Friday, May 24, 2024

Siddhas and Sidhh Bhoomi (Adepts and their lands)-Part II

 As various realms in our knowledge are existing in the cosmic ego of the cosmic womb/ Hiranya garbh (हिरण्यगर्भ) in the same manner in the minds of Siddh yogis, there own levels of siddh areas exist. Those who are equipped that kind of mental frame only they can see those realms and not everyone. As the cosmic creation seems true to us inwardly and outwardly, in the same manner the realms created by Siddhas or adepts are seen by those who have been touched by those adepts. All such realmsa are called Siddh Bhoomi's (lands of adepts). Its extremely difficult to find their geographical location if we look for them not only on this earth but even whole cosmos. 

The formation of siddh realm depends upon the purity of desire of the siddha for creaton of such a land. If the desire is personal then the area of creation will be limited but on the other if the desire is on cosmic level then this spread will be much wider. But there are still wider spheres existing inface of these wide realms. Each has a centre too. In these areas, the most widely spread realm is the highest level of Siddha realm. Though these realms are not counted in the Fragmented spaces but still they are not beyond the effect of Mahakaal (great time entity). 

These realms are created (सृजन), annihilated (संहार) and in their mid is sustenance (स्थिति) too. Here in such realms the gross transition is not felt but subtle transition always exits. In such realms, physical bodies are beyond states of child, youth, old age etc. Atmas which live there, they have such bodies which remain there in one state for 100,000's of years. No deformity exits in them. All the great men who achieve these levels, they alone are the creator of such spaces. Those who do not have such attchment of ownership, for them its same as living there or not, in a way they live beyond it. Those disciples whose karmas are left, they need such places but those whose karmas are finished they do not need such relams. Ancient Budhists knew tis and that is why Mahayaan came out as greater path thatn Hinyaan. 

In the rulesof the creator, such spaces are existing everywhere in His creation because without it, it would not have been possible to propell someone, without the suppport of such spaces, on path of karma towards completeness. At some places they are referred to as divine spaces too. They exist both i the realm of Maya and Mahamaya. The gaze of siddhas who develop such realms is both inward as well as outward. Inside us what is the place of Agya chakra, same is the place of siddh bhoomi in cosmic creation. As Agya chakra comprises of two petals and a centre and is connected actively in the both upward (Sahasrar) and lower (worldly) direction. As Sandhya is the middle position of sunrise and sun set, similarly, one should known the postion of Agya chakra between Sahasrar and 6-chakras. In the same way in the Smashati world, Siddh bhoomi on one side is connected to the incomplete mayic world and on the other side to completeness. 

There is no doubt that Siddh bhoomi is in the concentrated point of chitt but it is not the ultimate goal of any sahdak or yogi because one pointedness or focus is not the ultimate developement of the chitt. By focussing of the chitt, mind surely enters into realm of yog, but to achieve complete frutit of yog one has to transcend the knowledge generated through focussing. Knowledge discharges its function by decimating ignorance. When on annihilation of ignorance, truth starts shining thus achieving victory, knowledge also disappears. This state of effulgence beyond knowledge is real symptom of Yog. One can expreince the truth in the form of self effulgence in the siddh bhoomi. 

But this is not the ultimate goal of spiritual life. Ultimate goal is to achieve establishment in self. This state is beyond time-space and even mahakaal. It is true that in the realm of knowledge, one gets the expereince of self, but to experinece as truth one has to go beyond both knowledge and ignorance. In its absence one can not enter into the lap of the Mother. In the state of self experience, Chitt does no get totally inactive but remains. In such a stae atma takes the form of Paramshiv and its power takes the form of Parashakti. This is known as boundless experience(swatantramaya bodh) or experiential boundlessness.

Siddh realms created by Siddhas are busy performing their duties in the wider creation of the lord. It is quite famous that Dattatreya, Agastya, Vashishth, Vishvamitra etc. siddhas are spreading the super-knowledge (विज्ञान) through establishment of their own siddha realms. Purpose of each of that realm is to somehow take the jeev out of the control of Kaal realm and make him happy and peaceful for a long duration of time. But still it is not ultimate development of Sanatam dharma. Realm of karma can eists only in the realm of time. Hence one sees many levels in Siddha bhoomis too. By accepting the seed of Karm and with the help of past accrued karmas, after leaving the mortal frame in the mortal world, entering in to the realm of Siddhas, the path of complete development of the karma performed in the moratal world opens up. Though this is absolutely correct that the turning of karmas in the mortal world occurs at much faster rate as compred to its conversion rate in Siddh realm which is very slow....................Om! Shaktanand.  

Siddhas Sidhh Bhoomi (Adepts and their realms): Renderings from 'Gyan Ganj', written by Pt.Gopinath Kaviraj ji and translated into Hindi by Vishwanath Mukherji.


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