mater, archnoid mater and  pia mater. We have similar connotation in yog of three nerves represented by Ida, Pingla and Sushumana. Medula oblongata has a nerve bunch inside it one end of which is connected to Crown of the head or Brahm randhra while othere is connected to the mooladhar through Ida, Pingla and Sushumana. It controls, heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, circadian rhythms, sneezing, vomiting etc.

There are 9 subtle centres in the body also called Navdurga, which include 6 Chakras and Sahasrar, Som Chakra and Piyush Chakra. Som chakra is connected with subtle body and is reflected through human eyes; while Piyush chakra generates 3 drops of nectar in the brahm muhurt, first one falls on tongue which generates saliva, second falls on heart which generates pulse and third falls in stomach from where Vaikhari speech arises. Before arrival of death it stops functioning. 

Spine is connected from mooladhar through vertebral column to Medulla and pons etc and goes to the mid brain area. It is further connected with different parts of brain and Brahmrandhra or crown centre. All these are connected through nerve fibres for passage of motor reactions. They convey nerve force in three ways; 1. Force, 2. Power, 3. Energy. The 9 centres referred above are connected to these three points. Each point is connected to 3-3 subtle centres. The moment these nerve forces stop functioning in the body connection of knowledge with action is broken. 

Sadhu (Monk) Tishthe (sits) Nabhi mein (inside navel), Uru (Thighs) Tishthe (sits) Arihant,

(साधु तिष्ठे नाभि में, उरु तिष्ठे अरिहन्त,)

Deh(body) Teerth ke Sheesh(head) par, Tishthe (sits) Shree Bhagwant.   

(देह तीर्थ के शीश पर, तिष्ठे श्री भगवन्त।)

Monk/ Sadhak/ practitioner sits in navel (manipur chakra), Arihant lives in his heart (Anahat Chakra) but at the top of the body or inside one's head (Sahasrar chakra) lives the Lord. As per Jains Arihants are omniscient beings also called Kevalins (two types, 1.Tirthankars and 2.Samanya Kevali) who possess Kevala jnana i.e. pure infite knoledge. At the end of their life cycle they attain moksha destroying all of their karmas. Arihants do have physical bodies. Om!..........................Shaktanand.


  1. आपल पोस्ट ने साधने च्या प्रवासात फार अचूक मार्गदर्शन होतें

    1. Thanks.ji. Om

    2. Thanks ji, That is what one always try to do.....Om!
